Hello Fabiha! Your poem was really amazing. The metaphors and rhyming was awesome. There could not have been better words to express such a wow! Poem. Though the rhyming of the second last para segregated it a bit from the whole poem. The prose flowed very nicely.
“Tell me, how can I still be”
^ No offends, but this line meant a little less sense to me . When you write it , why not mention what you have to be?
The emotions were well-expressed. Though it was unclear to whom your goodbye was said- was it a lover or just a friend? Make it clear.
“For what I am not brave enough to say
Is your name, set forever in a stone display.”
These lines created so enthusiastic ending to an enthusiastic poem.
Loved it 💕💕
Keep writing!
Points: 620
Reviews: 20