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The Pig Sty

  • Because I promised @Ley that I would post a potato picture... here is the love of my life digging out potatoes. :)
    The bigger potatoes are normal sized... they just look smaller because of the weird angle.


    Ley The colors!!!! So beautiful!! :3
    Sep 6, 2024

  • Okay, this is going to be a controversial opinion, but... the Minecraft Movie trailer looks fun and honestly my kids would probably love it so much.


    Sorry, The Minecraft Movie Isn't Meant To Be For You

    TheMythMaster yeah I actually didn't think it looked to bad. it seems like they're going for something like the Mario move which turned out alright
    Sep 6, 2024

    LadyMysterio No this is fair, its defiantly for kids (althought some of the animals looks a bit creepy to me)
    it was just so vague and unexpected on what we, well expected(the older original minecrafters)

    Sep 6, 2024

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  • Carlito Snoink with the garden cheat codes
    Sep 3, 2024

    SkyVibes that is the smallest quarter i have ever seen
    Sep 3, 2024

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  • LadyMysterio
    Sep 2, 2024

    Saw this at the fair

  • If you're wondering, "Did Snoink stay up late at night pickling cucumbers with her husband?"

    The answer is yes. We did. It was amazing.


    LadyMysterio PICKELSSSS YESS
    Sep 1, 2024

    Ley :O I love pickles. I’ve always wanted to learn how to make them.
    Sep 1, 2024

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  • Carlito brb moving to your house
    (your garden in general is also very *the book i'm working on* coded) :)

    & I'm still OBSESSED with that perfectly round, perfectly orange one hanging <3

    Sep 1, 2024

    Snoink Somehow... I am not sure how... I have gone hardcore cottagecore in my life. I am not at all sorry about this. xP
    Sep 1, 2024

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  • Grif: "I want to introduce Vanessa's brother, Cyril, to the storybook. Can you tell me what he's like? I know he's in prison. Is he an insane psychopath?"

    Me: "Um... not quite. He just... goes a little too far."

    Grif: "What does that mean?"

    Me: "Hang on, I'll write a flashback..."

    The (horrifically long) flashback:

    Spoiler! :
    Vanessa frowned more and tried to remember something – anything – about prophecies or prophets, but nothing clear came to mind. The only thing that she remembered clearly was going to the carnival and watching Madame Housini make strange fortunes – for a price, of course.

    Though, Vanessa might not have even remembered Madame Housini, of course, had it not been for Cyril, her brother.

    Cyril, for whatever reason, had found Madame Housini’s fortunes hilariously laughable and wildly inaccurate. But, unwilling to just laugh about her and leave it alone, Cyril made it his special mission in exposing her as the carnie fraud that she was. Though Madame Housini, ever the consummate professional, ignored his attempts to expose her and just continued on with her fortune telling, Cyril hounded her with a persistence that would have been terrifying, had he not only been thirteen at the time. Vanessa found her brother’s obsession with the woman a bit odd, but nothing too alarming, given how awkward and gangling he was at the time.

    Still, everything changed when Madame Housini took a brief break.

    When Cyril found out that Madame Housini was gone for an hour at her usual post at the carnival to host a special seance for the carnival managers and their friends, he couldn’t resist. Taking Vanessa to serve as a guard to watch this insane prank – Cyril even lent her his giant hunting knife, just in case, though Vanessa thoroughly insisted she didn’t need it – Cyril snuck into her tent and put on some of her extra clothes so that he looked like a tall Madame Housini. Then he went out where she usually sat and pretended to be her.

    For about twenty minutes, Cyril was happy to pose as Madame Housini in all her carnie corniness and mislead all the poor souls that came to her tent for advice as a mere prank. Vanessa even started to relax, thinking that this was a mere harmless stunt that her brother had engaged in – a rarity even then. But then Cyril got bored. So, still dressed up as Madame Housini, he made his way to the tent where the real Madame Housini and all the carnival managers were.

    And how to explain the scene? Madame Housini had just gotten everyone in the tent to calm down and take deep breaths so that they were in a trance-like state. The candles on the table had melted low and there was an eerie sense in the room, as if something special were about to happen. Even Vanessa, peering from behind the tent flap, could feel a profound, palpable sense of … something. Impending doom, perhaps? She couldn’t explain it. She felt as if there had been a curtain drawn back and that perhaps there was magic – real magic – coming. If she closed her eyes, she could even imagine the whispers and moans of hundreds of corpses, stirring in the ground.

    But then her brother – why did it always have to be her brother – jumped into the tent, dressed as Madame Housini. Throwing his voice so that it was eerily like Madame Housini, Cyril leapt onto the table and pointed to Madame Housini, yelling, “I have seen your future, and your future spells D-O-O-M!!!”

    Then he kicked the candles on the table, which promptly lit the tablecloth on fire.

    What happened then was utter chaos. As soon as the tablecloth burst into flames, Vanessa – who had been hiding near the curtain, watching the entire scene unfold, gave a bloodcurdling scream. Madame Housini, upon seeing her likeness yell at her about her doom and hearing a bloodcurdling scream in the background, promptly panicked and ran around screaming. The carnival managers, upon waking up from their trance and seeing everything on fire while two Madame Housinis were staring at each other, panicked more.

    Already, there was trouble. But then – just as he always did – Cyril made it worse.

    As soon as he saw how much chaos he had created, he guessed that, if he were caught, he would be in a lot of trouble. So he decided that he would keep up his pretense of Madame Housini more, until he could figure out a way to escape. So he began running around, screaming like Madame Housini. Which meant that there were two Madame Housinis running around screaming. This was already bad enough. But what Cyril didn’t know at the time was that, when he kicked the candle over, not only had he lit the tablecloth on fire, but he also had lit one of the petticoats he wore while he was impersonating Madame Housini.

