Hey friend! Wow, I sure love your poetry. I thought I would stop by and leave you a review. Lets jump right into it:
Simply, to me, this poem seems to say "there's no sacrifice great enough for me". I feel like you feel a lot of guilt, perhaps for things you've done and you almost feel sorry because you feel that there's no one who has ever felt your pain before. Christianity, it said that Jesus Christ died and sacrificed himself for every pain and sin and inflection, that he felt it all while he was on the cross.
Because there was never
a sacrifice great enough.
And I’m sorry.
This poem feels like an apology perhaps for your sins, or things that you have done, feeling that you don't even deserve this forgiveness and away. You want to suffer your own pain and say that you're even willing to go to hell for it. This poem feels so deep and there's a lot to digest. Overall, I sense a lot of guilt and shame. I agree with some of the comments made below, I would love to see you even more specific, biblical references, if that's the religious route you were going with this. But, I noticed that this poem was not marked as spiritual, rather marked as political, which makes me interpreted slightly different. Maybe the focus wasn't actually on Jesus, maybe it's on something completely different, which I can't quite put my finger on. Personally, what I relate to the most of the emotions found in these words. Perhaps guilt for the past and things that you've done, feeling that there's nothing you can do to ever be good enough. The lack of connection with others, which is led you to think that you're an exception to this sacrifice has been made for all of humanity. Whatever you were thinking while you wrote this, I hope that you know that you are loved <33 overall, fantastic poem, and keep on writing!
Your friend,
Points: 66068
Reviews: 662