Hey Rinisha! I'm going to leave a super quick review using the YWS S'more Method today!
I've gotta say, I really love this story. Yes, it's really sad, but it has so much meaning to it, and how you described it is really elaborate and well done!
Top Graham Cracker - What I Know
In this story, we learn about Lady Ishvani, an amazing actress and dancer who is known for her skill and radiating beauty. But at the end, we found out that it's actually covering up the pain she feels inside, because she has to take care of her children all alone, and this is the only way to take care of them.
Slightly Burnt Marshmallow - Room for Improvements
I have one comment,
The blood-red lipstick is lined up precisely along with her eye pencil and eye-shadow.
I think comparing the color of the lipstick to blood is not the best choice in terms of tone here. Comparing it to blood seems to make it seem like there might be something sinister about her or about the story, while there isn't. It kind of breaks the mood that you were going with, where you were describing how gracefully she danced. You could compare it to other red things like, roses, or strawberries, or tomatoes, or ladybugs. Just a suggestion.
Chocolate Bar - Highlights of the Piece
The detail in this story is really well-written. How you described Lady Ishvani's dancing and how perfect it was really put the reader in the moment, and we almost didn't expect the turn. And the switch to Ishvani's secret life was also nicely written, and we went from hearing about this beautiful woman and her dancing, to hearing about her stressful life on the inside.
Closing Graham Cracker - Closing Thoughts
Overall, this is a really beautilful piece about hiding your true struggles. I enjoyed reading it so much. I hope to read more of your stories in the furture!
Happy Writing!

(Banner by @Rose)
Points: 17415
Reviews: 132