My dog, Hugo walks down the stairs and smiles, heading towards my direction.
"Hi Hugo!" I greet him. "How are you? How's the little baby boy?"
He sits in front of me while I ate my apples.
"No." I swallow the apples. "This is not for you."
He smiles.
"No." I cross my arms. "I will not fall for your cuteness."
He slightly whines.
"No." I get an slice of apple. "Not for you."
He walks away with his little steps. Walking with a sweet melody in each step. Tap, tap, tap on the tiles of the floor.
I continue eating more apples.
He sits in front of me again but I didn't mind him this time. So, his places his tiny, warm paws on my rough, black sweatpants and yawns on my face.
"What?" I move to backwards. "No. No apples for you."
He smiles with his tail wagging like a windshield wiper and lifts his right paw.
"No." I lift my right hand too. "Don't sass me out, you dog."
He whines.
"Nope." I smirk. "Whining won't get you anywhere, dogg."
He walks away with a sad melody.
"Has Hugo eaten?" I ask out loud so all my family can hear.
All of them said, "no."
I sigh and wash my hands.
Hugo sits on my side in front of the kitchen counter.
"Yeah." I out soap on my hands. "You know you're going to eat already. Tch."
He smiles again as I get his plate and water dispenser. He walks with this beautiful, happy melody of little steps because his favorite thing is to eat.
I wash his plate, put water in his dispenser, and put his food in his plate. I can hear his breath with the happy tone of ha, ha, ha. I put his water dispenser back first and get his plate filled with smelly doggy food. "Sit."
He sits very still and cute.
"Okay, now, wait." I place his plate on the floor.
I wash my hands. "Wait."
I wait for another 10 seconds. "Wait."
Another 10 seconds. "Eat."
He chews his food with a very satisfied melody of crunch, crunch, crunch. In the next few seconds, he walks towards me and kisses my hands.
"Oh, yes, yes, yes." I stroke his hair. "You're welcome. Drink some water."
He goes to his eating area to take some sips of water drip, drip, drip.
So in conclusion, my dog does everything with a melody.

Points: 1986
Reviews: 42