
Young Writers Society

Squills 4/24/2017 - 4/30/2017

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:49 pm
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Welcome to Squills, the official news bulletin of the Young Writers Society!

What will you find here? Tons of interesting news about YWS, including but not limited to: articles about writing, art, and the world of humanities; interviews with YWS members; shameless plugs; link round-ups; and opinionated columns.

And where will all of this come from? Take a look at our fantastic creative staff!


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Of course, our content can’t come only from our staff. We also depend on you to help keep Squills successful. You’re all a part of a writing community, after all. If you’re interested in submitting to Squills, pop on over to the Reader’s Corner to find out how you can get involved by contributing an article or participating in other Squills activities. You can also subscribe to the Squills Fan Club , or PM SquillsBot to receive a notification each time a new issue is published!

Well, that’s all I have for now. So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy!

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:55 pm
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written by Nikayla < PM: >

We're on the end stretch of NaPo and poets are beginning to ease out of the season, more completing their initial thirty poems and staking a checkpoint into the ground. Nonetheless, just because we're in the last week of April doesn't mean the poeting should, or will, stop! It's been a journey for many, this month, but it isn't quite over yet. There are still seven days left to defeat and conquer.

In April Madness, we're down to the final four contestants facing off against each other for the winning spot. In one round, we have @Lumi and @Audy matched up, and in another, @Willard and @PrincessInk fight for a spot in the finals. May we wish these four poets good luck in their endeavours to win this year's April Madness, and congratulate all those who participated in the tournament, being quite the brave feat.

As well as the news, I was lucky to snag an interview with the lovely @Aley! Here's how it went below.

Squills: Hi there, Aley! Is it okay if I get an interview from you for NaPo?

Aley: Yes! I would be happy to help you finish your Squills article.

S: Awesome! How has NaPo been going for you thus far?

A: It's been okay. I have done plenty of poems for the date, but I'm falling behind on my personal goals.

S: Personal goals? Do you mind sharing them?

A: I want to write a structured poem for each letter of the alphabet! I also want to finish Poet's Universe to get the relic badge, and do lots more comments to get the comment badge, and then finish up with the prompt badge. Basically I am badge hunting.

S: Badge hunting sounds like fun! Do you think you'll be able to get all five badges available?

A: I hope so, but I'm quickly running low on time.

S: :/ Yikes. I believe in you, though! I have one last question for you: What do you think is the most important thing you learned over this NaPo?

A: Nikayla is better at this than me. >3

S: I think Nikayla would say that you're wrong.

A: Maybe.

S: I think she definitely would say that.

A: XD Now we're just getting in a bickering war.

S: I suppose I'll end it here, then! Thanks so much for your time.

A:You're welcome! See you around.

And there you have it, folks! Once again, I thank Aley for the interview, because it definitely gave a lot of insight into the mind of a NaPo participant. Best of luck to the rest of you in becoming more in tune with your poetic muses!

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:58 pm
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written by Lumi < PM: >

Because of budget cuts, we couldn't license the real song, so...

Here comes Robby Gardenpail
Skipping down the carrot trail
bouncity-bouncity, Easter's technically over!

Folks, it's time to talk about everyone's favorite pastel holiday. The time when pet stores want (and need) to temporarily stop selling bunny rabbits and eggs suddenly fill your yard. And, if you do it like we do it, a little aroma of vinegar permeates your grandmother's house for days on end. Why? Because the Easter Bunny has stopped laying his own eggs, and instead relies on us old folk to manufacture them. But are we complaining when we see the chocolatey grins on our nieces', nephews', sons' and daughters' faces? Not one bit! I'll tell you why, which is a lesson our grandmas learned around our age:

Seeing those proud smiles when a kid finds a tie dye egg in the yard is worth smelling all the vinegar you can find.

And, to me, YWSers, that's what Easter is about. I'm well aware that it is the celebration of life conquering death, but I offer this in loving query: as writers, can we see without unease that same celebration in our hatchlings enjoying the sun, enjoying confections, and enjoying time with their loved ones?

That, I believe, is what the Easter Bunny had in mind when he retired. But what are your thoughts? Join the conversation on your wall with #easterbunnyexpose and let us know what your Easter is all about!

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:00 pm
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written by EternalRain < PM: >

To start the week off, @Remembrance got a new necklace that says “I live by the sun and love by the moon”.

