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The Moon Needs Her Night 23

by inktopus

Warning: This work has been rated 16+.

“She is never like this,” Eijin said. His eyebrows furrowed and a frown sunk into his face.

“I need to talk to her.” Asha rushed out of the room and thundered down the hallway.

“What do you want?” Yuni snapped, whirling around.

“What’s wrong?”

Some of the ice in Yuni’s face cracked. “Nothing is wrong.” She schooled her expression into a facade of cool indifference, but Asha knew Yuni well. Well enough to know that her facade was false.

“Tell me.” Asha reached out a hand. She grew hopeful as Yuni extended her own, but her heart sunk as Yuni pushed it away.

“Leave me alone. It is not as if you are aching for company now that we are no longer traveling.”

Tears scalded Asha’s eyes. “Yuni, I-”

“I am happy for you.”


She held up a hand. “Asha, please allow me to finish.” Yuni’s voice wavered in the air like a string about to snap. It was already fraying, holding on by only a thread. “I am glad to see you so happy. I wish you luck with your newfound romance.”

Those last words hung in the air, Asha could almost see them despite the fact that she scarcely believed that Yuni had just spoken them. It was like time had stopped. Breaking the spell, Yuni turned around. Time started again, and Asha began to feel. Anger, white hot, burning more than anything she’d ever felt before, welled up inside of her and spilled out.

“Romance?” Asha shouted. Yuni stopped, but only for a moment. Furious, Asha ran forward and caught her by her shoulder. “Romance,” she repeated more quietly, turning Yuni around to face her. Yuni’s eyes were wide, glistening with fear.

“You and my brother-”

“Eijin,” Asha said. “Did he tell you something about this romance?”

“There is no need to keep it a secret from me,” Yuni said. “I-”

“It wasn’t a secret!” Asha all but shouted. Yuni pushed her away, but didn’t turn around. “There was no secret to be kept. Eijin and I are only friends, but if he told you different, I need to talk to him.”

“You and Eijin are perfect for each other! You are both so smart and kind! Even when you speak Mallander, you don’t speak the same language as everyone else. You deserve someone who can understand you. Who can work alongside you.”

Somehow, Asha got the feeling that what Yuni was really saying was, “You deserve someone who isn’t me.”

Her anger increased tenfold, beating at her insides and tearing apart everything in its wake. “I don’t want that! I don’t want Eijin!”

“I should go,” Yuni said, almost too quietly for Asha to hear.

That white hot anger froze over. Asha was encased in ice. “Yes. You should.”

Regret wanted to take over as she watched Yuni’s receding figure, but her anger quashed it. Though she didn’t want to, she returned to the library, fake smile plastered on her face, and completed the experiment with Eijin.

He didn’t press her for details about their conversation though Asha was sure he wanted to. Asha was thankful for that, and when they were done, she didn’t linger like usual, bantering and drawing out the cleanup for an excuse to talk more about magical theory.

She retreated to the safety of her room, sliding the paper doors open to let in the afternoon light and fresh air. At some point, a servant had silently entered with a tray of food, placing it on the low table in her room. She ignored it, taking deep breaths. Despite her meditative exterior, inside, Asha was seething. More frustrating, however, was her inability to identify why she was angry.

She searched her every thought for an answer, but Yuni was the only thing she saw. Yuni. Yuni. Yuni.

She wanted to scream. It was boiling inside her, climbing up her throat, clawing at her mouth to open up. She couldn't let it out. Anger couldn't win. For a moment, her mind was clear of thoughts of Yuni, and instead, Khari appeared. She stood up and felt his presence beside her.

His soft brown eyes regarded her with something like sympathy and what she had seen enough times to recognize as disappointment. But they weren't real. How long had it been since she had last thought about him? Even though it was her quest. Her mission. Her duty as his student to take his place and protect their people. She had forgotten the importance of that. She had forgotten the urgency to do what? Take luxurious baths and fight with her only allies in this mission. When had she grown so immature?

