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Summer Bucket List

by alliyah

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Fri Jun 24, 2022 3:30 am
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Queenie wrote a review...

Hi alliyah!
I love this poem and it definitely gets me into the summer mood. For starters, I love the formating and the fancy &'s and the indentations and various length stanzas. And I love even more that although the formating is more unconventional, the flow of the poem is still very smooth and flowy and it's great. Also, you did a great job with vivid descriptions and imagery like in the line "I still believe the sun might be a freshwater fish if you could wake early-enough". I love the comparison of the sun and fish and just tying everything summer all together. I also really like the use of alliteration like in the line "by leaving my weather-worn-oars & life vest on land". You also did a great job with the shift in tone and the childhood innocence and reminiscent feeling in the beginning to a more serious and older tone by the end. I like how you conveyed a heavy emotional feeling through a more lighthearted poem and idea of a summer bucket list. I also like the quote "wouldn't you race me to the severed edge of tomorrow?" because it adds a flare to the poem with changing up the structure feel of the poem. Fantastic word choice and I think you did a great job all together with this poem. I'm sorry I don't have any real critiques to give. I look forward to reading your future works. Good luck and happy writing!

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Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:24 pm
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Liminality wrote a review...

Hi there alliyoghurt! Lim here with a poetry review.

First Impressions and Interpretation

The poem feels breathless, except for the middle part where there is a slight lull, a calm before the storm, and it picks up again. The thing that strikes me most is the role of contrasts and oxymorons, for example “summer” being associated with water imagery, and the sun being a freshwater fish. A lot of the imagery feels very surreal, at times even playful, contrasting the speaker’s intense feelings. Another line that stood out was:

watching for the place on the horizon that tells me the tide had turned

Reading this aloud, the rhythm seems to be a bit more regular and deliberate here, which made me take notice. It creates the feeling of anticipation, reflecting the speaker’s hope and fear, perhaps.

The poem seems to be about taking risks and daring to hope. A lot of lines suggest the speaker is betting or counting on something, like “throwing my heart into the bottom of the sea/ hoping i remember how to swim”, and “waiting for the tide to return”. At the same time, the speaker wants to conceal this hope, which is revealed in the last few lines. The images “ignoring-the-hurricane energy” and “sunburnt-heart-aesthetic” take a surprising turn, sounding a lot more ‘modern’ or social-media-esque than the rest of the poem. I interpreted this as showing how the speaker is trying to conceal their honest feelings by putting on something more . . . facile? Atop the images of depth that came before, like the 1000 leagues.

Imagery and Language

One strength of this poem is the development of its imagery. I like how the different contrastive elements still fit well with each other and motifs remain consistent throughout. For example, the “bucket list” is used in clever ways, 1. As a reference to how people take risks like sky-diving when following their bucket list in the first stanza, with the image about throwing one’s heart into the sea, and 2. Linking to the depth of the sea by making a pun with the depth of a literal bucket in the second stanza. I think the “freshwater fish” in the last stanza might also reflect how fish are often kept in buckets? It made me think quite a bit and the results of the thinking were some interesting, imaginative images that convey the slightly dream-like atmosphere of the poem.

On a side note, something that feels familiar about this poem (since I’ve been reading your poetry for quite some time c: ) is the use of a metaphor that ‘sets up’ the setting of the poem? The phrase “my summer is a bucket list” is repeated at the beginning of each of the three parts of the poem, so it sort of seems like everything that happens, from the swimming to the waiting, happens in the world of this ‘bucket-list summer’ rather in say, a ‘real’ beach or a ‘real’ ocean.

Structure, Rhythm and Sound Devices

I’m not sure if this is something to improve on per say, but like I mentioned in the First Impressions, the poem is very ‘breathless’ to read. There is a pace change in the lines from “& what seems impossibly impossible” to “& to be absolutely truthful”, but after that it seems to me that the pace picks right back up to the one from the first stanza. I have a feeling that there’s supposed to be a pause there before “at least before someone drowns”, but there’s no end-line punctuation there, so the automatic response for me is to just keep reading on.

I also initially found the use of semi-colons distracting, until I remembered that people sometimes separate their list items with semi-colons rather than commas or bullet points, and then it made more sense as a formatting choice.

Favourite Lines and Images

the only ingredient between broken-glass & sea-glass

I really love the image this conjures up in my head! The combination of “broken” and “sea” with “glass” makes me think of a lot of sensory textures, like the ruggedness of ‘broken’ and the smoothness of ‘sea’.

impossibly distant / impossibly impossible

This was a great development/ build-up across two lines, and I like how it connects the idea distant = impossible as well.


The poem seems to be a good reflection of multiple aspects of the speaker’s emotions. It conveys a story about someone who is trying to take a risk but also afraid, while also thinking the risk is the right one to take as well. Though the pacing and rhythm stays at the same high key for most of the poem, the combination and development of the images certainly makes it a memorable one.

Hope some of this helps and feel free to ask for more feedback!

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Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:05 am
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starlitmind says...

oh my goodness THIS IS SO PRETTY !!! <333 here's another alliyah poem i'm going to revisit five bajillion times a month~

alliyah says...

:') THANK YOU STAR! <3 That is very sweet! :)

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Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:08 am
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draftofstars says...

I love this poem! As someone from near the ocean, I can attest that reading this poem puts me back at the beach where I am most home. Thank you for this literary blessing. Keep on writing!

alliyah says...

Thanks for the praise! :) Glad you enjoyed this (and welcome to YWS)!

draftofstars says...

No problem, and thank you!

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Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:04 pm
vampricone6783 says...

When summer gets closer the sky grows into a pale pink and the joy of the season creeps in.So much to do and so much to see.A whole lot to explore.Summer is the season of finding yourself.What a lovely poem to read for summer! I liked it a lot! It was real nice.I hope that you have a cool day/night.

Courage, my soul! Now learn to wield the weight of thine immortal shield...
— Andrew Marvell