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That's why Lady Ishvani is an actress

by NadyaStatham

'What a brilliant story', she heard someone say, 'that actress too, brilliant.'


'Come on, Johan!' said Elise, putting on her white gloves 'we're going to be late again soon!'


She exhaled, the adrenaline in her blood soaring and she opened her eyes again. As long red curtains slowly slid aside, her heart quickened. A large crowd of spectators stared at her. She could hear thunderous applause, but she did not focus on it. She stood in the middle of the stage with her hands extended to the ceiling and her back arched. She stared at the wooden tiles for several seconds.

After which the lights on the stage turned bright and the rhythm of the softly playing music began to pulse inside her. Her foot tapped on the floor and, five six seven eight. She loosened up as the classical music whispered in her ears, she began to dance. She danced as if no one was watching and she was alone there. She made her body glide through the tones of the music. Her hair trotted beautifully behind her. The music flowed through her body and the calm rhythm enhanced her great mood. She carefully let her left foot slide forward and the other backwards then she dropped very low so that the skirt of her dress touched the stage. She took a deep breath and stood up again. She swung out her arms and her body swayed back and forth perfectly, right before she leapt into the air. Her dress swirled around her and for a moment it looked like she was flying... but then the ground came back up beneath her.

The story was portrayed with so much life that it made some people emotional. Many people had seen this performance several times, but they still came back.

Her fingers snapped twice in the air and then her elbows turned perfectly rhyming with her feet, which left a loud cry on the ground. Her eyes are dark in colour and her lips press together gently. The blood-red lipstick is lined up precisely along with her eye pencil and eye-shadow. The necklace rests quietly around her neck and on her cheekbones. Her waist jerks vividly outwards and her. You can see her midriff peaking out from the open pieces of her dress.

Her arms leaving her body as the music grew louder, she did a pirouette and then another and then another. She finally stopped now at the end of the stage and exhaled. She stared at them, all one by one, the mass of spectators. All here to see lady Ishvani perform. She smiled at everyone and took a rich bow.

Lady Ishvani's smile faded as soon as she entered the dressing room.

Her eyes filled with tears as she removed her make-up and took off her beautiful dress. She knew her audience only saw her as the radiant and talented actress she was on stage, but in reality, her life had been destroyed. She had a secret life that no one knew about except her little brother and her child. Her parents had died years ago and her child had been born from a relationship with a man who had left her as soon as he heard she was pregnant. Lady Ishvani now had to take care of both her child and her little brother, and her acting career was the only way to do that.

But the more she performed, the more she realised that her success and public image were just a mask for her unbearable pain and grief. No one knew her real story, no one knew that she sometimes cried on her own and begged for a way out of her miserable life. She was trapped in a world she could not escape from, and she knew it would only get worse. Her performance that night was not enough to make her forget what was waiting for her offstage. And so she remained locked in her own tragic story, a story no one would ever know. 

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Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:58 am
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LuminescentAnt wrote a review...

Hey Rinisha! I'm going to leave a super quick review using the YWS S'more Method today!

I've gotta say, I really love this story. Yes, it's really sad, but it has so much meaning to it, and how you described it is really elaborate and well done!

Top Graham Cracker - What I Know
In this story, we learn about Lady Ishvani, an amazing actress and dancer who is known for her skill and radiating beauty. But at the end, we found out that it's actually covering up the pain she feels inside, because she has to take care of her children all alone, and this is the only way to take care of them.

Slightly Burnt Marshmallow - Room for Improvements
I have one comment,

The blood-red lipstick is lined up precisely along with her eye pencil and eye-shadow.

I think comparing the color of the lipstick to blood is not the best choice in terms of tone here. Comparing it to blood seems to make it seem like there might be something sinister about her or about the story, while there isn't. It kind of breaks the mood that you were going with, where you were describing how gracefully she danced. You could compare it to other red things like, roses, or strawberries, or tomatoes, or ladybugs. Just a suggestion.

