I know I am late, but welcome to YWS!
First of all, let me tell you your poem was amazing. It felt so real and relatable and something that goes on in every person's mind. You pulled out those thoughts and you presented them so strongly and honestly in your poem. It was beautiful, and I don't have anything else to say other than that I love it.
"I get myself caught up in this mess of lies."
"Could someone save me from myself?"
These two lines hit different when you can actually feel the emotion behind them. At least, it did for me.
"Life isn’t what everyone expects it to be.
But hold on, it’s not over,
There is so much more to see."
This was a really great way to end the poem. After a rollercoaster of emotions, it leaves you with this feeling of positivity in your heart and somehow you believe that it really isn't over yet, that there is still much more to life than the pain it causes us.
LittleLee already pointed out the minor mistakes with the 'any' and "I'm" so I am not going to repeat.
It was a lovely poem and thank you for sharing. Have fun with your writing!
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