A new tag that has sprouted up is #fivelovelanguages , in which you take the Five Love Languages test and see which “language” you value the most. @primadonna’s results were tied with ‘quality time’ and ‘physical touch’.

@fortis’s finals are starting! Their first final was their creative writing one, which was basically just a bunch of big projects.

Another popular tag is #jumptheleaderboards , where you aim to jump ahead of someone in the all time review leaderboards. @ Nikayla wants to get to spot 61 by the end of the week.

@Steggy has is posting with their own tag: #funfactoftheday . One of them was:

A manned rocket reaches the moon in less time than it once took stagecoaches to travel the length of England.

@Love bought a new phone with a ton of battery, and can last for a long time without charging!

In the TV show area, @KaraStevens has just finished episode 4 of Stranger Things, and @Frinderman has created a new tag #tearjerker , where you list your movies/TV shows that make you cry. One anime on their list was Angel Beats.

@niteowl has a job interview on Monday, and @occymay got a their job. @ScarlettFire had a job interview for a lingerie store.

In other news, @RoseandThorn’s dress for her sister’s wedding has arrived, @Sheyren has decided that if @freakforchrist ever returns to YWS, the site would probably shut down, and @Sunshine1113 got inspired to write about superheroes from going to a thrift shop.

And that’s it for this week! Stay tuned!

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:02 pm
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written by OreosAreLife < PM: >

Poem, Shorts, and Storybooks that's what's happening!
I'm gonna let y'all in on a little secret.... There are great poems, shorts, and storybooks out there by some pretty great writers. And here you shall find just a few! So go ahead and read and after you finish you'll want to go check them out.

Romance by @KaraStevens
This is an amazing poem just full of emotion. It takes you on a rollercoaster ride of feelings throughout the poem. It flows great and will keep you entranced to the end. Also it is relatable. Can you relate to this, maybe. Go ahead and take a look at this wonderful poem. The writer did a magnificent job at writing it, and I bet you'll like it to. Don't forget to like it and leave comments and review for the author.

I feel like flying,

I feel abused,

A quick word from KaraStevens:

I recently figured out that I'm bi. I wrote "Romance?" about the girl I have a crush on. In truth, I wrote it to get rid of my crush high (but it didn't work D:). Instead, the poem's only made it worse XP.

The Whispering Pine by @midnightdreary-
This poem has such amazing detail and imagination to it it feels like you are actually there with the writer. The writer make the words your reading flow so smoothly together you are surprised when the poem ends. Also it makes you feels a calm emotion that you might not feel often. It transports you to a whole other world. And don't forget to like and comment and review after you read it.

The wind rushes to the trees

The branches speak in hushed tones

28 Years by @DarkPandemonium -
This short keeps you on your toes. It's amazing! The writer does a great job with describing the scene and the story without giving it all away in one go. You really get a feel for how the main character feels and thinks throughout the short story. Go check it and and review and or comment. Also don't forget to like it!

She started dreaming about the sky peeling back like the wallpaper in her old bedroom, revealing blackness behind.

Step, step, wait. Her feet hit metal. The hum of machinery fills her ears.

Here is a quick word from DarkPandemonium:

I wrote 28 Years as a prequel to a different short story (not posted on YWS) about two refugees watching their home planet, Earth, destroyed from the safety of a new world. The idea for 28 Years grew from imagining the histories of the two characters and what they might have left behind when they departed from Earth. Kenzie's narrative, having got pregnant just months before she was due to leave Earth, seemed to most poignant way to explore the theme of dilemmas and loss that I was interested in, so I just ran with that.

Foster by @WrittenEdge- - This short was amazingly funny and keeps the reader interested throughout the whole thing. The details are so good you can actually picture yourself there with the characters. The writer does a great job of keeping it suspenseful so you don't get bored and then really bringing you what is going to happen at the end. Go check it out, review, like, and comment on it!

"So," Sam coughs. "About that letter..."

“All that matters is that we have the letter.” Yet she still doesn’t look as happy as she normally would in this circumstance.

A word from WrittenEdge -

Well, it was inspired by a picture of a sign that simply read "Lost Lake", and I wrote a short scene including it. It all sort of reminded me of the Lost Boys in Peter Pan (an absolute favorite of mine), and suddenly the idea of a foster family of squires came to mind for some reason. The rest of the story sort of just came to mind as I was writing it.

