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Even the moon is eclipsed by the earth's shadow

by Spearmint, EllieMae

Tu es belle comme la lune,

quien brilla en mis noches más oscuras.

Merci pour le soleil dans ton coeur

Tú eres mi cielo, mi media naranja.

Tes yeux sont ma lune.

¿Y quien necesita la tierra cuando tú estás aquí?

Tu es mon eau et mon pain

y estoy llena de tú, tú, siempre tú.

Feed me any more of your bread and I'll choke on your pain.

But they say no pain no gain and I must say, I have gained.

And maybe you are ma lune and my sun,

and maybe I am la tierra that is sustained by you.

mais j'aime. Je deteste. I live.

I live hasta tu muerte.

quand une fleur meurt, je ne pleure pas

me convierto en los pétalos en el viento.

Ich liebe mich. Du liebst dich.



You are beautiful like the moon,

who shines in my darkest nights.

Thank you for the sun in your heart

You are my sky, my soulmate (literal translation: half orange).

Your eyes are my moon.

And who needs the earth when you are here?

You are my water and my bread

and I am full of you, you, always you.

Feed me any more of your bread and I'll choke on your pain.

But they say no pain no gain and I must say, I have gained.

And maybe you are my moon and my sun,

and maybe I am the earth that is sustained by you.

But I love. I hate. I live.

I live until your death.

when a flower dies, I do not cry

I become the petals in the wind.

I love me. You love you.

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29 Reviews

Points: 1489
Reviews: 29

Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:39 am
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Inferno wrote a review...

Me: uses google translate...
realizes you included a translation
*dies of the revelation of self dimness*

Hello my friend! I can't write reviews half as good as yours, but I'll try (:.

To start, I thought it's so cool that you are multi-lingual. I've always wanted to learn Spanish! Creating a poem in two different languages is muy bien (is that right? I don't know). The poem itself is so deep, I was treading water the whole way! This part:

Your eyes are my moon.

And who needs the earth when you are here?

You are my water and my bread

and I am full of you, you, always you.


I see absolutely ZERO things to change in this poem. It is a masterpiece! Gracias , mi amiga, por este libro! (heyyy. That was, like, a full sentence. I'm so proud of myself, even though that's probably terrible grammar in Spanish...)

Marvelous poem! Happy writing. Peace.

Spearmint says...

Thanks so much for the review, Inferno!! ^-^ Your Spanish is good ;) buen trabajo jaja
The poem itself is so deep, I was treading water the whole way!

Thanks again!! Ellie and I appreciate it :D

Inferno says...

Gracias! (;

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389 Reviews

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Reviews: 389

Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:50 pm
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RavenAkuma says...

Beautiful poetry, guys!

Love the imagery it creates, and the feeling that it all evokes; a sense of love for both the self and companions, at least as I understood it. Great job on the language aspect too, that's very cool.

My favorite part was this here:

when a flower dies, I do not cry

I become the petals in the wind.

~ Brilliant ~

Nicely done! :D

EllieMae says...

Thank you!!! <33

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56 Reviews

Points: 713
Reviews: 56

Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:24 pm
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KaavyaK wrote a review...

Wow, it's such a lovely poem.

"You are beautiful like the moon,
who shines in my darkest nights."

After reading the first two lines I liked the poem. I totally agree with you, there is always a person who stands by you in your 'darkest nights' acting like your 'moon' giving you enough light to see and choose the right path.
This poem is a really awesome poem.

I really love the way you expressed your thoughts, feelings and emotion using such strong lines, each and every word in this poem is so powerful.
Keep it up.
Waiting for more.
Merci et bonne journee.

EllieMae says...

Thank you for this lovely review, friend!! <33 Much appreciated!!

KaavyaK says...

My pleasure!

It always seems impossible until it's done.
— Nelson Mandela