Hi there, Brigadier
Lehmanf here with a short review. I hope it finds you well.
First Impressions
This is a very intriguing piece of poetry. I see it strongly resembles your poem "empty pages".
it never went anywhere.
This is quite a strong sentence. It contains emotions like desire, hope, sorrow, anger and a feeling of being a failure. Of trying and never winning, always staying in the same spot as if in jail when playing monopoly. Always playing the dice, and giving bail but always shut down as soon as it started and sometimes just sent backwards.
it has no beginning
This line is quite intriguing because in actuality there is no such thing as a beginning and end in subjective reality which is the way we percept the world. If I were to disagree that the last word of this poem is not the last word then it could not be part of the objective reality or concrete reality. Because humans disagree this means that nothing could possibly be in objective reality...
therefore, it will have no
Therefore the concrete reality is just an empty space because I can not guarantee everyone around is actually real. This means that people, plants, nothing can be found in objective reality, not even yourself. This means that reality isn't real because it is an interwoven mess of subjective realities. Meaning everything, including you are subjective and only live as a figment of perception that is not actually rooted in reality. This means there can not possibly to an end in reality because there is no concrete reality which means reality isn't real so we need to root ourselves in a different idea of what life is. This is known as Viewer Subjectivity and you're poem strongly resembles it for me.
This is a very thought-provoking poem and I thoroughly enjoyed mulling it over.
Have a fantastic day
Points: 155
Reviews: 30