Hi, @FabihaNeera, I just wanted to say that I love your poem and the message that you try to get across to the reader. The way I understand it, you are saying that life is unpredictable and you have to keep trying even when there are obstacles blocking your way. I agree with that message and I think that is really inspirational. I also love the rhyming pattern that you use in this poem. It really stood out to me as I also like to use rhyme in my poems. I especially enjoyed stanza 3: Though, do not be unswayed,
As endless possibilities lie ahead of you.
And do not be easily delayed,
As even the light a candle brings about
Will soon begin to flicker out.
You did a great job of creating imagery with the lines about the candle and I can tell that you put a lot of thought into it.
Points: 34
Reviews: 4