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by CardDragon

I please ask you...NO I DEMAND you to shh.
This girl with this dude in the next room will just not shh.
I just will not Hush cause I can't spend my holiday like this.

  Please you annoying lovers I have to put up with at this rather lame hotel,
  Just Hush and tell each other how much you love each other cause it just won't last.

Please I'm trying to sleep and not trying to think of love.
Of her who should be sleeping next to me
But you see sence she left I am just a ghost possibly be.
A ghost of a person I used to be.
I gave her everything and the love makin next door is making me yell!
Do you really want me to yell in my sleep for you? YELL IN MY SLEEP!
Not because I'm gangasta I'm downtrodden in sweet Misery. I do not 
want to remember so you damn couple...HUSH!!!
Could you people just leave me alone, leave me alone...yeah..
Just leave me the explicit alone and HUSH so I can get to sleep.
Just HUSH I need to get much needed sleep...HUSHHHHh!!!

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67 Reviews

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Reviews: 67

Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:11 pm
Epicdonkalous wrote a review...

Hey there!
Alright. I think this is a bit pointless. It doesn't really have much substance, or depth, or maybe you just hid it well. Also, it is not very well written. There should be spaces in-between the hushes in the chorus. Sence is supposed to be since, which might have just been a fluke error. I'm assuming the speaker is angry that the couple he/she hears is not him/her and their lover? I think that you should emphasize and elaborate on that meaning in a more tasteful way, rather then masking it so. But I do think you know what makes a nice hook, so play on that.

CardDragon says...

well I don't feel like writing any poetry, cause I am not a poet any more-these are good rock song lyrics.

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532 Reviews

Points: 1271
Reviews: 532

Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:31 am
GeeLyria says...

Wow. Cardy, I love what you have here. o.O I love it!!

xD It's not something you read everywhere... I just wish I knew how the melody goes. Hahaha

And... I'm sorry if it's a true story... ;( must've been really awkward.... Lol.

P.S. I've missed ya a lot, bro<3

CardDragon says...

I miss you too...no its not real just along my new theme of endless insanity.

The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.
— Walter Benjamin