So, really, what started as a sign reading "Lost Lake" eventually spiraled into a story about young fostered children training with swords and bows because it's what their caretaker insists. It's funny how all that works out haha.

It was also just something I was writing for a creative writing class, but I kind of liked where it was going so I forced myself to stick with it. It was a beast at times, 'cause I can be such a procrastinator, but in the end I can say I look back on the experience rather fondly!

Reapers by @Craz -
This sounds like an interesting and exciting storybook full mystery and action. With ghosts and monsters and has to do with the question each storybook gives you: "What would you do?" Take a look at it, it just might be up your alley! This storybook is accepting so join now!

It is your job, as well as many others, to release the ghosts of their tethers so that they may pass in peace and to kill the ones whose unfinished business has remained incomplete for too long. And as Halloween approaches, the border between the dead and living grows ever more hazy.

Keep in mind that hunting is grueling, back-breaking work. Its hard to make a living off of killing demons, and constantly having to keep yourself and the oblivious pedestrians alive when in the grind of battle is even harder. Casualties happen all of the time.

The Dreams of a Human Child by @Sheyren -
This is a unique storybook. There are no characters. It is based on the dreams of a boy! How will this turn out? Tis up to you! Go, see, and try it out. After all it might just be your cup of tea!

"The human boy has fallen asleep."

This storybook will be a series of dreams this boy undergoes while sleeping. Each post will be a different dream. The posts can be as long as you want. They must all start with "He was dreaming," in bold like so.

These are all for this week. But there is always next week! Who knows you just might get featured? Until then, keep writing and I hope to read more of your guys' work!

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:05 pm
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written by Lumi< PM: >

Welcome to Randomosity With Lumi, where we grab up a couple of scragglers from a seafood buffet and ask them questions about anything YWS in a delightful park atop a picnic blanket with tea and assorted fruit. (In full disclosure, the majority of the fruit is strawberries, but I was remiss to tell this to my guests.) Here's what they had to say!

My first guest on this wonderful and totally authorized wordsmithing is the benevolent archmage, archbishop, Pokemon trainer of Kindness and reviewer of words aplenty, @Sheyren!

Squills: So Sheyren, I hope you're comfy. Wiggle around a bit. Find a nice spot--we could be here a while. But straight to the questions, as I'm sure you're itching to go catch some Pokemon! First-off, on YWS, if you could change three usernames to anything you'd absolutely want, what on earth would those three names be, and to whom would they belong?

Sheyren: I'd change @Sacredlege's name to Sacrebarrel, because we all know what happens when Sacredlege's taste for mayhem takes over. Next, I'd change @Lumi's name to Lumiface, since it just works. Lastly, I'd change @Tortwag's name to Uncle Twaggy, because who doesn't want that?

S: I certainly do. Everyone needs a good uncle to make references throughout the day. Moving on, though, we have a sponsored query that rakes in money! Our second question comes to us by the good folks at The Welcome Mat. Ah yes, The Welcome Mat, where you go to meet the hippest new trends on YWS. "People are crrrrrrazy about username colors! If you could pick a color for your username, which color would it be?"

Sheyren: black to become as powerful as the overlord Nate Probably a green-blue, like this, because it is an objective fact that the Snake Faction was the best, and shall live on!

S: The Snake Faction is, indeed, superior in stealth and surprise, though the odds were stacked against us by those horrid bees running the joint! Now, the final question is very important to so very many people: Is there a National Secret hidden within @freakforchrist's username?

Sheyren: I'm gonna guess that, no, there is no secret message or anything of the sort in freakforchrist. I doubt it's anymore than just a nickname... Wait. Oh my Lord. It all makes sense.

Look at freakforchrist's name. There are three words in it. Three. What is the first digit of pi? Three. You use pi when solving length values of circles! The biggest, most well known circle is the sun. The sun casts its light upon everyone, providing the daylight. Without daylight, society could not exist. Freakforchrist is hunting that they are the being which casts light upon humankind, allowing our society to exist! How could I have been so blind?!

S: I do feel a bit...enlightened! Eh? EH?! No? Ah well. Sheyren, I can't thank you enough for being such an honored guest on my Japanese Game Show. What's that, Aley? That's tomorrow? Oh, right-o. Squills Column!. Thank you for being a part of my Squills Column!