Chocolate Bar - Highlights of the Piece
The detail in this story is really well-written. How you described Lady Ishvani's dancing and how perfect it was really put the reader in the moment, and we almost didn't expect the turn. And the switch to Ishvani's secret life was also nicely written, and we went from hearing about this beautiful woman and her dancing, to hearing about her stressful life on the inside.

Closing Graham Cracker - Closing Thoughts
Overall, this is a really beautilful piece about hiding your true struggles. I enjoyed reading it so much. I hope to read more of your stories in the furture!
Happy Writing!
(Banner by @Rose)

NadyaStatham says...

Thank you for your constructive criticism! I really needed it.

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:56 am
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kaitlyn wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

First Impression: This is a really powerful little piece here. I think you've tapped into a little backwater of just how a scarily large number of people sometimes have to go about their life, conducting an act to the world at large when really their being destroyed on the inside.

Anyway let's get right to it,

She exhaled, the adrenaline in her blood soaring and she opened her eyes again. As long red curtains slowly slid aside, her heart quickened. A large crowd of spectators stared at her. She could hear thunderous applause, but she did not focus on it. She stood in the middle of the stage with her hands extended to the ceiling and her back arched. She stared at the wooden tiles for several seconds.

After which the lights on the stage turned bright and the rhythm of the softly playing music began to pulse inside her. Her foot tapped on the floor and, five six seven eight. She loosened up as the classical music whispered in her ears, she began to dance. She danced as if no one was watching and she was alone there. She made her body glide through the tones of the music. Her hair trotted beautifully behind her. The music flowed through her body and the calm rhythm enhanced her great mood. She carefully let her left foot slide forward and the other backwards then she dropped very low so that the skirt of her dress touched the stage. She took a deep breath and stood up again. She swung out her arms and her body swayed back and forth perfectly, right before she leapt into the air. Her dress swirled around her and for a moment it looked like she was flying... but then the ground came back up beneath her.

Oooh this is a very interesting note to start off on. Immediately we can a very clear detachment seems to have wit what she's doing and what she's feeling. There's a beautiful performance happening but instead of passion and love, it feels like she's some sort of robot forced to go through these motions by an outside face. Its a powerful image to start on.

The story was portrayed with so much life that it made some people emotional. Many people had seen this performance several times, but they still came back.

Her fingers snapped twice in the air and then her elbows turned perfectly rhyming with her feet, which left a loud cry on the ground. Her eyes are dark in colour and her lips press together gently. The blood-red lipstick is lined up precisely along with her eye pencil and eye-shadow. The necklace rests quietly around her neck and on her cheekbones. Her waist jerks vividly outwards and her. You can see her midriff peaking out from the open pieces of her dress.

Her arms leaving her body as the music grew louder, she did a pirouette and then another and then another. She finally stopped now at the end of the stage and exhaled. She stared at them, all one by one, the mass of spectators. All here to see lady Ishvani perform. She smiled at everyone and took a rich bow.

Well that was about the most performance like performance I have ever read about if you understand what I mean there. You can so clearly see things are just being taken on a level that shows no real love for what's being done and even the smile feels choreographed.

Lady Ishvani's smile faded as soon as she entered the dressing room.

Her eyes filled with tears as she removed her make-up and took off her beautiful dress. She knew her audience only saw her as the radiant and talented actress she was on stage, but in reality, her life had been destroyed. She had a secret life that no one knew about except her little brother and her child. Her parents had died years ago and her child had been born from a relationship with a man who had left her as soon as he heard she was pregnant. Lady Ishvani now had to take care of both her child and her little brother, and her acting career was the only way to do that.

But the more she performed, the more she realised that her success and public image were just a mask for her unbearable pain and grief. No one knew her real story, no one knew that she sometimes cried on her own and begged for a way out of her miserable life. She was trapped in a world she could not escape from, and she knew it would only get worse. Her performance that night was not enough to make her forget what was waiting for her offstage. And so she remained locked in her own tragic story, a story no one would ever know.

