She don’t want a lot for Christmas.
There is just one thing She needs.
She don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
She just wants you for Her own;
More than you could ever know.
Make Her wish come true!
All She wants for Christmas
No, no, no!
Why are you
Shaking and crying
And getting your tears all over the floor of our sacrificial shrine?
That’s really not polite, y’know;
We just got them remodeled,
And they were expensive!
Can you just make this easy
And stop struggling?
Do you not understand
How important this is?
Our goddess Mariah Carey has thawed once again,
And she is feeling particularly hungry.
We must appease her!
If we don’t? Well…
Let’s just say
That things won’t be so holly-jolly for mankind.
Yes, that’s right;
The whole human race is depending on you!
How could you be so selfish
As to try to escape?
And how ignorant you are, too!
Do you know how many people
Would be honored to take your place?
Do you know how many people
Desperately wish to die a hero?
Huh? What’s that you say?
“Why can’t you just take those people instead of me?”
Were you not paying any attention?
All She wants for Christmas is
Not any of those other people;
Look, it ain’t our fault;
She picked you.
Not us.
We’re just the ones who carry out Her demands.
You know,
You’d really make this easier on everyone if you—
Stop all that punching and kicking!
Wait, do you see that light up there?
She’s coming!
Quick, bow down!
Yes, that means you;
Do it unless you want to be smited!
Now is not the time to correct my grammar!
Oh great goddess Mariah Carey
We are eternally grateful for you,
For you have shown us the truth of this world
And have never steered us wrong!
Please accept this sacrifice as a sign of our devotion to you!
Points: 2495
Reviews: 158