"I'm sorry, Khari," she whispered. Not in Mallander but in the language she dreamed in. The language Khari had spoken to her. She groaned and massaged her scalp with her fingers. She needed to clear her head.

She walked outside. One step closer to Yuni.

The pond drew her to it. Perhaps the water could wash away her weakness. She needed to learn self-discipline. It wasn't enough to find Khari. She had to fill his place. Become the mage he was.

She closed the distance to sit cross-legged at the edge of the water. Closing her eyes, she looked deep inside of herself. Pulsing gently, her core drew her mind's eye. The same core as all of her people. The core that was being drained in her people. She had to become as strong as Khari. Learn the same self discipline she saw him display every day.

Still focusing on her core, Asha drew a thread from it. Channeling that thread, she fed it into the water. One slow breath in and out. The water rose into a flowing pillar.

She opened her eyes.

Those golden fish swam up and down the pillar in helixes. Arms still at her sides, she had to exert discipline no matter how she wanted to move them, she formed the pillar into a ball. Still, the fish swam in circles, flashing in the waning light. Asha began to feel the effects of using her own energy. It became harder to maintain the thread of energy spinning out of her body and into the water.

Self discipline.

She separated the fish into separate balls of water.

Self discipline.

She raised the entire pond into the air.

Self discipline.

It all began to blur; time melted into itself, and her thoughts were fluid, mixing into each other. It was as much of a reflection on her past as it was criticism of her present. The one constant through it all was Yuni. How she had rescued Asha. The intelligence in her every move. Her strength Her quiet determination. The way she smiled at Asha.

Her thoughts moved from past to present. How she had said that she wanted Asha to be with someone she deserved. And that what she really meant was that Asha deserved someone better than her.

How could she have been so horrible to Yuni? She was clearly hurting, pushing Asha away so that she could protect herself from more pain. All because she thought that Asha loved Eijin.

The water splashed back into the pond, soaking her to the bone. Yuni was jealous.

Asha let herself fall back, panting as her body really began to feel the loss of energy. Water seeped into her clothes and chilled her skin. She opened her eyes, finally seeing how dark it had gotten. The moon shone silver in a velvet. star studded sky. Moon Face.

Yuni's face really was like the moon. So beautiful. And hadn't Yuni compared her to the night sky once? I just mean that you are what matters.

Months of memories hit her all at once, and suddenly, Asha knew. 

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Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:48 am
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Vervain wrote a review...

Hey Storm! Like I mentioned, this is probably going to be my last review for a while. I'm actually feeling kind of burnt out on this novel, but I promise I'll make this review count. I'll mainly be basing it off the last 4 chapters, but there will be elements from the novel as a whole.

I want to make it very clear that I do not hate your novel. I think it's an important story that deserves to be told, and you're telling it in a way that no one else can, because you're coming at it with your personal experience. You view it through a different lens than anyone else, and that puts you as the writer at a unique advantage.

I want to make this clear because of one thing: In attempting to be the most diverse novel it can be, your story has fallen flat and become bloated with racist tropes and stereotypes.

This is a fantasy world. I get that. But if you intend for your fantasy world to have the same or similar racial politics to the real world, you'll have to accept that readers are going to project the real world -- to an extent -- onto your writing. So while I accept that this isn't actually England, Africa, or Japan, I'm by default going to be judging these characters as if they're English, African, or Japanese. Because they are, because that's what you've made them.

So let's start with your English people. We have not been introduced to a single good English person. We haven't seen their side of the story at all. In fact, we seem to have forgotten about them -- and the entire plot -- in very short order, but we'll get to that at a later point. For now: your evil is one-dimensional and entirely based on race, as we don't meet "evil" African or Japanese people that haven't been influenced by the people of England.