My second guest is @chibibo, self-proclaimed 'fun guy' and mushroom enthusiast! So hello, chibibo! You're live and on the air; or rather the earth--I do not imagine you are standing on air at this particular moment.

chibibo: o hai

S: Today I'll be asking you three questions that may take some hard-thinks and mindyboggles. First-off, if you could change three usernames to anything you'd absolutely want, what on earth would those three names be, and to whom would they belong?

chibibo: Ok well. I think the first name that would have to be changed is the name of that insane-in-the-man-brain @Lumi because just now we did a joke where his name was Lumi-wan Kenumi and he was someone's only hope so that would have to be a thing.

The second name to fall under my tyranny would be that of @Big Brother. Why would they take their name from a defunct reality show? It's ridonkulous. I would bestow upon them the far superior name of Jersey Shore.

Finally, I would make it a priority to change the name of a particularly obnoxious member who needs to be taken down a peg. That's right. The name of @chibibo would have to be changed to... frick I dunno, something like... Duck Soup. Duck Soup? What the heck is that? What was I thinking?!

S: Well, it's too late now. The paperwork is in motion, Duck Soup.
chibibo: Well, you're the boss, Master Kenumi.

S: My second question comes to you from Guy Incognito from 123 Fake Street. It's nice to know the postal service is still relevant. :)

chibibo: Too bad it's not as efficient as the weather service.

S: Three people will get that joke. THE QUESTION READS: "People are going wild about username colors! If you could pick a color for your username, which color would it be?

chibibo: Blue. No question. Gotta go with blue if I want to rep the fastest thing alive, the most useful engine on Sodor, and the power of the triceratops all in one go. Oh, and the world's foremost authority on cookies. Never forget the cookies.

S: I...I never knew. I just. I'm feeling Blue Fever now. Which would make a killer band name. But I have to rush to the third question, like your favorite hedgehog would. So my final question is also regarding usernames, as this week's theme would imply if you read the flavor text.

chibibo: Ooh, what flavour is that text?

S: It is journalism-flavored. So the final question is very important to very many people: Is there a National Secret hidden within freakforchrist's username?

chibibo: Let me tell you something, Lumi-wan. I have been working on this for a long time now, and I'm pretty sure I've cracked it wide open.

S: That sounds...marvelous! Care to share your work?!

chibibo: Let's start by converting the name "freakforchrist" using a substitution cipher in which each letter is replaced with its own position in the alphabet. This gives us the digit string of 0618050111061518030818091920. We then have to apply a different operation to each pair of number/letters. The first two, 06 and 18, were easy as 18 divides by 6 to give us 3. Then 18 and 05. I could subtract 05 from 18, but that would give 11 which is a two-digit number and that just steams my hams. So 18 divided by 5 is 3 with a remainder, so let's lop off the remainder and just call it 3. The next pair is 05 and 01 - add them together to make 6. 01 and 11 - 11 is written as two 1s, so we'll go with 2. 11 minus 06 is 5. 15 divided by three is five which is 1 less than 06. 15 sounds slightly similar to fifty, which when divided by 18 gives an approximate result of 3. 03 minus 18 is negative fifteen, and negative one plus negative five is negative 6, but because we only want numerical digits we won't add the negative symbol, so it can just be positive 6. 03 plus 08 is 11, which as we discussed before is written as 2 ones. 18 minus 08 is ten, and if we remove the one we are left with 0. 18 divided by 09 is 2, but since there are already two 2s in the sequence we'll just say it's 8 because we haven't had one of those yet. 19 plus 09 is 28, and two plus eight is 10... no wait, that's still two digits, um, let's make it 4. 19 and 20 are next to each other in a sequence of ascending (or descending!) integers, so I guess the answer is probably something stupid like 9. This new sequence of numbers reads 3362513620849. Now, if you call that number on a non-functioning 1998 mobile communications device, you'll be able to order the greatest Chinese food you've ever eaten, and you won't care anymore about some defunct user or their prefunct name.

