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and so what if we have some cracks

by Hijinks

when i'm not trying to look too hard
for anything, when i'm not scraping away at
another dead layer of skin that has collected on reality,
i see quiet little bits of myself in you. i see that
way your stomach spills over the waist
of your jeans when you lay on your side,
the belly whispering that you breathe, you laugh,
you eat. not for a moment do i stop loving you
and for a moment i start loving
the way this belly folds and piles.
sometimes your lips are a bit too chapped
and when you talk, i can see them pull taut
and peel. if i remember to, i'll remind you
to fish out that chapstick in the back of your dresser,
but mostly i'm remembering all the times
i've seen you smile at something i've said.
i'm no comedic genius but i guess
i might just be a funny friend.
your hair is a juxtaposition of frizzy and greasy
tonight, and you should probably shower,
but it makes me think of how movies mimic the real thing
by carefully arranging hair so it looks windblown;
and how poetic is that. until you wash it all away,
for a bit, there is poetry in your hair.
you finish telling your story of grocery store adventures,
teetering on the edge of a voice crack.
your vocal cords, i think, are throwing a piece of pottery,
sometimes bubbling or slumping over into silence
but always turning over a thought. i wonder if i
shouldn't hate my voice, either,
if it's just a small clay bowl.
and so what if it has some cracks. 

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Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:45 am
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Liminality wrote a review...

Hi Seirre! Hope you’re doing fantabulously! Lim here with a short review.

First Impressions
The tone of the poem overall seems observational to me. It creates this sort of sympathetic and appreciative perspective of the human ‘reality’, perhaps contrary to a fiction that comes about via “trying to look too hard”.

the way this belly folds and piles.

This line embodies physicality and motion. The words “folds” and “piles” are so interesting, because ‘pile’ is kind of a magnification of ‘fold’ so it has this kind of crescendo effect that emphasises the movement. To me, it seems to hammer in the point about the addressee being alive and animate.
but it makes me think of how movies mimic the real thing
by carefully arranging hair so it looks windblown;
and how poetic is that. until you wash it all away,

for a bit, there is poetry in your hair.

I like this observation about fiction and reality. “how poetic is that” and “there is poetry in your hair” show an interesting reversal of how fiction imitates reality, and then reality (the person’s hair) is in turn compared to fiction (movie hair). Fiction and reality kind of feed into each other in a loop.
i wonder if i
shouldn't hate my voice, either,

if it's just a small clay bowl.

Love that image! These lines kind of make the voice seem like something innocent and faultless for having faults, if that makes sense. It creates a kind of pathos with something we don’t typically think we are capable of empathising with, like a voice or a bowl.

The main group of imagery that stood out to me in this poem was the bodily imagery, such as “dead layer of skin”, “stomach”, “lips”, “frizzy and greasy” etc. Like another reviewer said it’s very human-focused, which brings out the speaker’s appreciation of these mundane everyday people-things. I knew from the title there was going to be something to do with “cracks” somewhere, and I did find myself waiting around for it not sure whether it was going to turn up until the second-to-last stanza.
These are just some neutral thoughts: I wonder if the “cracks” might apply for the images of lips in the third stanza as well, or even the “dead layer of skin” in the first one. At the moment, it seems like the poem goes through a whole gallery of different texture images, from “scraping/chapped/taut/peel” to “spills/folds/piles” and “bubbling/slumping”. In contrast, the final lines seem to focus on the “bowl/cracks”, which gives the impression that this image is the main point of the poem somehow.

Punctuation and Structure
The overall structure of the poem has a reflective feel. The parts where there are enjambments or line breaks kind of fragment the images, so that it feels like a sketch from memory, if that makes sense. For example:
i see that
way your stomach spills over the waist
of your jeans when you lay on your side,
the belly whispering that you breathe, you laugh,

The speaker first records that they “see” the addressee, and then the following three lines each focus on one image, which are all in the same location of the body, the abdomen. The structure helps guide the reader’s imagination so that we are seeing the ‘same’ thing as the speaker and so we can get a sense of their fond feelings towards this person more easily.

Something I like a lot about this poem is the voice given to both the speaker and the addressee. The addressee appears in the poem as being someone who is cheerful, who laughs a lot even though the speaker is “no comedic genius”. They are also imbued with a sense of the everyday, talking about “grocery store adventures”. Usually in poems like this the observation by the speaker tends to overshadow the presence of the addressee, but that’s not the case here, and I enjoy that quite a bit.

I thought this was an interesting piece. It definitely subverted my expectations, because I’d initially thought it was going to be a poem that was just focused on the speaker or perhaps a plural “we”. Instead, looking back at it now, it seems to be a story about a speaker making sense of this other person as well as themselves. I like the physicality of the imagery and think it makes the poem more immersive.

Hope some of this helps, and feel free to ask for more feedback!

Hijinks says...

Hi Lim!! Thanks so much for the fabulous review! I was definitely aiming for a kind of observational feeling for the poem, so I'm glad you're picking up on that. And I love the idea of the images feeling like a sketch! I would've never thought of it that way but I can totally see that.

That's a good point about incorporating the "crack" motif earlier on in the poem - I'll keep that in mind if I got back to edit ^-^

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Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:25 pm
vampricone6783 wrote a review...

Movies and books are beautiful,but beautiful doesn’t equal perfection.The stuff fed to us is amazing but fake.It brings us joy but it suffocates us.In the end we are enough.We are just.We are literally so freaking beautiful and awesome.No one not one damned soul can change that.Great poem.Loved it.I hope that you will have a fulfilling and lovely day and night.

Hijinks says...

Hi vampricone! I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. Would you mind telling me what specifically you loved about it, or what you thought worked so well? That way I can keep it in mind for future poems.

vampricone6783 says...

The thing I specifically liked in the poem was you mentioning the human details.Like for example %u201CSometimes your lips are bit too chapped.%u201D But then you mention something positive about them like %u201CI%u2019ve seen you smile at something I said.%u201D

You%u2019re saying that despite the little imperfections they%u2019re perfect and that%u2019s what I like about it.

Hijinks says...

Cool, that makes sense - thanks for elaborating!

vampricone6783 says...

You%u2019re welcome.

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Wed Jul 06, 2022 7:46 pm
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fatherfig says...

Remind me to review this

Hijinks says...

I'll do my best :>

Hijinks says...

*boop* reminder! :)

fatherfig says...

Omg yes! I was trying to find this

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Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:45 am
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Stringbean says...

I love this, Seirre! It feels so earthy and human, really beautiful in all the rough edges in a person-- I like how your line breaks mimic that

Hijinks says...

Thanks Stringbean!! Earthy is such a great adjective for that c:

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Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:26 am
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Plume says...

My heart feels full while reading this. That's the only way I can really describe it. Phenomenal job, as always :)

Hijinks says...

aw asdlfkjasdf Plume I'm at a loss for words, that makes me so happy to hear :')

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