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Young Writers Society

Sliver and Gold

by CardDragon

She left me weary and

I was torn with nor sliver or gold.

Match of the century what's the use. She's staring at me in my dreams saying or singing

refuse to lose, refuse to be defeated and refuse to have regrets cause you're not defeated.

All you gotta do is control your sunshine and it'll be alright, all right, righty then!



Swing her to the left,

Swing her to the board

You gotta swing that racket-swing it hard-

Hard for that Sliver and Gold

Sliver and Gold!!! Cause that racket is your talent and the player is you

all you gotta win them all! Sliver and Gold!


No way, not out of my mind,not going back this time and that's all right

cause I'm going to bask in sunshine a top of this cliff on a mountain top called life.


This mountain called life can be so green with evergreen trees so pristine and serene

but sometimes that mountain can avalanche or become a volcano- and you gotta slide on

down to a better mountain and you'll feel like you one sliver and gold. Sliver and Gold!


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8 Reviews

Points: 540
Reviews: 8

Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:35 pm
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SerenyaChan wrote a review...

I'm Serenya.
I'm not sure what this is about maybe I'm missing something? Is it about losing? First you lose your girl, then you refer to defeat, and then silver and gold can be used as ranks or references to a specific title, you know.? But in a whole, disregarding the meaning behind it I find it to be rather good! :D

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Points: 5107
Reviews: 100

Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:46 am
NaRachel wrote a review...

Hey :)
I liked the flow of this song and am curious as to how it sounds. I was a bit confused about the meaning of some parts. I particularly liked the 'control your sunshines part, that was a nice idea :) Overall I think the song was a bit vague, I think you could please readers a bit more wth better formatting.

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— Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief