A salty sea air filled the room, and in the distance, the sound of waves could be heard crashing against the shore. The old fisherman lay on his deathbed with his weathered hands folded on his chest. He had spent his whole life at sea, braving rough waters in search of the perfect catch. But now, as he approached the end of his life, he couldn't understand why it had all been so hard.
As he lay there, old memories flew through his mind. He thought of the first time he went to sea with his father and the feeling of pride and joy when he caught his first fish. His father had patted him on the back and said: 'Be proud of yourself Liam.' He was so happy that his father was pleased, because his father was hard to please. After that day, he had spent countless hours on the water, learning all about fishing and the sea. He had faced many challenges over the years, from heavy storms that threatened to sink his boat to long days at sea without any catch. But despite everything, he had persevered and was driven by his love for the sea.
As he looked back on his life, the fisherman could not help but wonder why it all had to be so miserable. He had worked hard, yet faced numerous difficulties. He looked at the sky and begged God for an explanation.
Suddenly, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. It was as if a burden had fallen off his shoulders. He realised that his struggle had made him the person he was today and that he had made a positive impact on those around him. He had provided for his family and contributed to the fishing industry, which was vital to the community as there was a scarcity of chicken and livestock.
With a smile on his face, the fisherman died peacefully. He knew his life's work had been meaningful and was content with the legacy he would leave behind.
His life had been meaningful.
Points: 22
Reviews: 365