
Young Writers Society

2017 YWS Yearbook

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Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:09 pm
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postmalone says...

Okay so throughout 2017 i've been there and vanished. Lately i've been coming on YWS a lot more because i realized just how important you all are to me. And i know i will never meet some of you, i know some of your souls are already on their way to the UnderWorld, etc. But personally, 2017 was, for me, depressing and crappy.

i still have yet to learn how to drive since im 16 (i put it off for 3 months already). i still have yet to make new friends on this website. i still have to go through heartbreaks, boys, love, friendships, loss, death, all of the usual teenage things that blossom into young adults who are terrified of adulting. i do fear that when i am on my own, it will go one of two ways: the first being a procrastinator and a sloth and never getting anything done... the second having success in my life but having it ruined by the people i choose to fall in love with or get involved with.

but 2017 was messy. and i am glad that its over. i have faced heartbreak, depression, losing friends, knowing people who died, a struggling journey of my own health, and sad things. but hey, i survived. i'm still kickin'. and if 2018 will surprise attack me and ambush me just as i feel like everything's okay, i'll go down fightin'.

here's to you, my friends. to the resolutions that are ignored, to the resolution lists that get forgotten, to the resolutions that have different endings, and to the resolutions that bring changes and new amigos.

stay happy c:

~le pizza de le rolls

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Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:32 pm
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EternalRain says...

I’m a bit late. That’s okayyyy.

Wow, what a year. YWS has been such a big part of my life! It’s a inspiring place and basically a second home for me.
Here are some reflective bits:
- I became an editor for Squills!
- I participated and won RED
- YWS turned 13! :)
- I participated and won NaNoWriMo
- Story Starters contest
- Attempted a storybook
- made new friends
- read new stories

YWS is like a sanctuary. Of course everything hasn’t been all fun and games, and YWS is a place for me to share my thoughts, help others, and make friends. I can’t imagine life with YWS, honestly. I developed so much as a person, on YWS and off.

So many things happened in 2017. Good and bad. But I’m glad it’s over, and I’m ready for a new year. I can’t wait for all the books to be read, works to be reviewed, friends to be made, words to be written, and so much more.

My goals for 2018:
- Write more, and maybe actually publish something on here :p
- Review more
- Make more friends (on YWS and off)
- Exercise more and do more yoga (thanks for @Carlito for recommending Adriene to me)
- Work on polymer clay (!)
- Be a kinder, better, happy person

New year new me, right?

There’s so many people who have helped me, inspired me, or just have been some cool people. A few shoutouts:
@marms - you are so beautiful and strong and INSPIRING! <3
@saentiel - thank you for bringing so much positivity to everyone here, and for inviting me to join in the Voltron storybook (my first!)
@neptune - thanks for being a good friend!!
@Aley and @megsug - Squills!!
@pizzaroll - a new friend I made this year!
@felistia - thanks for posting your work for me to review! And fellow polymer clay buddy :)

Thanks all <3
“Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.”

-- Lemony Snicket

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Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:25 pm
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Danni88 says...

Is it too late to write a yearbook? Here goes...
I am so glad I found YWS! It’s really changed my life and my writing for the better. I’ve met so many great people, reviewed so many great stories and participated in so many great RPs.
Shout out to @MJTucker, @DemonGoddess Lokistal and @LittleLee my fellow RPers and also to @FalconerGal9086 for creating the RP Geeks in the first place!
Shout out to @Rydia for being an awesome buddy!
Shout out to everyone in the Ducks club for well, being ducks!
Shout out to @DemonGoddess again for being a fellow Norse obsesser
And finally, shout out to @KatieC, my amazing, brilliant, super-cool mum!
It’s been a great year and I can’t wait for the next one!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :smt020 :-D
Mmm, teatime. I fancy reviews and chips.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx

Queen Danni of Awesomeland x

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Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:33 pm
Atticus says...

