they call you the resurrected man in white with burning eyes that shine forth light the glory of your father seen! how could a human man live so clean?
behold! the God-man pure and bright beloved of the father's sight to show his son gives him delight so in our hearts love would ignite a fire burning, holy flame a love of Jesus Christ, his name like sweet honey, just to be said we love our king, raised from the dead!
they call you the resurrected man and Christ the savior of this humble life you won our freedom by your blood washed us with mercies like a flood
and now we see you as you are alive, the bright and morning star the first to rise of many more when you return, our bridegroom Lord
Last edited by soundofmind on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
It's kind of refreshing to see religious poetry on the site. Hearing someone speak of their faith experiences is so rare these days, sound. I'm happy that you're doing it and I hope to read more of these!
You either worship something higher than yourself or end up worshiping yourself
what were you told in the heavens when you became what you made in a horse's trough laid few aware of your presence
how is it that God was a child just like you and I this one who was begotten before the start of time
he grew and he knew who he was before his father humbled himself though he himself was the author
of little hands, holding their mother of baby's breaths, in the arms of another of small beginnings and the achings of youth of grandfathers bidding their kids to the truth
you didn't have to do it this way becoming like us to assure us you know what it's like to be human
Last edited by soundofmind on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Gawhh! I'm so happy you're going with this theme sound - go you! I may need to get some religious poetry into my thread too.
I really liked all five poems you've posted so far - but I think the 2nd is my favorite your control of rhyme is excellent, and the careful devotion and theology in each one in excellent and seems really thought-out.
In your last poem the lines, "God inside / a fragile cage of skin and bone" is especially striking!
Looking forward to seeing where you end up with this thread! <3
Edit: Totally didn't see your thread didn't have the comment sticker on it! Sorry! I'll throw my comment under a spoiler ~ still loving the poetry though!
you should know i am a time traveler & there is no season as achingly temporary as now
you had eyes that saw past the cultural bounds and leaped over the mounds and the walls we built up
be it wealth or status you saw through the lattice and nothing would stop you from reaching through
'cause when you called a person it was sure, and was true
the zealots, the poor man who fishes for wages the social pariahs logging money in pages the rich man who's hungry the one who's alone there's none that you do not invite to the throne
Last edited by soundofmind on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
i didn't know your name nor was my frame familiar with the weight of glory a stranger to the story that the God and son had made when humanity had strayed because he dared to let us choose our own ways
i loved the truth i made for me thought i didn't need to be set free from the prison of my carnal state i was blind, and dull, and walking straight into a fire, rightfully mine a fate deserved by one divine and yet he who defines what's good and right had mercy on me and my blight
who is he moved with compassion who planned this from the start of time who knew free will would leave us ashen but made a way to clear my crime
he didn't have to save me for no man has excuse but with kind eyes he took pity
he was killed and still let me choose
Last edited by soundofmind on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
you were despised considered a liar a fraud and a threat not recognized thrown into the fire we did not forget how you bore our griefs our sins were atoned surely we are thiefs but you did it alone
for the price you have paid no one else could afford you endured more than pain so we could be restored
suffered in life and in death and 'til your final breath you thought of us and you thought of me
and thus you were stricken
love beyond degree
Last edited by soundofmind on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
this is our incarnate king he's aquainted with suffering his eyes are like a blazing fire there was a choir when he was born, in a manger laid this is the one who's died and paid fore all of our iniquity and he raised us up in dignity on his head are many crowns from his throneroom come many sounds a thundering, roaring, rumbling to be present is his presence overwhelming, oh so humbling look at this one, whom all will see when he comes down in his glory riding on a white horse with righteousness he's set on his course to judge justly and rightly he takes no sin lightly what justice will come through from the Faithful and True with his robe dipped in blood bringing truth like a flood this is the king of kings ruler over everything this is the Lord of Lords through whom earth is restored
Last edited by soundofmind on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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