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Young Writers Society

Just Understand

by LiviK

It seems that I’m the only one.

The one that doesn’t understand,

The one that can’t get it right.

Disappointment seems to always be around the corner

It lurks in the darkening night.

Hopes to drive me insane,

And sometimes it manages to do so.

There is no inbetween

One day:

I am so empty .

No emotion can seep through my surface.

Dry laughing seems like all I can do.

The Next:

I can’t hold anything back.

I'm mad, then broken, then happy.

It’s as if nothing is truly real.

I feel replaced

but what they don’t realize is

It’s not a phase.

But that’s what they use as an excuse,

For all my broken rules

And true self.

Because they are afraid.

So afraid of what they don’t understand.

For all they know

I could be anything.

Yet, they choose to ‘know’ me

Just by a simple wave of a hand

And a look of what’s all on the outside.

But, no one really takes the time to learn what’s inside

I can’t wait for the one who truly will.

The one that doesn’t care about my flaws,

And will love me no matter how much I fall.

One that will smile even when they know my heart.

Love isn’t easy.

Yes, I know.

But maybe I have a little more hope.

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Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:25 pm
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YourFriendQuirks08 wrote a review...

heya, rubes here with a review!

WWW: I love the structure, it is quick paced and almost demonstrates the speed of a panic attack or thought process in your episodes. Me having these moments really can relate, the trauma of it but also the small glimmer of hope soon after it. the feeling of someone maybe loving you in the future and maybe having an escape from reality. I like how you present it and showcase the emotions through your vocab and structure.

EBI: Even though there are many great elements to this piece, it is necessary to give a different viewpoint and some writing advice. I think you could have focused on a set moment more often. The pace is great enough to show the emotions and I think that just settling on 2 or 3 topics can really enhance your story and writing ability as well as present the deeper meaning you as the author want to get across. I also think an extended metaphor would bring another surface of emotions to the poem by calling it something: for example a shadow or the darkness ect. However this is totally your call.

Overall this is beautiful and I really appreciate this being said. Even though there are some improvements to be made, it is really great already and certainly entertaining for the reader.
Stay safe,
Love Rubes x

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Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:21 am
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alliyah wrote a review...

Hi LiviK! And welcome to YWS, I hope you've enjoyed your time here so far. I think this poem has a lot of heart - it definitely came across as being genuine!

The mood or overall message I got from this poem was that the speaker feels very alone and not understood - the poem is interesting in that I think it gives the reader a glimpse into what the speaker's dealing with so in a way they aren't any longer "misunderstood / alone" and that's kind of special that the reader gets to peer into what the speaker is dealing with.

I think you've got a great sense of getting across emotion in poetic form - which isn't easy to do; and gives you a great base. I have a few suggestions that I think could bring the poem up to the next level.

Streamline the Message
Right now there are a lot of emotions going on in this poem! The fear of being not-understood, the fear of being alone, the fear of rejection, the fear of having broken rules, and a uncertainty about flaws the speaker thinks they have. Right now it feels like the speaker is cycling through all these different emotions but I'm having some trouble seeing how they are all connected.

I would recommend to focus on one emotion the speaker is feeling and take out everything that doesn't support that one message. This is something I often do in editing my poem, is at the end ask "what does it mean in one or two sentences" and then take out everything else that doesn't add to that. You could also try telling the emotions of the poem, in a bit more of a narrative way - rather than it being in somewhat of a list of emotions and thoughts (stream of consciousness) I think if you wanted to include all these different emotional layers it might work to set it up in some more narrative form - tell a story or describe a scene of the speaker feeling these things. That would also help the emotions feel even more concrete because they would be more attached to reality for the reader.

Another benefit of streamlining your message is it'll be easier to develop metaphors and figurative language to really make your poem pop! Figurative language and metaphors really help a poem become more than words and really "stick" with a reader I think!

One metaphor you've got going on already in the poem is the concept of wholeness / brokenness / and emotions "seeping through the surface". Those are some really solid images and metaphors to work with and I'd definitely love to hear those expanded more!