Yay someone tagged me *cough cough* *nudge nudge*

"tiktok and giving children meth are my passions" ~ @ShadowVyper
"carinas long foretold chaos protege" ~ @veeren
"smol bean, future of chaos" ~ @carina

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Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:07 pm
Saruka says...

a lesbian disaster

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Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:45 am
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Featherstone says...


Thank you all for my first full year with YWS

To @RavenLord: There are so many times we've had together, so much to say, I don't even know where to start. But we met roleplaying, so I suppose that's where it makes sense to begin. Without you, the Roleplay Geeks wouldn't have gotten off the ground. Not only have you been a driving force behind what is probably among the most active clubs on YWS, but you really played your part with difficult situations there and shown that I can really count on you - and I appreciate that more than words can say. Beyond that, we've had some spectacular times together. You've been some of the best conversation I've had and wow, you are an amazing roleplayer! You've stuck with me from the beginning and really accepted me. You're smart, nerdy, unique, and probably one of the, if not the, most open-minded person I've met in my life. Besides, you introduced me to Sherlock, so how can I not love you? ;)

To @Tortwag: (Now would be a good time to boot up our theme song.)

To think all the way back to Crazy Talks where it all began with Viper and Twinkiel - wow, it's been such a long time. Honestly, I never expected to develop a relationship as close as what we have when we first started. Who would? I thought we'd be roleplay buddies and that'd be that.

Appparently not.

You see things for what they are, you say it like it is. You're honest - sometimes brutally :P - and intelligent and you always have a plan. I don't know why I keep being surprised by you having a plan, at this point I should expect it, but for some reason I am. You've done so much for me to really develop as a human being. Shown me the truth, listened to what I've had to say, helped me find ways to fix it or adapt or change.

Beyond that, you're just a fun guy! I mean, the cartoons, the music, the Pokémon, the roleplay, AND I MEAN TWINKIEL, AM I RIGHT? Thank you for the fun times and being there and just being you! It's amazing!

To @DemonGoddess: You've really grown as a roleplayer in the time I've known you. When I met you, I was fed up and agitated and trying really hard to be tolerant and give you the benefit of the doubt. Now look at you! You're an officer, and one I can count on! I know that things right now aren't ideal for you, but I'm here for you - you are intelligent, an amazingly talented writer, and I have no doubt that when you get out of high school and have freedom you will really be able to do something great.

To @ChieRynn: You were one of my first friends here, and have opened my eyes to so much. We're really different people in a lot of ways - I'm a liberal atheist from the California coast who has grown up in the suburbs, and you're a conservative Christian from Florida who has been raised on a ranch. But we're also very similar in our passions and values and tastes. I love that I can talk to you about things we don't necessarily agree on, and have really in depth discussions, because it opens my eyes to things I never would have anticipated or expected. Thank you so much for that!

To @soundofmind: You're one of the best roleplayers I know. I love James SO much! You're an extraordinarily talented artist (seriously, when I draw, they're stick figures, and when I sing I sound like a sick, drowning loon) and you are such a considerate individual. Your ideas for your characters and your world are unique and I can't wait to see them grow. James is such a well-developed character - flawed yet strong, perfect and imperfect, noble but oh so human! Thank you for spending the time you have with me; I really treasure it!

To @saentiel: I'm sure you've heard this from most everybody, but I'll say it again: you are so kind and caring and sensitive and optimistic, you are a joy to be around! You're a talented writer and I love your characters and how human they are. Every one of them has a sweet spot somewhere! You really made me feel welcome here, and I appreciate that. This was my first venture into online socializing, and I'm a shy and reserved individual (though it may not seem so here), so you welcoming me in and showing me the ropes was really helpful to me.

To @SacredPen: What can I say, Sacred is fun to be around. Talcaid is a blast, Sacred is quite the character, and Puritan and Morrigan get along so well! You are intelligent and fun and say things like they are, which I appreciate. I love having you around and we've had some good times together! You're so chill and easy to hang with and talk to; besides, you're a damn fine writer, and it's fun to read what you've written. YOUR IMAGERY IS AMAZING, FACE IT.

Thank you to all of you! I love this community and these people and all the wonderful times I've had here! I can't wait to see how it grows and changes! LOVE YOU ALL!
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."


