AnotherCrowInRow here (it's long. I know it. You know it. So feel free to call me Kay), ready to dive into NovMo.
I got into NovMo, formerly known by the now long-buried name NaNoWriMo (sometimes I still hear their voice sending me emails because I forgot to unsubscribe) many, many years ago (which means I don't remember exactly when and I'm too lazy to try to figure it out. My best guess goes to third grade when dinosaurs still roamed the world). And this time I'm finally going to tackle a story that I love and want to be written.
Q/A Time For Which Literally No One Asked:
Genre of your project? Fantasy. I love fantasy. Also adventure. And crows. We should start counting crows as genre itself.
Did you do PlanMo? If you are asking me if I somehow made myself act like a good little planter, then yes. I KNOW I BETRAYED MY MORAL COMPASS BUT THE BADGES WERE SO PRETTY.
It is all going to be emotional and wild and chaotic and without nice templates and pure chaos and crow everywere? Yes.
Do you have a clue what are you doing? No.
What is the backstory of title for your little corner of NovMo? If you were in CampNaNo 2024, you know. If you were not, then lot of luck finding what the heck is going on here.
Points: 9803
Reviews: 77