Legacy here for a review.
"there wings shining bright..." should be "Their wings shining bright." because of the fact there means a place and their means belonging to someone.
I don't understand how geese graze, I don't know how geese eat. Also after graze, you don't need a comma since that would be cutting into the middle of a sentence for no reason.
I would rewrite "off to greener pastures no doubt," as "off to greener pastures, no doubt."
You are using the word dapples incorrectly. Also the word flit is used correctly, but not very many people that speak English use it often.
Overall, this is a nice poem with many nice lines of figurative language, but there are places that you could improve and make the whole poem better.
Hopefully I wasn't too harsh with this review. Have a nice day and keep writing. Legacy out.
Points: 402
Reviews: 145