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Sat Jan 06, 2018 5:38 am
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Omni says...

Alrighty, I'll keep this as short as I can and apologies if I didn't mention you. Nothing personal, it's just that a year is a long time and I forget people and things.

@Lumi I'm not sure what else to say to you that I haven't screamed to the heavens before. So, thanks for being there for me to vent a lot, even if you still confuse me with how you speak more often than not xD

@AllisontheWriter you're awesome. You're too hard on yourself and doubt your abilities too much. Any time I see you online, I smile.

@Sheytato you're so laid back and it confuses me how someone can be like that. You are like the perfect foil to my DMing style, and you're also a pretty cool dude so I've heard. I can't wait for us to become friends outside of the Storybooks we're in. To the rest of this year.

@ScarlettFire this is your year girl. Don't be afraid to grasp it by the horns and make it the best it can be. Don't disappear.

@BrumalHunter don't stop being awesome. Your adaptability and willingness to think thinks through gives me heart when I am in doubt.

@Steggy you doubt yourself a lot, and give into some harsh habits, but you have so much potential and love bursting in you. I've always seen that in you, and I hope that one day you will as well. Don't disappear.

@soundofmind you have gone through a lot this year, and come out of it on top. You are still new here and I wish the best of the future for you and nothing less.

@Carina this is the year you will regreen. YWS misses you and so do I.

@FigrothFelanor you joined this site for Shattered Moons. I hope you stay for its wonderful community.

@Lumi @ScarlettFire @AllisontheWriter @Lael @Sheytato @Steggy @FigrothFelanor @BrumalHunter thank you all for making 2017 my best year in Storybooks ever. Doubt reaches everyone, and failure discourages me much. To see people still genuinely interested in what I create gives me inspiration, hope, and enthusiasm. I thought I had become out of touch with the forum I called home for so long. To see so many people still joining my Storybooks lets me know my fears are unfounded.

Here's to next year, folks
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Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:55 am
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Virgil says...

I didn't think I'd be doing one of these this year but it's basically tradition by now and I may as well. This year, now last year because I'm only now here to make this post, went by fast. I'm almost in disbelief that it's 2018 now, but it is.

Let's get into the shout-outs. I may end up forgetting people because it's almost 2 in the morning but I'll try not to forget anyone, haha.

@Evander Adri, you're one of my best friends if not my best friend and I'm proud to have met you. Ilysm and you're amazing!

@Hattable Basically what I said to Adrian but also, thanks for being such a bud and you're awesome to talk to.

@micamouth You're a great friend and fun to talk to. I'm glad I started talking to you again. You rock.

@Gringoamericano I'm super proud of you for running the Unofficial YWS Discord! I'm glad you've found your niche and you're always fun to talk to whether it be music or movies or life in general.

@Omnom @Lareine @ScarlettFire @Willard Miss you four a bunch. Hope you're all doing well! Love ya as always.

@Rosendorn You've helped me a bunch this year and you're a great person!

@Kyllorac You! Are! Amazing! At! What! You! Do!

@BlueAfrica The Chosen Grandma is one of my most positive experiences that I've had this year and I'm going to be picking back up soon! You're also an amazing moderator and a great friend. You're awesome.

@LadyLizz You know why you're here. You're great. Keep up the wonderful work.

@Lumi and @Aley Ahh, hi. I know we don't talk as often now but both of you are A+ people. Thanks for being such positive forces in my life.

@BiscuitsLeGuin You're great! I know we don't talk often but I know for a fact you definitely are.

@Sheytato and @Saentiel Hii! I know I haven't talked to either of you in awhile but you're both lovely and fun. Also, on Saentiel's part, I see a Deku avatar? Have you seen My Hero Academia??? I love that show!

@Wisteria @Pompadour @SpiritedWolfe Hope you three are doing well! c:

And...I'm probably forgetting a lot more people that deserve being tagged but I think I've covered the main ones. Love you all, though, and if I missed you on accident, sorry about that!

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