Good morning/afternoon/evening.
To begin, I love the message behind your poem. You put it so simply, with no extra frilly words. Such a powerful message was put so simply, and yet so beautifuly. I loved how you show the almost hypocrisy behind people’s reactions. Everybody always claims that they would have done it this way, or that way, but in reality, they couldn’t have done anything better.
I think my favorite line wat the last stanza:
Life is ugly from the eyes of one not seeing it from the grave and death is only blissful from the eyes of one seeing it outside the grave.
Such a beautiful way to put it. I know you labeled your poem humors, but to me, it was more thoughtful. Of course, there are elements of humor throughout the whole poem that I love as well. I don’t really have anything to critique, so I’ll end my review here. I hope to see more of your work around soon. Stay safe and keep writing!
Points: 1763
Reviews: 60