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Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:57 pm
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Roxanne wrote a review...

Greetings Poet!

I'm going to make this very short, but I just had to say what an amazing poem you've written here and in a very amazing way too. The imagery in your poem is effective and paints a vivid picture of a mundane exam day.
Lovely how you managed to literally put this into a sort of "exam template", but only your very own template.

It is truly remarkable and incredibly awesome when you reflect upon it, but yes, that only if you understand it. It really is relatable!

That's it, that's all.
Long reviews dive in deep, but short reviews can still make a splash!


Plume says...

Thanks for the review!

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Thu May 18, 2023 4:04 pm
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emilia9ludenberg says...


this was absolutely hilarious. Precisely the trauma I will be experiencing next year- you seem to have a vast knowledge of different types of poems, whilst simultaneously writing simplistic yet relatable and concise poems. I love the format of the questions and the sardonic tone- keep it up!

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Tue May 16, 2023 2:25 pm
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sugarscherrypop wrote a review...

I loved this so much. Time to answer the problems!!

8. The answer is obviously an octave.

9. The answer is an allusion.

10. B, C, D, E.

11. A student

12. A. A genuine plea to a godlike figure.

13. The curtains are blue.

14. Like a long-winded cry.

15. E.

I think I did great. You did great. (Please continue to write you're good at it!!!)

- Cher

Plume says...

Thanks for the review!

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Mon May 15, 2023 8:34 pm
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xvbkatie11 says...

i genuinely love this poem. its short yet the word choice is canny and sharp. as a student myself, who happens to be in middle school, this is something i can honestly relate to. the imagery here is great as well. amazing work!

Plume says...

Thanks for your comment!

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Mon May 15, 2023 8:29 pm
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Mageheart wrote a review...

hi i'm OBSESSED with this poem.

it's been so long since i formally took an exam like that but this whole experience feels so familiar. i love how it's formatted like the actual exam. i also love how the questions genuinely feel like exam questions, but then you start slipping in other answers/questions and im STILL reeling at some of them. i love the repetition in 10 to show the repetition of the exams. the shakespeare answers had me giggling. the curtains are blue was a great reference to that common literary analysis critique, and the unfinished part in 15 was GENIUS

my one critique of the poem is that the questions felt stronger than the poem they were analyzing, but that also might have been the intention. the poem really does read like something you'd see on an official exam, so it makes sense that the most appealing part would be the part that's more YOU

overall, though, i really loved this poem! and if there's a spot to shout-out the best poem of the year in this year's best/most awards all the way in december, i'm definitely picking this one.

Mageheart says...

also i hope ur exam went well!

Plume says...

Thanks for your review! Very pleased you enjoyed! And yes, it was semi-intentional that the poem itself is a subpar sonnet; I wanted to sort of blur the lines between where the poem actually ended and if the questions were a part of it.

As for how my exam went, I'm sincerely hoping it went well. Time will tell!

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Sun May 14, 2023 12:10 am
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serenea wrote a review...

STOP this set up is so creative and amazing it's just so much fun to read and engages the readers so well. Mostly because it's so relatable because like reading comprehension (ew). Making the format something we all have some trauma with is the best. Honestly I know reviews are to make works better or give feedback but this is just too amazing and there is nothing I would change, especially the copy write print. This is hilarious hope you did well on your exams! (also I don't dare answer the questions because this is the one time I can retaliate against reading comprehension with no consequences, but the question formats are very professional. >:) Maybe become exam maker in future?

Plume says...

Thanks for the review!

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Sat May 13, 2023 3:06 am
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Spearmint says...

8. D (i think?)
9. B (possibly E, if a mobile device was used instead)
10. E (& FGHIJ)
11. BCDE
12. yes
13. 3 possibilities for spot one * 2 for spot two * 1 for spot three = 3! = 6
14. Like hourglass sand spilling through holes in concrete walls just like a spilling burst of time amidst a long-winded cry through a foggèd glass

this is a super fun poem, Plume! <3 (and the "Horror" category is definitely fitting as well XD)

Plume says...

Very happy you enjoyed it! As for how you scored on the "exam," I'm withholding that information until July ;)

Spearmint says...

omg noooo :') XDD just like collegeboard...

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Sat May 13, 2023 2:53 am
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alliyah says...

This is really cool! <3

Plume says...

Thank you! I tried my best to make it as ~authentic~ as possible.

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Sat May 13, 2023 2:45 am
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SilverNight says...

oh my GOSH Plume we have been needing an AP exam poem for forever (but most especially now) and this is BRILLANT. I applaud you. Reading this after all my tests this is making me laugh while shuddering about my scores, so this has an excellent branding of Horror and Humor too. Just— *chef’s kiss* so perfect.

Plume says...

Ah thank you! Glad you enjoyed, and my condolences for also having to suffer through AP exams this year :(

That's just what translation is, I think. That's all speaking is. Listening to the other and trying to see past your own biases to glimpse what they're trying to say. Showing yourself to the world, and hoping someone else understands.
— Ramy (Babel by R. F. Kuang)