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Depression Cuts

by yumi

I know this that you sometimes feel you must hide, in order to maintain your usual life, and keep people happy. I think you also see it as a weakness or a cry for attention feel like not telling anyone, and it isn't a big deal and nobody cares or would understand anyway, so why bother? That is wrong though. I only want to help you through this thing. "I am here for you and whenever you feel like talking I'll always be willing to listen and to try and understand.

You are the most valuable thing in the world to me, and I will always be here for you. Maybe I can understand certain things. I've cried myself to sleep many many times. I usually feel like this because I have goals and dreams that seem so far away and I can't reach them. I don't have any close friends or family, really, so that makes me feel lonely. Nobody ever talks to me unless they want something.

I imagine you go through your day you think you need to fight alone – thoughts of neglect, of exclusion, of never being good enough for yourself, and certainly not for anyone else. The brave face that you have for the world is the same one you have for yourself. But at day's end, that mask comes off – it has to. You need to breathe.

But you cry because you live in a world with nothing meant for you, at least not in the way things are meant for others. You cry because your tears are your only solace; it is the only way you can ask for what you really need.

I think it's human nature to feel like there's always something missing. I have yet to meet someone who feels like their life is perfect and there's nothing else they should accomplish. We are always after something, even if that path might lead us to suffering.

It breaks my heart that you hurt yourself sometimes. I cried about that, too, for all the good it did you. But I know the you would like nothing better than to feel happy again and be content. I won't tell you to stop being depressed or be happier. that is out of your control.

Depression is a sickness, not a choice. Just because I don't mention it doesn't mean I don't care. I hope to help you with that by being here for you and providing safer alternatives. One that I might suggest, and I use myself at times, is to wear a rubber band on your wrist, and when you get stressed or anxious, or whatever feeling makes you want to harm yourself, try snapping the rubber band until the feeling goes away, sometimes this works. And please please come to me here or call me when you feel like that. And I don't care how much pain your in, or how much pain you cause me, no matter what the circumstance, I'll always be here for you. No matter how small you think the issue is, you can always come to me and talk about what's bothering you.

I promise. I am absolutely, definitely, positively, unquestionably, no strings attached, beyond any doubt, unconditionally, full of love for you, And no matter what, you're still my best friend, This is the thing about best friends: like sisters and mothers, they could piss you off and make you cry and break your heart, but in the end, when the chips are down, they are here, making you laugh even in your darkest hours. I love you. Nothing could tear us apart. I actually mean that. If you'll allow me a LITTLE poetry: This friendship wouldn't end,

By your side I will stand,

Doing anything I can for you,

As best friends will do,

In life,

Through all of the wrongs

And all of the rights,

I'm here for you,

Because I love you.

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Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:04 am
Ducklinstories wrote a review...

Hey hey Yumi, Ducklin here for a review!
Let's get started shall we?

Well I can't actually call this a real review since I won't be giving critique but only say the good things.
I really loved the message you gave the reader combined with your usage with words. Ilove that we are lined reading as the best friend if I got it right?

I really liked your poem/short story and would love to read more work like this.
Keep on writing and stay safe

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Tue Jan 05, 2021 1:45 am
niteowl wrote a review...

Hi there yumi! Niteowl here to leave a quick review.

Overall, I think the emotions here are heartfelt and well said. Having been in the situation of trying to help a friend struggling with self-harm and mental illness, I know that it's tough to deal with.

That said, there are some aspects of this that I feel could be improved. I find myself feeling like this is so general I'm not sure if it's about a specific person or directed at the audience. I feel like it is about a specific person, but aside from some references to being that person's friend, I don't have a strong sense of their relationship. Adding more imagery and sensory detail makes it feel like you're writing about a specific person and adds interest when writing about strong emotions in common situations.

There's also a couple places where I think the language could be tweaked. The second paragraph veers from "I understand because I also struggle with depression" to "let's talk about me and my problems", which is counterproductive. I do think the piece does a better job of using personal experience later when the speaker mentions the rubber-band option.

But you cry because you live in a world with nothing meant for you, at least not in the way things are meant for others.

This reads kind of oddly, like the narrator is agreeing with this statement. Maybe it should read "You cry because it seems you live..."

I think it's human nature to feel like there's always something missing. I have yet to meet someone who feels like their life is perfect and there's nothing else they should accomplish. We are always after something, even if that path might lead us to suffering.

Well-stated and very true. Even though I'm old enough to know better, I still feel like other people have things more figured out than I do.

Overall, I think there's some great emotion in this piece, but it could be made more specific if you wanted to revise this. If you don't, given how personal the topic is, I understand, but it's worth considering. Keep writing!

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Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:08 pm
Plume says...

This moved me to tears. It was truly beautiful. Thank you.

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Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:15 pm

Truly Beautiful. It really made my day.

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Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:39 pm
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NastyMajesty says...

thank you so much yumi this really made my day <3 <3

i, too, use desk chairs for harm and harm alone
— Omni