S: I think someone just made dinner plans! Thank you for your time, chibibo, and, as always, thank you for your service to the food community!

chibibo: Now on another note entirely, I think Nate is hiding something with his deceptively simple username -


So, to all you YWSers out there, I think we can agree that the lesson to take away today is to avoid seafood buffets, as something in the crab meat, which both attested to ingesting, seems to have driven them, or at least chibibo, into a mathematical craze...and really, who wants that? Tune in next week, when we search for our gleeful goofs at a secret screening of Juno by the old pyramid we tried to build that one time. Until then, see ya!

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:07 pm
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written by megsug < PM: >
Pronunciation: ahyd-l

Part of Language: Noun

Definition: a serene, happy episode or scene characterized by its idealization or unsustainability
A short description in poetry or prose of pastoral scenes or any quaint episode
A short romantic affair of little consequence

Used in a Sentence: The forest provided much needed refuge for the travelers, an idyll the wizard would look upon with great longing in the times to come.

Origin: Idyll came about in the 1500s from the Latin word idyllium which comes from the Greek eidyllion which literally means a little picture. Eidyllion is the diminutive of eidos or form.

Related words: None

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:08 pm
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written by Princess Ink < PM: >

This is the first article for a series of articles I’m starting. For the first topic, I’m going to talk about fantasy. I happen to love to read and write fantasy myself, and I also notice that many novels posted here are fantasy!

Fantasy, the supernatural. It can be wild with magic and magical unicorns, or unusual worlds with unique potions and flying carpets. Many of them are in an imaginary universe bursting to the brim with awesome world-building—and, of course, the beloved magic. I haven’t read a fantasy novel with no magic (no matter how minor) yet!

Fantasy is heavy on worldbuilding since creating an imaginary world is a new experience, especially for the reader, who doesn’t know anything about the world until they pick up the book and start reading. Or if it’s set on earth, weaving in the fantasy elements is as equally important.

Certainly, they are countless fantasy yarns. If you want to write a stunning one which readers will remember, you’ll have to draw them into the story so far they can ignore reality and believe in the world you’ve created. This is called suspension of disbelief, and it applies to any work of fiction. Obviously, achieving it is difficult. But is it possible? Definitely! Just grab a couple of your favorite novels and analyze what "magic tricks" the author used. And don't forget details and backstory too.

Now, since I've given my own opinions, it's time to turn to others: @Mage and @featherstone9086, two fantasy novelists. I sat down with each of them to ask them a couple of questions about this genre.

Princess Ink: Hello, Mage and Featherstone. I’d like to ask, why do you write fantasy?

Featherstone9086: Why? Honestly, I've never really thought about it. I've been raised on fantasy and science fiction, so that's played a large part. Also, ever since I was a little kid I had a pretty wild imagination. Fantasy has always been enchanting (get it? enchanting?) to me. I love how it has no bounds - here, I might be limited, but there...I can do anything. I love the ability to create my own world and characters and pantheons and physics and gods and creatures. Everything there is a part of me, and I love that.

Mage: I write fantasy for two reasons - it's the majority of what I read growing up, and, if the username didn't give it away, I love magic! It's always a lot of fun getting to come up with magical concepts. I also really enjoy getting to escape from the real world and have a little fun with the world that I would love to live in.

PI: What’s the hardest part of writing fantasy?

F: World-building and creating lore. I can make races, and I can make magic, and I can make characters, but world-building....there's just so much. The pantheons are very hard for me, but I'm finally stopping my procrastination and just sitting down and writing it. The reason it's so hard is because there is just so much - gods, legends of creation, personalities of the gods, names, etc.

M: I think the hardest part is also the most fun part. It's awesome getting to look back on the world that you created, but the process of world building is pretty difficult. You have to solve the problems that you've created in the mechanics of universe. I think sci-fi writers would probably feel the same way!

PI: Do you have any advice for fantasy writers here?

F: Hmmm...advice...I'm really bad at giving advice, but I'll give it a go :wink:

I'd give the same advice to a fantasy writer as any creative writer: use music and let the story come to you. Find soundtracks or instrumentals that suit the situation to get into the mood. When writing Shadowsong, I turned off all the lights, lit a candle, and dimmed my computer.

When you have writer's block, I find it easier not to fight it. If it's there, it's there, and you just have to wait it out. I had writer's block for Shadowsong for the longest time, but the story just came to me yesterday when I was roleplaying.

For fantasy in particular? Don't limit yourself. This world has no bounds - the only thing limiting it is you. It's magic, it's fantasy, it's impossible; but at least to me, it's very real.

