It started out strange, me and him. A Facebook message, reading 'Hello'.
I didn't really question it, just was glad to have someone
new to chat with. Just knew he was from school.
We didn't talk very much in that first month. Even
then, our conversations were short.
"What's up?"
"Listening to music, you?"
"Just sitting."
"Sounds like fun."
As the school year started, we talked a lot more. Brief conversations
turned into hours of deep discussion. It was all online though. We
protested theories and went against rules. Talked of happiness and
joy, and also depression and sorrow. For just messaging eachother
online, it was some of the best conversations I've had. You were the
dreamer; I was the adventure seeker. Putting those two together into
one mass of conversation was always something to look forward to. No
one else knew of our odd friendship, and I think we both liked it that
We hung out in person (besides school) once. It was a pleasant and
memorable day. We met up, and went on a walk. A long walk. He and I
laughed and talked for a while. He even tried to get me to hop a fence
into some type of hangout place. Being as stubborn as I am though, I
refused. He eventually just rolled his eyes and smirked.
"You're stubborn."
"I know, it's what I'm known for."
He proceeded to grin and say,
"You're my stubborn girl."
I never understood what that meant until yesterday. But it's too late
for that. But back to my gist of me and him, we walked until the sun
set. Right before I left, he had called my name and I turned to his
direction. He mumbled quietly never mind and we part our separate
The year though, eventually came to an end. He was.... moving away, in
a way. I pleaded for him to stay. Eventually though, I told him as
long as he's happy... I'm happy. Three days were left now. Two. That day, he told me, "What should I do?" I was confused at first. But then I understood. He hadn't made a final decision, probably couldn't. "I just want you to be happy. Choose what makes you happy." He was pretty frustrated. "Tell me what you want me to do." I carefully chose some words to say. "Though it's up to you, I would want you to stay. I care too much about you to let you leave." We talked for over four hours that night. He said something I know I'll never forget.
"For you, I'll stay."
He kept his word. He's still here. As I'm writing this, he's living his life.
After the new year, I slipped up. I hinted of a secret. He loves secret's with a passion I didn't know someone could possess. And so, after an half an hour of pleading, I told him.
"I love you."
It's safe to say, he was pretty shocked. He replied with an statement, short but it made my heart leap. I'm not sure if I felt joy or sorrow during that moment.
"I like you. I like you a lot, in fact. But I'm incapable of love."
But lately, me and him began to drift apart. Our daily talks turned into a two day a week kind of thing. That turned into one day. And now, I don't know. We haven't spoken in three days, it hurts pretty bad. Hurts even worse, because he stares at... her with eyes that never stared at me with such passion. Today has been the hardest day. I've pretended to be overly-happy all day, so I won't cry. But now I'm home. And all I can do is cry.
I never thought falling in love would hurt so much.
Points: 1033
Reviews: 6