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A satire of Satire

by alliyah


*Insert problem here*
No need to agree with me,
soon you will see.
I will write
why I am right
and everything will be unclear.

The best ways to address an issue
Are the following strategies:
Make your opponent fall to their knees
and look like an idiot, a bigot, a traitor, a hater.
Exaggerate! Exasperate! Use sarcasm and puns;
till they’re laughing or crying, in need of a tissue.

Oh the beautiful irony!
I felt hated so now it is I who will hate.
A humorous point I have every obligation to illustrate.
No topic is too sensitive! Let us pursue
politics, religion, whatever you think is true.
Who would dare question the authority of comedy?

The most convincing offense is a snickering crowd.
Arguments lose command once made into a laughing stock.
The art of satire has grown from great literature into table talk.
You don’t need wit or contradiction
if you can impersonate or mock pure fiction.
Any complaints? The winner, tis thou who is most loud.

Please do not be misled!
Although I write in jokes and rhymes
when critiquing please take some time.
Satire is the greatest, purest form of literature
nothing makes more sense than extended metaphor.
Reader, do I offend? Couldn’t be anything I said!

 Author's note: All jokes and satire aside, I realize that satire can be and often is a constructive form of literature I am jut not the biggest fan of it. And this isn't meant to try to be mean to people who like satire, it's just my honest opinion of it.

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Sun Jan 26, 2020 6:13 pm
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dahlia58 wrote a review...

This was funny. I laughed a lot while reading this~ I'm fond of Mark Twain's works (satire king), but even I have to admit, sometimes it feels like writers use satire simply to vent stress. The "grown from great literature into table talk" line was the best, plus the last line. "The authority of comedy" needs boundaries at times...

Please keep writing your wonderful poems^^

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Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:13 pm
LakeOfCancer wrote a review...

This is such a coincidence! In my Creative Writing class, we were learning about satire this week and now we have to create a satire about any topic of our choice! But of course, google docs aren't allowed to be uploaded, so I'm very happy with my life. But to be fair, I don't really understand satire unless it's funny. We were reading A Modest Proposal by Jonathon Swift and I just didn't understand. But I really liked this 'satire'! You make a really good point! So I hope you make more of these types of things, this made my day!XD

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Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:43 am
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zsky17 says...

Hi, you welcomed me to the site the other day, so I thought I'd come and look at some of your work! First of all, I'm not the biggest fan of poetry, but I really enjoyed this! I haven't had that many encounters with satire, other than a required piece I did my last year of school on hipsters, but this will definitely make me think a bit more when I read it in the future. Thank you for the warm welcome!

alliyah says...

Thanks for checking out my poem and also for commenting. Let me know when you have something posted and I'll be sure to read it.

zsky17 says...

No problem! (: I actually do have one piece up in my portfolio, so if you ever have a minute, I'd really appreciate to hear the opinion of someone who isn't a family member or close friend. Thank you!

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:46 pm
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DrFeelGood says...

This is so beautiful. Well, in a way I have mocked and annoyed some friends by my "satire" and I feel really ashamed of myself after reading this. If a poem can create so much emotions then you're a terrific writer!

Great job! :D Finally a high quality work is in spotlight :D

alliyah says...

Thank you Gaurav, I appreciate that you liked this poem even though you yourself like satire. :)

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:20 am
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Corncob says...

*Adds to favorites.*
I wasn't following you? *Bonks head against desk.*

alliyah says...

Thanks so much! :)

Corncob says...

Of course! :D

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:00 am
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Linkzude16 wrote a review...

First, I love how this poem flows like water. As I was reading it, I felt as though it could have been the work of Emily Dickinson or Robert Frost or Henry Wadsworth Longfellow because every line fits with the next. The first stanza confuses me, but I think you said "unclear" in ridicule of satire, right? I don't know what satire you have read, but the satire I read was not so belittling or mean. Line 3 demonstrates a lot of anger, and I can see, through it, how satire annoys you. Honestly, you confused me, and I can't make sense of some of this. Why would you say, "The most convincing offense is a snickering crowd"? Hatred is a humorous point? No, it's not. Considering the way you wrote this, you can't believe that it is. Were you saying the winner is the one who is loudest? There is definitely some truth in that, and I agree with it. Overall, this is well-written. The most attractive thing about this poem is its professionalism: it's not naïve; it's not choppy; but it's polished; it's smooth. I like it. I'm grateful to have read this. You have incredible understanding of what separates the average work and the exceptional. Keep writing. Indeed, do! Thank you.

alliyah says...

Thank you so much for your review! To clear up some of the confusion, I agree full heartedly that hatred should not be humorous as it often is in satire. I personally believe basically the opposite of the literal words that I wrote. I believe that writing to belittle someone or just to be the loudest most hateful voice in the room is awful. That's why I wrote this poem, it's pointing out the flaws in satire by using satire itself. So I think you understood the meaning that what I'm writing about is often what satire does and I do not condone or respect work that is meant to poke fun at others in a hateful way.

Linkzude16 says...

Oh, well that's good to hear. If I were you and published this, I would include the information you just wrote in a preface to the poem. Now that I think about it, it's not your fault I misunderstood the part about hate; I just was confused because it was hard for me to think in terms of satire of satire. Thank you for the insight. Now, I think, I must agree with you.

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Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:20 pm
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Dreamy says...


alliyah says...

Thanks! :)

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Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:56 pm
Hassanfs wrote a review...

This is probably the most different poem I've read in a while. And I loved every single bit of it. Probably because I myself write extremely self-contradictory pieces and sew them together and label them as "satire". It gives me something to hide behind.
So it was very refreshing to read this and halfway through it, I sort off put my hands up in the air and went all "Yep you found me. Guilty guy over here". :P
Great work. :D

alliyah says...

Ha, I'm glad that you still liked my poem even being a fan of satire yourself! :) Thanks for the comment!

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Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:42 am
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AdjiFlex says...

Heh. This is genius.

alliyah says...

Thanks! :)

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Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:16 am
Legibletext wrote a review...

This was honestly very clever. I really appreciate you're poetic analysis of satire, and how you address it as an art that has been taken advantage of. The rhyming is well done, it was quite suave and was clearly well thought out.

I agree with Satire being somewhat sacred-even though you didn't use that wording.

I thoroughly enjoyed this poem.

alliyah says...

Thanks for the comment. :)

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