Moving on to your African people: No legit, what country/countries are you using as a basis for their culture? I couldn't find anything when googling some of your key words and names. Asha is a very common name in multiple cultures, originating in Sanskrit, and Balewa seems to be Nigerian -- but mtuwachi is Chichewa, unless I'm incorrect, and doesn't really seem to make sense in context (meaning "this one" or "his/her/its head"). Pro tip, unless you plan on constructing your entire world from the ground up, using solid examples of real world cultures (especially when you've already used two) helps a lot when figuring out how a society would have progressed given magic or higher technology.

Also, please please please research actual African biomes. Africa is not just desert, and to see you ignore the lush forests, jungles, mountains and rivers that course through the continent hurts my heart. Especially if you're going to draw from the Chichewa and Shona languages, which are seated in an area with beautiful lush grasslands, meadows, and forested hills. Your bias really shows when the way you transition into your Africa-country is by saying basically "everything was brown and sparse and desert-y".

For the Japanese people -- I'm not Japanese and not super well versed in Japanese culture, but it's kind of stereotypical that all of your Japanese people don't express emotion in public, and the ones who do seem to be the odd ducks. All of them have accents, even though Asha doesn't? And she's probably been speaking English for less time than they have, especially the royalty (wouldn't multilingualism be a requirement for kings and queens? Not so much for village mage girls who are younger than all of them). Also, you've removed the religion and part of the culture (the Emperor as a holy figure) that is a big part of Japanese history, so you've got to think about how to alter the society itself to reflect that.

Okay, that's people in a very small, very simple nutshell. Now let's go for plot.

Where is it again?

That's right -- we start out the novel with the English people proposing they use Asha to enslave people to become human familiars. That's terrifying. That has stakes! That has emotional power!

And then she runs away with her queer lover and the plot is never seen again.

Legitimately, after chapter 3 we get... Asha's village has been ransacked, along with others, and the Evulz are taking over Africa. They fight the Evulz, they lose -- and Asha runs away. We spend the next four chapters travelling to Japan, with a random fight thrown in for good measure, and 5 chapters after that indulging ourselves in Japanese culture and engaging in romantic drama.

What about those people who were being enslaved? What? Who? Oh, they don't matter to the story any more, I guess. We're focusing on romance instead.

I know you said you've pre-written a lot of this, but it's bad. Like, this has been 13k words since we last really saw the plot -- that's 47% of what you have posted. I know you wanted to get into the romance, but this way, nothing works. The romance has no support so it falls flat. The plot has no focus so the reader doesn't care. These are things that need attention, otherwise it looks like your plot only exists to show Colonialism and Slavery Are Bad, and your romance only exists to show that Gay People Are Good.

Here's the thing: having an anti-racist message and a queer main couple aren't going to save this story.

One of your problems: You're so focused on making sure the reader understands Colonialism Is Bad that you don't try to actually develop your villains. They seem to just be in it for the Evulz, and we don't get to see anything from their point of view that makes us think -- even for half a second -- that Asha might be wrong or her struggle might be futile. We don't get the stakes, we don't get the will-she-win, because she's Good and Right and Good Always Wins. It's simple. Clean-cut.


See, you give us these situations where Asha can lose -- and she does lose, once! -- but you take the wind out of the story's sails by giving her an easy way out or letting her cop out of consequences. She gets to her village after it's already been ransacked, but that sorrow only shows up here and there when it's convenient for her character. It doesn't really affect her, much like that second village doesn't affect her, that fight in the colonial town doesn't affect her. She doesn't change. At all.

She stays the same, and that is one of this story's greatest sins. There is no effect on the world or the characters from anything that happens. The closest you get is with the romance. So if you don't want to write the characters suffering through a life-changing racial war... Drop it and just write the romance instead. It'll probably work better than trying to shoehorn in saving an entire people with political marriages and so forth anyway.

The last thing we see of the plot is Asha and Yuni losing a fight with the implication that people are being enslaved and being killed for magical gain. You know what, that brings me to my next point:

Emotional stakes. You have none.