On Form
I think format / spelling / grammar-wise you did a great job editing this piece so it was very easy to read and understand. The line breaks you've got I noticed are all "end of sentence" breaks, you might experiment a bit with "end of phrase" breaks a bit to mix things up and make the lines more even - I think that'd improve the flow, but overall I think it worked how you had it too!

Overall, this was a poem that definitely communicated some strong emotions, and I enjoyed getting that perspective from the speaker. Best of luck in the rest of your writing! ~~



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Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:32 am
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Dossereana wrote a review...

Hi Dossereana here to do a review, gosh I hope you are okay this is some really true things, if you want to talk, be free to PM me I'm always open, *follows* Now lets get into this.

It seems that I’m the only one.

The one that doesn’t understand,

The one that can’t get it right.

These three lines just got me hocked at once, there so meaning full, its like your an out cast because you don't no how to fit in.

Disappointment seems to always be around the corner

It lurks in the darkening night.

Hopes to drive me insane,

And sometimes it manages to do so.

There is no inbetween

First inbetween is in bold because it should be spelt like this, in between, see its not much of a spelling mistake everyone can forget to put a space in sometimes, so don't worry to much about it.
Okay back to how meaning full this line is. I feel really sorry for the writer right now, it seams like there going through some really hard things in there life right now.

One day:

I am so empty .

No emotion can seep through my surface.

Dry laughing seems like all I can do.

This is going into so much depth, it sounds like a hard day to get threw.

The Next:

I can’t hold anything back.

I'm mad, then broken, then happy.

It’s as if nothing is truly real.

I feel replaced

but what they don’t realize is

It’s not a phase.

Wow, these are some really strong lines right here. Its all most like they feel like there not even existent, like everyone is just a peace of a puzzle that hasn't been put to gather yet.

I'm getting such feelings as I read this poem, and its giving my lots of images in my head and emotions for you the writer of this wonderful peace of work. That's all that I can say about this, it was really good. Also I really hope that you are okay, if there's anything in you life that's making you feel real depressed and unhappy, I really hope things get better, life can be a real drag some days. <3333 also in passing of this review I noticed you came on to the site last month, so late welcome to the site I hope you like it here.
That's all for this poem, I really hope to read more of your work, you are great at writing.

I hope you have a great day/night witch ever side of the world your on.

@Dossereana Flying Over The Green Room And Spreading Shards Of Encouragement

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Tue Jun 01, 2021 5:41 pm
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anne27 wrote a review...

Wow ! Seriously, wow!!

Hey LiviK!!
First of all, your work has touched such a genuinely beautiful topic. <33
Probably, one of the most misunderstood term is understanding, in the context of humans of course. The way you have expressed the yearning to be completely understood is amazingly relatable. Even I used to crave for someone who can understand me completely. But not so much now, because that just feels too good to be true !! There are parts of me- things I do- that I myself don't understand.
The first part about the emotions was so heartwarming. Mood swings are really a thing- like a real thing - not something that just happens when you're a teen!!

So afraid of what they don’t understand.

For all they know

I could be anything.

Yet, they choose to ‘know’ me

Just by a simple wave of a hand

And a look of what’s all on the outside.

But, no one really takes the time to learn what’s inside

Brilliant lines!! And absolutely true. So here's my opinion on what you said- with all due respect for yours! Wouldn't it be really hard for someone to know us completely. I make myself happy who tries to understand me, even though they fail. Because one thing I realised was, LoVe can't make you succeed in the quest of understanding someone. It's definitely a great help- but not the only thing you need. And I'm saying this coz I love my sister very much, but can't totally understand her. Similarly my mother loves me a lot- I can see that- but she can't understand me completely, the way I want her to. That being said, I can totally relate to your poem ! :D

Last but not the least
The one that doesn’t care about my flaws,

And will love me no matter how much I fall.

You've just listed all the characteristics of someone that we all want. :)
However I do wonder is it being constantly misunderstood that makes us want our closest people to even constructively criticize us. Nobody seems to take those well these days :(

I absolutely loved your poem though!!

Keep writing Cause you're good at it!! :D

Excuse me I have never *lied* about a character I just don't tell the truth
— AceassinOfTheMoon