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Graveyard of sins

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Wed Oct 16, 2024 1:07 am
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Quillfeather says...

NaPo week 2024!
I don't have a theme but I have titles and I'm going to use them to write each peom

Day one poem - The spirits that haunt my mind
Day two poem - The mist of October mornings
Day three poem - The wind whispering my name
Day four poem -The voices in your head lurk in the shadows
Day five poem - Spirits dancing on autumn mists
Day six poem - Haunted by the path I never took
Day seven poem - I'm buried in the graveyard of your sins
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:17 am
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WeepingWisteria says...

Spoiler! :
Oooh!! This is a fascinating approach to NaPo!! I can't wait to see what you do with each title :3

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

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Thu Oct 17, 2024 7:21 pm
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alliyah says...

Ah, I second Wist in saying it's a really cool idea to have the titles outlined before beginning; looking forward to see where everything goes! You've got this Quillford!
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Fri Oct 25, 2024 9:22 pm
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Quillfeather says...

The Spirits that haunt my mind

I don't want to think of you on clouded autum days
I don't want to hear your name or see your shrouded face

These thoughts creep in like unwelcome siren song
drawing me twords the deep water of your sins

It's like the wind in my sails, but you are a stormy gail
and im lost at sea, i've never even seen the beach

I never learned to swim, I was only taught to drown.
I run from you as my steps break hallowed ground

I hear your voice even when I have gone deaf from screams
You follow me in the darkest of dreams

I see you in the morning mist
and feel you in my tears

Though I wish to forget you
Some part of me knows
I don't know how to live a life with out you
Dear ruler of my mind, you've made me but a ghost
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Sun Oct 27, 2024 2:56 am
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Quillfeather says...

The mist of October mornings
Small Water droplets
make up my darkest secrets
Leave me feeling numb
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Sun Oct 27, 2024 7:49 pm
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Quillfeather says...

The wind whispering my name

I think I get lost in translation
My intentions become meaninglews
I think my face melds with the crowd
You can't even tell who I am
I think my words get lost in the air
Almost as if I never said them
I think my feelings are invisible
For you never seem to see them
I think my eyes must be but sockets
For you never look into them
And my heart must be broken
For I do not feel it beating
And my memory must be like clouds for I don't remember why I loved you
I'm not even sure if I really exist
Maybe I'm a figment of your imagination
And while no one knows my name
I am called into the mist
The wind whispers my name
As your forget to even miss me
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Sun Oct 27, 2024 11:42 pm
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niteowl says...

Great start to NaPo week!

I never learned to swim, I was only taught to drown.

Oof, I love this line.

I think my feelings are invisible
For you never seem to see them

Ouch. I can relate to this hard.

And my memory must be like clouds for I don't remember why I loved you

Beautiful line!
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:06 pm
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Quillfeather says...

The voices in your head lurk in the shadows
You're not safe
They are behind you
They hate you
You're going to die
Stay safe
These voices in my head scream incessantly
in calmest night turned to a thunderstorm of words I don't want to hear
Hands are shaking
thoughts are racing
I don't even know if I'm breathing
Should I even try to breathe when these voices insist I live in a hell
I shouldn't let their words befall my ears
I shouldn't listen to the deceitful words
but what if-
Should I give into the fear and become but a shell of human
To become nothing but the mask you see when I say I'm okay
i am okay
It's just anxiety
tell that to the monsters I'm so convinced are under my bed
They are listing to my heartbeat
oh if only my heart could stop beating
If I could rip it from my chest so the endless patter of my fear couldn't be heard anymore
I would be afraid no more
What is that? Footsteps?
Or is it just my restless mind whispering my impending doom
No i think it's foosteps
My fears they are right behind me
coming right now
they aren't real until I turn around
I create it with my mind
my mind is the monster
Maybe I am the monster
or maybe... It's you?
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:02 pm
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Quillfeather says...

Spirits dancing on autumn mists

The shrieks and cries become one with my soul

My ears welcome the cacophony

My eyes alight in the moons glow

I breathe in the night air like drinking the nectar

from the sweetest of flowers

The wind burns like fire underneath my skin

The kind of pain that makes me smile

The unknown shadows lurking in the darkness
Feel more like distant freinds I forgot a lifetime ago

The lake water reflects the memories of the person I left behind in the suneset

I am but a ghost of the happy times

A guardian of the tears I shed

A warrior of those who's screams screams were never hear, who's tears were hid, who's words were ignored

I am just an ideal, a rumor, a story told around a fire

My heart lies in the mist

My bones lie 6 feet under

My spirit waits for you on autumn mists
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Wed Oct 30, 2024 3:27 pm
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Quillfeather says...

Haunted by the path I never took

The choices I have made
the words I wanted to say
The times I didn't follow my dreams
Do the all amount to where I am now?

or was it the small things
Was it the time I smiled at the girl on the bus
Maybe something about the time I cried late at night
Possibly It was the day I decided to skip lunch

Maybe it wasn't me at all

Was it the universe looking down on one small soul
Aligning it's stars for my fate
What if it was God putting these people in my life

Was it because of you?
Was I in your mind, so infectious growing like a disease inside your thoughts
Or do you remember me at all
Was I forgotten to time

Am i here because you are there
are we orbital like the sun and earth
Are we like pinpoints on a compass, you can't be south and north at the same time
If we are a compass who is the wayfinder?
For I must be a ship lost at sea

Maybe I am not a sum of my choices but the creation of my perceptions
Or am I brush strokes of a famous painter molded from ideas
Did I just wash up on shore one day, molded by the sea
Could I have been formed by the what ifs of great philosophers
For these to be true I would have to be perfect, but I am only human

So maybe it's simply that I am here, and that's all that matters
Not how I came to be sitting here
Not the people I've met
Not the choices I made
Not the paths I never took
Not the dreams I never dared to make a realty
Just the simple fact that I am still here, battle scarred, and worn
I am alive - that's who I am
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Fri Nov 01, 2024 4:04 am
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Quillfeather says...

I'm buried in a graveyard of your sins

The desolate ruins of all you have been
Are now my home
I find a strange comfort in being forgotten in this place
Because atleast I know I am not you
The lies you told grow like weeds among the rubble
My tears water the earth
I tend the garden you built from the soil of your hate
It feels so familiar it feels safe
The words you cast aside without another glance I collect them like drops of water - I must be like a desert
You've cut me deep
My blood feeds this graveyard
I am forgotten to time
As you move on and forget everything you ever said to bring hot tears to my eyes
I dig a hole of self pity six feet deep
I'm buried in a graveyard of your sins
But my heart will always beat for you
Was: Nicole136
And then: TrinityPoeting
Am now: Quillfeather

If you ever need to talk I am here for you<3

"All great change is preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra
Fight through the chaos, there are good things ahead<333

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Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:26 am
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EllieMae says...

I absolutely love this theme and how you tied it back to the main theme in the last poem. Your poems were so filled with symbolism and power <33 amazing work and thanks for sharing!! They made my day better to be able to stop by and read (:
”Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards (so you might as well do Duolingo ).”

Was ailah2005
Then AilahEvelynMae
and is now EllieMae

Remember, a stranger once told you that the breeze here is something worth writing poems about.
— Shinji Moon