To put it nicely, at one point your main character says, verbatim, "I don't make mistakes." And then she... doesn't make a mistake. She doesn't overestimate herself or her power. Nothing goes wrong, not even in the littlest way. Everything is okay.

That's one of the most frustrating parts of a book. Why is everything okay when, by all rights, it shouldn't be?

You give us gut-punch conflicts. People being enslaved. People being killed. And then you snatch them all away from us in favor of a romance that we figured was going to happen, doesn't really have textual support, and ends up being entirely based on jealousy and envy by chapter 23.

You can't just... threaten your reader with emotions and then take them away like this. It's not fair to us because we're in this for Asha unravelling a colonial society and rescuing her people. We're not in this for a Travel Channel special on Japan. If your plot can't stay focused, your reader is going to lose their investment in the story.

And my last point, because this review is long and I'm tired:

This is a Diversity Novel. You have written this novel to check off boxes on a diversity chart. Check! You have queer MCs. Check! Your MCs are non-white. Check! Your good NPCs are non-white.

This does not give any of these people character. This does not give any of these identities weight or actual representation. As it is, Asha, Yuni, and the rest are all token characters -- your token queer black woman, your token queer Japanese woman -- who represent a very small portion of their culture. You show us through your narration that this very small portion of their culture is, in fact, their entire culture in this story. You've failed to give your main characters character and as a result they're not people but cardboard cutouts you're using to show how diverse and representative you are.

Also, representation doesn't work when you pick the most stereotypical examples of a culture or people and play them out to the stereotypes. African pseudo-tribal colonial village girl? Check. Meek Japanese princess? Check.

We don't see how people are different from each other. We don't see nuances in the culture or the representation. It's basically meaningless, and it's worse than if you wrote a story about all white people who weren't caricatures of their race. You are quite literally doing harm to the people you claim to be representing.

Also, Asha's sorrow over Khari and many other things only seem to exist at the convenience of chapter word counts. Work them in to some kind of permanence or it'll be really obvious that they only come up when a chapter might come up short otherwise.

Hopefully this helps. Like I said, this'll be my last review on this for a while, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you do when you replan for draft 2. Tag me if you post it!

Keep writing!

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Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:26 pm
ExOmelas wrote a review...

Hey, almost forgot about this with all the LMS going on, but here we go!


Somehow, Asha got the feeling that what Yuni was really saying was, “You deserve someone who isn’t me.”

I think at the very least this should be in italics. But also I think it might be a stretch that Asha would go from being so clueless when they're in the bath to this sudden clarity.

Her strength Her quiet determination.

Missed a full stop.

I just mean that you are what matters.

Wait hold on is that you talking straight to the reader?


So, I think there's an issue with the central conflict here, which is that I don't think it's entirely clear that Yuni meant Asha deserved someone better. That's a lot of leaps to make, which would make a lot more sense to only make at the end when she has her concentration moment. I think the irrational anger works fine though, so she could say all the same things, but only think those thoughts later on.

Because the conclusion of the thoughts comes out well. The look back at the start of the story makes it feel really dramatic, as do the short paragraphs. I feel really, really connected to Asha here, and I'm ridiculously excited to see what will happen after this. I feel greatly for Yuni too.

The focus on the anger is strange though. I would have thought spinning confusion would be the more natural reaction. I get that it's irrational, and doesn't necessarily make sense, but it was just kind of... odd. Frustration specifically would even make more sense, frustration that she can't get the situation straight. Anger tends to be directed at someone, or something... What exactly is Asha angry about? Say right now she were to have a revelation and realise what she was angry about, what would it be?

I'm really glad you finally got to this point though. It's a big moment. I hope you enjoyed it,
Biscuits :)

inktopus says...

I really did enjoy writing this. You definitely brought up some great points, and they're really going to help when I edit

ExOmelas says...

I%u2019m glad :)

History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce.
— Karl Marx