Shadow flew as fast as he could to the river and
plunged in. He rinsed himself thoroughly and scrubbed off all the remaining
muck. As he did so he had a terrible realisation. The dragonets had mentioned
that Quake would have the only key to the door. It wouldn’t matter how long
Shadow put him to sleep if the dragonets couldn’t get out!
In a panic Shadow quickly raced over to check on Quake
who was still deeply asleep. Shadow knew that it might reveal his presence to
the guardians if he opened the door, but he had to take the key from around
Quake’s neck and use it to open the door.
The key was on a leather loop around Quake’s neck. Shadow
nervously tapped Quake’s scales and backed away. No reaction. Then Shadow
lifted Quake’s head, which was surprisingly heavy, and held it up with one hand
as he reached for the key with the other. He had just wrapped his claw around
the necklace holding the key when Quake’s head slipped from his grasp. Quake’s
head thudded to the ground with a heavy thump. The sound felt as loud as a
cannon shot to Shadow as he leapt back. A shiver of fear traveling from the
base of his neck all the way to his tail.
Quake continued sleeping and had even started snoring
a bit. Shadow breathed out a sigh of relief. This time he first slid the key up
Quake’s neck to just below his head, then lifted slightly, worked it around his
horns and slid it off his nose. Finally, he let Quake’s head down gently and
slowly backed away. Again, Shadow breathed another sigh of relief. He had the
key. Now he could go free the dragonets!
Shadow quickly flew over to the cave entrance and
found the door hidden among the vines and moss. He inserted the key and paused.
Up until this point he had never really considered if he could actually meet
the dragonets. He’d always assumed it would never happen since he couldn’t
reveal he was there, but now he was giving away the fact that he was here simply
by opening the door. If he turned this key he would have to spend the rest of
his days watching his tail until Jarid returned. He might even have to leave Denbark
forest altogether.
Shadow took a deep breath. He’d already come this far
for the dragonet’s freedom, and he wasn’t about to back out now. With all his
determination he gave the key a firm turn clockwise, knowing that this was the
moment his life would change forever… and nothing happened.
Confused Shadow turned the key the other way and it
easily turned with a clack. Shadow put a talon up to his face and shook his
head. Of course, it would be the other way! With a sigh he swung the door open
the moment now ruined.
Whatever. I’ll have my cool moment later.
He thought as he turned to walk away. Then he paused, looking back at the dark
hole in the ground leading to the dragonet’s home. He’d already come this far,
what was the harm in taking a peek?
Lured by curiosity and excitement at seeing the place
he had only caught vague glimpses of in the dragonet’s minds, he came up to the
entrance. Then, trembling with excitement and nervousness, Shadow took a deep
breath and descended into the cave. Inside the door was a natural tunnel that
had been smoothed out with stairs carved into the floor leading steeply down. Shadow
closed the door behind him and immediately heard voices from down the tunnel.
“Quake! Get down here! The dragonets are attacking
me!” A female voice shouted. Shadow assumed that must be Shear. There were
torches on the walls of the cave that gave off just enough light to see clearly.
Shadow walked slowly and carefully down the stairs.
In the silence after Shear’s call, his footsteps on
the stone seemed to echo around the whole cave. He reached the base of the
stairs and saw what looked like a larger tunnel curving off to his right and a
cave that opened to his left. In that cave was a group of dragons all frozen in
place staring at the stairs as they waited for who they thought was Quake to descend.
He saw a large sleek grey dragon surrounded by five smaller dragons. Shadow
could hear all the dragonets thoughts and they all were thinking the same
Quake is back already! We’ve lost! Our
only chance at freedom is gone! Their thoughts came at
him loud and clear but quickly quieted as he stepped into the cave. Their faces
were frozen in fear but quickly turned to confusion as he stepped into the
flickering light of the torches. Shear looked horrified.
Somebody found us! They’re going to take
the dragonets! She thought as she leapt over the
dragonet’s heads to place herself between them.
“Who are you?! What do you…” She trailed off as she
realised she was talking to a dragonet. Then her mind reeled as she also
noticed what kind of dragonet she was talking to. “Wait, are you a…”
“A Night Wing.” Hailstorm gasped in awe. The other
dragonets quickly realised this fact as well and their minds exploded with so
many thoughts it gave Shadow a headache.
“Yes, I am a Night wing. My name is Shadow and I’m
here to rescue you,” Shadow said, clutching his head and trying to sound as
heroic as possible.
“Rescue us?” Tempest, Gale and Aurora said all at
once. Shadow nodded.
“Yes, I…”
“You were the one sending us those messages!”
Hailstorm said as he realised it.
“But you’re just a dragonet.” Tempest said in
confusion. Her comment hurt a lot more than Shadow had expected. He knew that
they thought he was an adult dragon in the wings of protection, but it still
stung to be referred to as, ‘just a dragonet’.
“What do you mean you’re here to rescue us?” Boulder
asked. Shadow smiled. Even as everyone was reeling in confusion, trust Boulder
to be the one to ask the important question.
“I’m here to hep you get out of this cave, which means
helping you stop Shear.” Shadow explained turning to Shear and crouching down.
Shear held up a talon as she was still very confused.
“Wait, wait, wait. How did you get in here? Where’s
Quake? Are you the prophecy dragonet of the Night Wings? How do you know the
dragonets? And most of all, why are you all attacking me?!” Shear roared in
utter confusion.
“Well, your first two questions are easy.” Shadow said
holding up the key. “I put Quake to sleep and stole his key to help the
dragonets escape.” Everyone stood stunned for a moment. They couldn’t believe
that a single dragonet had taken down Quake. Shadow loved the looks of shock on
their faces but quickly continued before they started talking again.
“The dragonets deserve to see the world and from what
I’ve heard, you guardians have been treating them horribly. Beating them and insulting
them when they should have been comforted and loved. You took them from their
parents and didn’t even have the decency to give them that?! They deserve to be
free and I’m going to help them escape from here,” Shadow finished determinedly.
The dragonets were still in shock as they listened to Shadow explain why he had
come, but Shear merely hung her head and nodded in agreement at his assessment
of their situation.
“Yes, it’s true we haven’t been the parents these
dragonets needed. I couldn’t even stop Surge from harming them. But I still
want to protect them.” Shear said somberly.
“Then let us go. We need to be a part of the world
we’re trying to save someday. Please Shear,” Aurora mewed pleadingly.
Shear sighed.
“You’re right. But before you go will you at least
listen to some information I have? If you’re going to leave please let me give
some advice before you go.” She asked hopefully.
“Of course.” Boulder nodded.
“Thank you,” Shear said with a slight smile.
“Wait, I only put Quake to sleep. He could wake up any
minute!” Shadow said worriedly.
“Don’t worry. I’ve promised to let you go,” Shear assured
them. “If Quake tries to stop you I’ll hold him down while you escape. It is about
time you dragonets carved your own path in the world.”
“What about the Flame Wing dragonet that was coming
here. Will you help him find us too?” Aurora asked. Shear smiled kindly at her.
“Don’t worry Aurora. It’s your destiny to find each
other so I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m sure you’ll meet him or her soon
enough. And while they’re here I’ll do my best to keep Surge and Quake from
treating them too badly,” She said before sitting down and gesturing for the
others to join her.
“Now, gather around dragonets. I’m about to tell you
everything you need to know for your journey… including everything we guardians
have kept from you about your parents.”
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