Bruh, it's no one from this site but people really hate my site so much you get 60,000 viewers and nothing much in Adsense and then you get a decline ij viewers to an abnormal level- it's like it's rigged.
well boys and girls, I will fix the ads on my site and you can get a four page comic if you help me out. ... space.html
wowuld you guys mind helping me with deciding which ads best suite my site? ... other.html
So whilst I was gone I have published some comics to a gumroad account. I am officially starting my comic book company called Kyeombi. If you want to support a title aka get more funding to it;
Haha. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. I feel so loved. I forgot how to use this site and well dingo? I remembered this is where you post. I literally posted on someone's else's page.
CardDragon Thankyou. Sorry I did not see all the comments
Sep 1, 2023
CardDragon Thank you.
Sep 1, 2023
CardDragon Thankyou
Sep 1, 2023
Oct 16, 2023
Parrot Fodder