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  • Happy cake day!!!

    Random avatar
    emilia9ludenberg Thanks, you too <3
    Jan 8, 2025

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    emilia9ludenberg Bit late Ik
    Jan 8, 2025

  • Normally I don't post on here, but genuine question: what makes poetry "good?"

    Spoiler! :
    I think that answer will differ a little from person to person, and while there are some standard things that maybe tend to make more people think a poem is "good" - these different factors won't be universal across all people, time, and space.

    So with that little disclaimer, I personally think a poem is good if...
    1) Clarity of Message Its meaning can be understood or discerned. (if I can't understand what the poet is trying to say, I'm not very likely to think it is "good')
    2) Layered / Deep Meaning There are multiple levels of meaning within the poem (often done through use of allusion, or metaphor)
    3) Creativity The language or approach is feels unique or creative.
    4) Emotional Response The poem inspires emotional resonance and maybe even empathy with me as the reader.
    5) Impact Is the poem saying something about something that feels "worthwhile".

    Other factors I find less important but often look at when reviewing - is the poem cohesive (does each line and theme feel like it belongs together), does the poem seem grammatically polished/intentional or messy with spelling mistakes and random punctuation, does it use poetic devices effectively (like assonance, metaphor, theme, repetition..), does the poem "sound good" to the ear, is there a sense of "story" within the poem (ie. do I feel like I'm watching a movie or living the poem, or simply being talked at).

    That's just all my two cents! And sometimes the very best poems play with those different factors in new ways to create new meaning or new standards! Poetry is cool like that! :)

    Aug 1, 2023

  • Belated welcome to YWS!

  • Hey! Welcome to YWS!

  • Hello! I'm Momo, and I'm so glad to meet you!

    I'm sure you already know this, but YWS is a writing community for young writers. You can post your own poetry, prose, novels, essays, movie reviews, and anything you want, really! You need 200 points to post a work, and you gain points by reviewing other works. The amount of points you get per review varies depending on how long the review is. The Green Room is where works with two or less reviews go, and you get an extra 25 points for reviewing a Green Room work. (There's also a group called the Knights of the Green Room that you can join.)

    If you want to introduce yourself, you can post in the Welcome Mat to say hi. You can also join The Newbies Club! If you have a few questions, you can look at the frequently asked questions for new users. If you have other questions, you can PM me or a moderator. The Big Book of YWS Codes also has a lot of great stuff!

    Again, if you have any other questions, feel free to contact me!


Now I realize that there is no righteous path, it’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst.
— Castiel