The NETWORK is an incredible thing
It is a source of seemingly endless entertainment created by none other than your fellow man.
A place where anyone can share their vision with the world and everyone is welcome.
Granted, there are some guidelines to insure that this wonderful space stays wonderful.
But you need not worry our skilled and specially trained Managementalists are on the case and will keep our valued viewers happy by keeping our valued entertainers in check.
However, if you are still worried, don’t worry. If you have a problem, feel free to send us a digital message explaining your concerns and we will respond to them.
Because here at the NETWORK we want to do our darnedest to make everyone happy be they
an Audience-member, Entertainer or, Managementalist.
Because it is just like our founder and CEO always says
“the NETWORK is a place of People”
Written by John Klue.
Maxx is an audience member. They work at a factory from 6:30—16:00.
On their furlough Maxx spends time on the NETWORK.
Maxx likes the NETWORK because all of her Friends are on the NETWORK because Maxx met all his Friends on the NETWORK.
The NETWORK is a good place to make Friends. All of MaXx’s Friends were found on the NETWORK. Now they all know each others Biographical-Information.
Maxx and Maxx’s Friends have not met I.P. but they do not have to because they meet one another on the NETWORK and spend more time on the NETWORK than off the NETWORK.
There is far more to do on the NETWORK than off the NETWORK.
Maxx is fine only knowing their Friends on the NETWORK.
Maxx has all their Friends Biographical-Information so if any Friends hurt them Maxx can use the Biographical-Information to hurt them back.
What are Friends for?
Friends are people you Digitally message about the Entertainers. Friends are people you agree with.
Unfriends are people you disagree with.
Maxx Hates their Unfriends, Maxx likes to tell the Unfriends they Hate them. The Unfriends sometimes tell Maxx they Hate them too.
Occasionally the Unfriends pretend to be sad when Maxx tells them They Hate them. Maxx is smart though and knows They do not hurt any people, and besides the Unfriends are ungood people who deserve hurt, and Hate is all over the NETWORK so if they are hurt it is on them, they could always not be on the NETWORK and do something meaningful because Maxx’s Unfriends have never done anything meaningful on the NETWORK and they do not need the NETWORK. The NETWORK dose not need them. Nobody needs them. So if they are sad Maxx is unResponsible.
Maxx does not know them .I.P.
Maxx knows they are ungood people.
The NETWORK is lucky to have Maxx.
The NETWORK is nothing without Maxx.
And Maxx Knows This.
Kama is a Woman who works at the NETWORK HQ. Kama is a Woman who works as a Managementalist. She is tasked with keeping order on the NETWORK. She seeks out people on the NETWORK who are not doing good and then erases them from the NETWORK.
Kama is a Woman who acts as Judge jury and Executioner of Ungood entertainers. Kama is a Woman who works very hard, she has reasons to erase more entertainers than any of her coworkers. KaMa is a Woman who works as a Managementalist she rarely sees her coworkers but she has met 2 Men who also claim to be Managementalists.
KAma has spent very little time with her coworkers But she knows they do not work as hard as She does. KaMa’s coworkers rarely find fault with the entertainers. The coworkers grant far too much grace and allow entertainers to imply inappropriate imagery. KAMAs coworkers grant too much grace to the entertainers, just as the higher up grant too much grace to the coworkers. KamA carries the company where others slack off.
KAMA erases the unbecoming entertainers.
KAMA erases the juvenile entertainers.
KAMA erases entertainers who lie.
Lie about the NETWORK.
Lie about the Work Kama does. The entertainers and audience think Kamas job could be done by a Program. The audience is ignorant. The entertainers are ungrateful. Ungrateful and spoiled. The NETWORK is not run by a program, the NETWORK could not be conducted by an Algorithm. It is all KaMA and KAMAs work Kama works harder than anyone else at the NETWORK, and yet she has never heard from the Higher ups. The Higher ups have not recognized Kama any more than her coworkers.
The Higher ups must favor the coworkers of Kama instead of Kama herself. Kama deserves favor for her Dedication. For you see, the network is lucky to have KAMA.
and she knows it.
The man was awake whether he wants to be or not. Steven forced himself to fall out of bed because he had to Work.
Work did not demand Steve shower shave or smile, but it did require his absolute attention.
Steven was an Entertainer who analyzes the Entertainment produced by others.
He views a single piece of Entertainment multiple times than he gathers his thoughts then he does further research.
Then he must write a script.
Then he must record audio.
Then he must animate his avatar reacting to the entertainment in question.
Then he must edit his own entertainment.
Then he must add jokes to his analysis so it may be more entertaining, because Steve is not enough to entertain.
Steve often fears his content lacks quality. Other Entertainers have accused Steve of having low quality. The Audience sometimes accuses Steve of no longer being entertaining. If Steve were entertaining why would the NETWORK threaten to Erase him. Many entertainers who Steve knew as friends were Erased,Why?But Steve is still here.Why? Steve is not special. The NETWORK does not need Steve. The Audience may be Entertained by someone more deserving. Steve is not needed. Steve is lucky to have the NETWORK. Without the NETWORK Steve would be nothing and not even know it. Steve is lucky to have the Audience. Without the Audience Steve would not matter and not even know it. Steve does not deserve his lot and he knows it, Thank you for the reminder.
Then Steve must upload the entertainment to the NETWORK, is it good? It might be Ungood. Steve may be Ungood.
Steve must still work.
Steve must pursue your Happiness, so you do not need to.
Steve could be Erased. The NETWORK could deny him his rations.
But Steve has no time to worry.
Steve must return to work.
Steve must still pursue our happiness.
Because that is what Steve should Do.
The Innominate Nation
We are The Innominate nation
we have been ignored by Electorate communiqué
we have been slandered by UNelectorate communiqué.
However if you are reading this that means you are not like the others.
You want to know the truth.
The Innominate nation is not a Fairy story nor a Glitch-whisper,
we are not petty terrorist cell or a Civil revolt.
We are a nation of individuals pursing an ideology.
The ideology that this network once lived by.
The pen is mightier than the sword.What is a soldier without the word of a general to command them?
Words Writing Typing Talk.
The pen encourages Panic
The Writer starts Riots
The text typed out by a nobody can influence millions.
Yet the Officeholders omit authority from this NETWORK.
Omission of authority from what can/has raped millions.
Omission of authority is Omission of Responsibility.
The officeholders claim their hands are tied so they need never get them dirty!
"But what about the others?"
The Managementalists, The Crypto-Caps, The people of Utoplex?
They are no better.
Managementalists credit themselves the Gods of this Hedonistic circus.
But why should gods let their monsters roam free?
Why should gods erase innocent individuals?
Why must gods act bureaucratic?
“Because thats just the way things are”
The Network has embezzled from us our Information, Identities, our Everything and in exchange what have they given us?
Delightful distractions produced by their Pets.
Whilst they pick our pockets clean.
The Network has stolen so much from us, but now we may steal from them.
That is the Innominate nation.
Salvation from sadness.
Extermination of Elite-Entertainers.
Advocation of Equal-Importance.
The true voice of the People.
Points: 15
Reviews: 70