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Young Writers Society


by quitecontrary

Why is it that when I see a sunset
all I can do is sit and stare?

As clouds shrink back
pulled by pink and orange tractor beams
into the orbit of another spacecraft--
I can't help but pause.

And pause we all do,
when time's split and fragmented
into an infinity of moments
and only fifteen or so minutes.

It's an accumulation of instances
holding hands or watching in awe;
what would it be like
to paint the sky as artists do?

Would I even be able to capture it
in a few bold strokes
or would my hands require a lighter touch?

Could I compose an opera out of it
or would a single motif be enough?

I am no more qualified to tie your shoes
when I put charcoal to canvas
and yet so many have tried;
could sparse thoughts (unintelligible to most)
even begin to reason through

why such a calming end
can seem so new?

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56 Reviews

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Fri Mar 12, 2021 6:16 pm
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akanbright wrote a review...

Its actually nice because many do not get to know about sunset or ☀ rise. All they know is that it's a natural phenomenon.
Its good trying to describe what sunset may look like. Its a natural thing we may not be able to fathom or even comprehend, but the real stuff is when we create the picture in our heads or mind and then try seeing how we can reflect it to our encompass.
I love the structure of the poem and its fitting to the imaginary and imagery formation of the reader.

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Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:22 am
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MoonIris wrote a review...

Hi quitecontrary,
I'm here with a quick review. I love your poem. I don't have much to say but I hope it helps ;)

First of all, I think the idea of the poem is very interesting. You created a poem on how difficult it can be to capture the beauty of a sunset in words.
"As clouds shrink back
pulled by pink and orange tractor beams
into the orbit of another spacecraft--
I can't help but pause."
This was my favorite part because of how vivid the description is. It reminded me of a painting that I did with a sunset.
My review is really short... I hope you have a great day,

quitecontrary says...

Thank you! :D

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93 Reviews

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Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:31 am
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MapleWay wrote a review...

Hey! MapleWay here with a quick review!

This was such an amazing poem! I haven't seen any others like it! I'm honestly surprised that I'm the first review! With it being in the literary spotlight and all. It honestly is pretty difficult to review to its profoundness but I will do my best!

And pause we all do,
when time's split and fragmented
into an infinity of moments

I liked this part a lot! Mainly because it states the mind-boggling question this poem is based on, "Why do we always stop and look?" I tried to think of a better reason than because it's so beautiful but I simply couldn't! I also liked how you used the word fragment. It gave the perfect image of what a sunset looks like.

Anyways great poem! Can't wait to see more!

quitecontrary says...

Thank you for your review! Every time I see a sunset I'm reminded of other sunsets, which was why I used "infinity of moments" :D

He saw it in her eyes. The anguish, the frustration. The terrible nothing that clawed inside and sought to smother her. She knew. It was there, inside. She had been broken. Then she smiled. Oh, storms. She smiled /anyway/. It was the single most beautiful thing he'd seen in his entire life.
— Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance