I really like this poem because everyone can relate to it and I think thats really important when writing. People need to relate to what you're saying in order for them to really enjoy it. My opinion anyway. So, let's start with what I liked. I really liked how the poem flowed and how everything connected together. Being ignored is definitely not fun. "Why do people ignore us?" is what everyone asks and I understand that question because in the real world, I'm ignored a lot. And I don't even know why! but enough of my babbling, ha. Okay, so onto the things that could be changed to improve your already masterpiece poem. So, the "I've" at the beginning of the poem, I think it shouldn't be shortened as a contraction. Go ahead and change it to "I have" I think that would be better. And the "thee", the poem is pretty modern to start with so "thee" doesn't really make sense in here, I think "you" would be more appropriate.
I certainly hope you keep writing because I would love to see more
stay awesome!
Points: 352
Reviews: 14