M: I suggest that you devour any kind of fantasy medium you can find, whether it be books, movies, TV shows or podcasts! Those are all great ways to get ideas for your own works. I also suggest checking out Writers Corner - it's an awesome part of the site where you can run your ideas by other people.

PI: Who is your favorite fantasy author?

F: Oooh....that's hard. Either David Eddings or Tamora Pierce. Probably Pierce. Her stories are what inspired me to start writing my own fantasy. My favorite character of all time is Beka Cooper, a guardswoman in her medieval fantasy land of Tortall. She's strong and smart but also very shy. Gah she is so amazing. I love her ^_^ I love Pierce's characters and their strength. I love Eddings' characters and their dynamic. It's so entertaining ^_^

Also, on a different note, before I go, I wanted to share a quote from Dr Suess with all you fantasy writers out there:

"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at the world through the wrong end of the telescope."

That's all. Thanks for having me, PrincessInk!

M: My favorite fantasy author is Jonathon Stroud, the author of The Bartimaeus Trilogy and Lockwood and Co.. Though the latter of the two is definitely more geared towards the paranormal, Bartimaeus showed me the wonders of world building. Stroud does a great job with introducing things about his world while also telling a captivating story. Plus, he has a knack for very entertaining narrators.

Thanks so much for interviewing me! <3

PI: Thank you, Mage and Featherstone, for your time to answer my questions!

It seems as though Mage and Featherstone9086 share a common difficulty: worldbuilding! Through my own experiences, it’s a tricky element of fantasy as well.

So that’s it for today! I'll be covering more about fantasy next time, and feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions or want any aspects covered in my next article.

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:10 pm
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This Week’s Link Round Up 4/16
written by megsug < PM: >

We find out YWS’s poems can be used for than writerly mayhem in This Week’s Round Up.

@Holysocks came up with a cool idea. Taking a page from the popular “the user above you” threads, she put an artist’s spin on it and made one for the Art & Photography forum. Draw a character based off the last poster’s description and then leave the description of your own character for someone else to tackle. It’s interesting to see all of the different takes of different characters, but my favorite was @soundofmind’s version of @MeatBunCat’s character Mist:

Spoiler! :

Check the thread out and leave a sketch to see what others envision when you describe your character.

@JuliasSneezer knows someone who has social anxiety and wants to befriend them but doesn’t know how. @outvaders, @RoseAndThorn and @Tenyo. All three gave tons of pointers, but I like this one from Tenyo:

Keep things simple. Small talk may be boring, but it's easy. It's hard to trigger a cataclysmic event by giving the wrong answer in a conversation about movie genres. An anxious person is likely to feel overwhelmed just by your presence, so allowing them the mental space to cope will ease them more.

Check the thread out if you’re in a similar situation to JuliusSneezer or if you have a tip to add. This thread is a great example of how the YWS forums can be used for more than just writing related topics.

@Feltrix wanted to start a discussion about whether humans were still capable of evolution since natural selection isn’t as powerful a force in modern society. @MJTucker said no because:

I would consider the changes in humans to be more adaptations to a changing environment than gaining makes complex functions. Instead, someone's skin may darken as a result of warmer and sunnier climates or someone may build up immunity to a certain disease.

Others think we’re definitely still evolving and @Zolen thinks even adapting is too strong a word, preferring simple ‘change.’ What do you think?

@RoseAndThorn is half way through NaPo and said she was going to try a lighter approach this year and then promptly ignored herself by poem 4 which is:

When I was a child I dreamed of wielding a sword
Rescuing fellow maidens that were too weak to carry their own
But I soon discovered they all had talons and breathed fire.

At the first sight of shining armour and strengthened limb
I gladly laid down my sword and followed my prince
Only to discover I had mistaken the dragon for the knight.

Now I find myself under lock and key
Praying you'll hear my absence
And perhaps care enough to risk your life for my freedom.

Lighter tone or not, I think it’s beautiful as is the rest of her poetry. Check it out!

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:12 pm
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And now for this week's Shameless Plugs!

The Yewis Compendium of Writing Prompts
Please join this new club and help create a massive collection of writing prompts!

That's all folks~ Now send us yours.

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Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:13 pm
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Stories don't end because you stopped paying attention.
— SJ Whitby