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Guide to Lists: How to Organize on YWS

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Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:41 pm
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Omni says...

Welcome! Have you ever wanted to indent your paragraphs but can't because you're in a forum? Or, do you want to organize with bullet points like on Word or Google Docs? Well, you can do all of this with formatting through "List"

To start off, here is the formatting of lists, with explanations below:
Code: Select all

This is the basic formatting, and will be included in all varieties of List formatting. In just this format, it will indent the entire paragraph. Example:

Unfortunately, this does not indent the first line in a paragraph like you would like for writing.

    This is a test paragraph that will be more than one line to show that the entire section is indented. This is a test paragraph that will be more than one line to show that the entire section is indented. This is a test paragraph that will be more than one line to show that the entire section is indented.

Let's test to see if we can just indent the first line:

    This is a test paragraph that will be more than one line to show that the entire
section is indented. This is a test paragraph that will be more than one line to see what happens if we try to indent only the first line.

Code: Select all
[list]This is a test paragraph that will be more than one line to show that the entire [/list] section is indented. This is a test paragraph that will be more than one line to see what happens if we try to indent only the first line.

If you format the first line just right, you are able to indent without any weird spacing after the first line.

Code: Select all

This will add a bullet point to your list formatting. You use like so:
Code: Select all

And it will look like this:
  • Test

Code: Select all

This will change your list bullet points to either numbers or letters. Example:
  1. Test
  2. Test
  3. Test

  1. Test
  2. Test
  3. Test

  1. Test
  2. Test
  3. Test

  1. Test
  2. Test
  3. Test

  1. Test
  2. Test
  3. Test

Now, how do you indent within indenting? This is also fairly simple! You just create a list within a list. For example:

Code: Select all
[list]This is a test[/list][/list]

Which looks like this:

  • Test
      This is a test

This also works with bullet points!
  • Test
    • This is a test

This can be used to create lists as long as you want or as in-depth as you'd like. Here's an example of mine:


Actual text enspoilered
Spoiler! :
  • Sigilweaving
      Sigilweaving is a way of casting magic that involves ritual and non-ritual magic, hand gestures and verbal magic and finally the applications of tattoos for permanent magic. It's a rarer form of magic, almost obsolete and not one that's taught much anymore.

      • Pros/Cons:
        • Pros:
          • No tool needed for casting (Caster is never separated from their magic)
          • Slightly stronger magic due to the closer association with raw magic
          • Can much better support teammates through their spells
        • Cons:
          • Caster must be clear of mind and soul to attempt Sigilweaving
          • Sigil-weavers are inherently slower in combat than traditional Spellcasters
          • Sigilweaving has a much higher skill floor --and ceiling, than traditional Spellcasting
      Sigilweaving is set on the foundation of three principles: Sigils, Combinations, and Hand Gestures. There are five fundamental sigils that create all combinations within Sigilweaving.
      • Basic
        • Water
        • Fire
        • Air
        • Earth
        • Light
      These Sigils can be combined within Sigilweaving to create more complicated spells and effects.
      • Experienced
        • Ice
          • Water + Air

And if I remove all the text, it looks like this:

  • -

      • -
        • -
          • -
          • -
          • -
        • -
          • -
          • -
          • -
      • -
        • -
        • -
        • -
        • -
        • -
      • -
        • -
          • -

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all


For a bit of a better explanation, look at this guide:

The different arrows show how many indentions you are in at what time.
  1. Red
  2. Orange
  3. Pink
  4. Indigo
  5. Sky Blue

At the deepest layer of this formatting, you'd be five layers in, so five list formattings in.

As you can see, while it looks complicated, it really is just a mixture of different levels of lists to create your bullet points on different levels. Just make sure you have enough end formatting, as that can sometimes be confusing. You can use regular formatting within lists, including font changes like bolding or small-caps, and even putting in spoilers into the lists. The limit is your imagination! I hope this helps you make your posts more organized :D

︵‿︵‿୨♡OwO ♡୧‿︵‿︵

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Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:59 pm
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Mageheart says...

How did I never see this thread before? This is amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to write up an explanation on how to use lists - I didn't realize I could make multiple indents with them.

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Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:50 am
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chrysanthemumcentury says...

here soi can findthis again
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Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:30 pm
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AnotherCrowInRow says...

This was really helpful!
AnotherCrowInTheRow aka Kay

Half the work that is done in this world is to make things appear what they are not.
— Elias Root Beadle