Oh that reveal came so quickly. I was expecting it to end with a little more of a subtle air given how that opening came about but honestly I love this sort of sledgehammer approach too. It pretty much immediately showcases exactly how bad of a situation this is and honestly its even worse than I was imagining from just that start.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall I think this is a lovely piece. A very powerful one with a very powerful message. It absolutely leaves you with quite a bit to think about after reading. I think you've brought this point across really well.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

NadyaStatham says...

hi @KateHardy

TYSM for reviewing my piece. I'm happy you liked it.

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Fri Apr 14, 2023 11:32 pm
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foxmaster wrote a review...

Hello this is Foxmaster!!!
This was so sad! The way that you started the story making everything sound so beautiful and perfect, and the ending just sneaks up on you, that was so unexpected! Just a few problems:

Her fingers snapped twice in the air and then her elbows turned perfectly rhyming with her feet, which left a loud cry on the ground. Her eyes are dark in colour and her lips press together gently. The blood-red lipstick is lined up precisely along with her eye pencil and eye-shadow. The necklace rests quietly around her neck and on her cheekbones. Her waist jerks vividly outwards and her. You can see her midriff peaking out from the open pieces of her dress.

So in this part it starts with past-tense and then it goes to present-tense. That part makes the story a little more disjointed.
Her arms leaving her body as the music grew louder, she did a pirouette and then another and then another. She finally stopped now at the end of the stage and exhaled. She stared at them, all one by one, the mass of spectators. All here to see lady Ishvani perform. She smiled at everyone and took a rich bow.

you mean, 'her arms left her body as the music grew louder, etc., etc..'
Anyway, that's all! This was really good, and really unexpected, too!

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Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:32 am
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sugarscherrypop wrote a review...

This short story is very well written. When I read the end it really made me surprised and as I read through the segment about her feelings after the performance I almost cried myself. From what I could interpret, it was saying that many people have a mask in front of strangers and friends and can forget that they have a terrible life personally. This is something common amongst people and it usually goes unnoticed.

NadyaStatham says...

hi @sugarscherrypop

Thank you for the kind words, I'm happy you understood what this story is about and that we think the same.

- Rinisha

sugarscherrypop says...

I can't wait to read more of your work!

NadyaStatham says...


I'm so happy to hear that!
In that case you should check out my novels and other short stories!

I hope to read more of your reviews soon then.

- Rinisha

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Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:39 pm
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Kaia wrote a review...

Beautiful descriptions here. You definitely hit on the emotional stress of living a double life-a beautiful actress for everyone to watch and marvel at and also a abandoned mother. Yet, despite these difficulties, she is strong. She supports her family and herself, and she lives through these performances even though it is subtly implied that perhaps she does not like selling herself away as she does in her acting.

I would like to point out one little error, though. Throughout the piece, you use present tense, but in one section, you make an abrupt switch to present tense as seen here: "Her eyes are dark in colour and her lips press together gently. The blood-red lipstick is lined up precisely along with her eye pencil and eye-shadow. The necklace rests quietly around her neck and on her cheekbones." etc. Just switch those present-tense verbs to past tense, and the problem will be fixed. :)

Happy writing,

NadyaStatham says...

Hi @KaiaJersaga

Thank you for your review, I'll look into it!

- Rinisha

Kaia says...

Absolutely. Hope some of that helps. :)

NadyaStatham says...

I forgot to ask, do you think the title suits the story?

- Rinisha

Kaia says...

Yes. I feel that that the title fits the work. She is an actress in her personal life and in her professional life.

A question I forgot to ask you...did you make up the name Ishvani? I really like it. :)

NadyaStatham says...

Hi @KaiaJersaga

Thanks, I'm happy you like the title.
And to answer your question, I was scrolling down on google when I came across this name and it also really caught my attention.

- Rinisha

Kaia says...

Wow. I love that! :) Creative. :)

The mind of man is capable of anything - because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future.
— Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness