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You're Blue Like a Front Bottoms Song

by GengarTheGhost

your name is like a Front Bottoms song

with the way it’s light and airy in my mouth.

even now that you’re gone, it still stains my tongue

like a blue Icee on the summer solstice.


your smile is like the number five:

bright, cheery, and filled with laughter.

now all I have is your fading floral scent

seeping into the yellow wallpapers of my mind.


and every time I’m reminded of you,

it’s like a bag of stale chips and flock of flamingos:

flashes of color and distant twinges of friendship,

washed out by the denim blue waves of longing.

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Stickied -- Thu May 30, 2024 6:22 pm
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GengarTheGhost says...

I think I have synesthesia, which is when your brain connects one sensory input to a completely unrelated one (ex: seeing colors in your head when listening to music, or tasting a specific food when seeing a shape). It’s not a disorder/hallucination but more of an automatic response. It also varies in intensity from person to person, and for me it’s more mild/moderate.
I have the kind where numbers, letters, and words have colors (grapheme-color synesthesia), and also the kind where they have genders and personality traits (ordinal linguistic personification). Whenever I see a number in a math problem or by itself, it’s like a little “animation” of a number plays in my head and it’s the same each time. For example, 5 is yellow and cheery, 6 is indigo and depressed, and 9 is magenta and a party animal.
Sometimes I perceive music as colors, although not as often as I do with numbers. For example, when I listen to the band The Front Bottoms, it’s like my entire mind’s eye is filled with light blue. Rarely music induces a sensation on my tongue, in the case of The Front Bottoms it’s light and airy and almost like blue raspberry.

Here’s a little explanation of the poem itself, you can read it but you don’t have to in case you have your own interpretation of it:

Spoiler! :

Two of my best friends are going away (one graduated and the other is moving), and now all I have are the memories of them. And I wanted to incorporate synesthesia into it because it’s poetic enough.

The stuff about chips and flamingos isn’t really synesthesia related; one time I ate a bag of stale Cheez-Its and it induced a vivid memory of going to the zoo and seeing the flamingos, which wasn’t related to Cheez-Its at all. But I thought I’d include it anyways just because it has to do with memory.

Edit: i just remembered that one of the friends mentioned above likes The Front Bottoms :D

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Thu May 30, 2024 10:26 pm
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EllieMae wrote a review...

Hey Gengar! Wow, such an interesting concept for poetry. I read your description above and find this very interesting. I thought I'd give you some feedback on your poem, so let's jump right in!

right away, I love these two lines:

even now that you’re gone, it still stains my tongue

like a blue Icee on the summer solstice.

you paint a really vivid image with your poetry, which I love. especially since this is a poem dealing with different senses and perceptions beyond those typical senses that we see. I think this is a wonderful way to begin.

your smile is like the number five:

bright, cheery, and filled with laughter.

oooh, this is SO interesting. I love poetry, as I bet you know by now. I love metaphors. but this one... is so interesting and a new experience to me. seeing something be compared too something that I cannot fully feel is unique. I love how you played with the typical rules of metaphors and comparing, you really stretched those limits and I adore that!

this last stanza was wonderful:

and every time I’m reminded of you,

it’s like a bag of stale chips and flock of flamingos:

flashes of color and distant twinges of friendship,

washed out by the denim blue waves of longing.

I love the words you choose here- flock of flamingos, flashes of, friendship, wow it all flows so well! its so cool how poetry can make us feel so deeply and almost catch a glimpse of these unseen senses. this whole thing is symbolic in its own way!

overall, I really loved this short little poem. I could have read way more! id love to see a poem that goes through all numbers and stuff to see how you would view those. very interesting. hope you write more!

your friend,

GengarTheGhost says...

Thank you for the review :D

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Thu May 30, 2024 8:56 pm
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L0ca1Tes1a wrote a review...

Hello! I clicked on this poem as soon as I read the title because I love the front bottoms. I also read the description and it intrigued me to also read it. I read your comment that gives more background to this poem also. I really like this poem because most of the front bottoms songs are kind of sad with meaning behind them. I like the way you incorporate some of the things you see/taste when you see numbers, listen to a band, or people. I like how you put some things that you personally relate to and put them in this poem to describe two of your friends, and how you also brought in a memory even if its not connected to the synesthesia it still fits into the poem well. I agree with you that within this poem the synesthesia does sound poetic, but I do not have it so I cant say what is like. Overall I really like this poem. Well done!

GengarTheGhost says...

Thank you for the review :D

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