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Young Writers Society

Do not fear (9.11)

by WrittenInStone

Do not fear.
In memory of 9.11

Her child does cry in sudden fright,
their very world shall end tonight,
this mother’s heart races in her chest,
she cradles her child to her breast,

“Do not cry my darling child,
to heaven, my dear, I have dialed,
God spoke that he would take us there,
unto heaven’s lush fields and weather fair,”

His innocent eyes stare wide with fear,
a silence falls as death grows near.
She plants a kiss unto his brow,
holding him close, living here and now.

“Now my child, we shall be together,
My darling child we’ll live forever,
in God’s embrace we’ll watch from afar,
imagine the flying plane to be a falling star.”

Her eyes closed, she holds him tight,
their very world shall end tonight,
this mother’s dreams have cracked and broken,
to her child three words were spoken.

“Do not fear.”

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:39 am
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JimmyTheMighty wrote a review...

I'm a New Zealander, so 9.11 hasn't really affected me in the awful way it has for America, but this really made me feel the pain this has caused to so many people. As well as being a very emotional poem, it is also well written, and rhymes well without that seeming to take up the whole poem.

Well done, and keep on writing!

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34 Reviews

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Reviews: 34

Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:59 am
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ongoeslife wrote a review...

*Loves* Epic. Beautiful. Amazing. Gold Star. Bestest. Wonderful. Touching. (goes on and on and on and...) I LOVED this! =) This should be on the front page! You speak the language of poetry well, my friend :) *cries* I loved this... *can't think of anything else to say* Keep it up!!!

~The Scratt

P.s. *sniffle*

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:46 am
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LightOnyx says...

I loved it! It was sorted out well, the lines ended in rhymes, and it was realistic. I give it a ten :P

I say, in matters of the heart, treat yo' self.
— Donna, Parks & Rec