    Which meant that his entire skirt became to flame brilliantly.

    Now, most normal people would think, “Oh no, my dress is on fire! I should put it out!”

    But not Cyril.

    According to him – and Vanessa knew this was his line of reasoning because he sheepishly told her this after the entire event took place – he panicked upon seeing the dress on fire, not because the skirt was on fire, but rather because, if his skirt was on fire, that meant he would be easily recognizable as the Madame Housini imposter. And so, what was her brilliant brother’s absolutely brilliant solution to the entire problem?

    He threw a lit candle at the real Madame Housini’s skirt so that her skirt caught on fire too.

    At this point, Vanessa didn’t think that things could get worse, but then they did because Madame Housini, realizing that her dress was on fire, decided to put out the fire… by throwing herself on the floor and rolling on the floor until the fire went away.

    Normally, this probably would have been an effective way to put out a fire. After all, when Vanessa was a child, she had been taught to stop, drop, and roll if ever her clothes caught on fire. Had Madame Housini been on a tile floor… or a brick floor… or even a dirt floor… the crisis might have been entirely averted.

    But this meeting was held in a large tent that had been previously used to house elephants in… and the floor was lined with straw.

    To this day, Vanessa was still amazed how quickly everything lit up in flames. In her mind, she knew that a tent with a straw floor was probably not the safest idea and that it would probably burst into flames fairly quickly if everything else were to burst into flames. And yet, even she was overwhelmed by how fast everything was set aflame.

    And, seeing everything in flames, that’s when Vanessa stepped in. Using Cyril’s hunting knife that he gave her in the beginning, she ripped holes in the flaming tent so that everyone could escape. Then, finding Cyril, still acting the part of Madame Housini in the chaos, she grabbed his arm and hissed in his ear, “Get out now!”

    Cyril, happy to have an excuse to flee the scene, left quickly, while Vanessa grabbed everyone else and pulled them out, along with other bystanders who saw the scene and began to help. As a fire brigade began to form, Vanessa cleared her throat and yelled, “Please! I am a healer! Does anyone need any healing assistance?”

    And that was when Vanessa’s healing career officially began.

    (I know that nobody is going to read that horrifically long spoiler because it is horrifyingly long, but trust me when I say that my writing has PEAKED and everything that I write from this point onward will not be as epic as that flashback scene.)

    Aug 31, 2024


    My husband read the post because he HAS to, since he's a writer in the storybook, and there were ACTUAL TEARS OF LAUGHTER in his eyes, and he was like, "WHAT HAVE YOU WRITTEN???"

    Aug 31, 2024

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  • Aloe vera doesn't grow wild here where I live now... my garden zone is now 5a. And yet, I still have some aloe vera from my great grandma nonetheless. My mom gave me a tiny clipping of her plant and brought it to me. And now my plant sits in my sunniest window and reminds me of California sunshine and family.


    RavenAkuma Ooo, cool!!

    Spoiler! :
    Also I have trouble understanding the zones -we're in 5a too yet we have some plants we brought from Cali (9a) that are thriving, and some supposedly "native nuisances" that aren't handling it at all >.>

    Aug 30, 2024

    Spearmint 'tis beautifullllll :D
    Aug 30, 2024

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  • I was born and raised in California. In garden terms, this means I am used to zone 9 gardening conditions. Rosemary grew like weeds, we used to complain about having to pull out palm trees sprouts, and aloe vera grew to enormous sizes.

    This is one of my mother's aloe vera plants -- she has about three of them, just as large, in her yard. It is six feet tall and a massive plant in every respect. She got it from my great grandmother, who grew it from a similarly large plant. Aloe vera is a succulent and it grows really well in California. All you need is a little leaf and some dirt it will grow.


  • Two truths and a lie:

    1. After two months of dating, Matthew and I built a custom shed together that he designed.

    2. My favorite plant that I own is an aloe vera plant that came from my great grandmother's giant aloe vera plant that she had in her backyard.

    3. I saw some deer prints in my backyard and I love how close they are willing to get to us.

    Spoiler! :
    ...2? >.>

    Aug 29, 2024

    Spoiler! :
    2 maybe but I really am just having a hard time choosing what would be the lie at this point.

    Aug 29, 2024

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  • khushi17bansal It would look so pretty purple....
    Aug 29, 2024

    Carlito i've never seen a more perfectly shaped pumpkin!!
    Aug 29, 2024

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  • "Dragons can alter their size depending on their mood," Neiren said, not opening their eyes. "It's a thing we do and definitely not a way of covering up continuity errors by lazy authors."

    LSS is going great... XD

    ToastK Good luck on the LSS!
    (Also, continuity errors? Whatever could you possibly mean, no don’t check the earlier episodes, there’s nothing there;; :D)

    Aug 24, 2024

  • Years ago, my parents ripped out their boring lawn and it was just dirt for a while. Then my dad bought my mom a dozen rose plants and they started planting roses randomly all over their now barren yard. Then, realizing how strange everything looked, they spent a lot of time digging and gardening and making things look beautiful.

    And now? Look at the beauty they made...


    LadyMysterio That's GORGEOUS. I love that seat!!
    Aug 19, 2024

    Hkumar I'm so jealous
    Aug 19, 2024

  • Are you alive Snoinkus? It’s been a whole week since you posted on your wall. We need to know everything…

    Snoink I'm still alive!! Just having too much fun...
    Aug 16, 2024

    Fishr Whatcha doing for funsies?
    Aug 16, 2024

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If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
— Woodrow Wilson