Hey stephndek! Alex here from The majestic icicles!
I liked your poem! I like how you explain life's rules and if you don't like it, tough! Usually people would get all philosophical and serious in poems like this. You still put across a lot of philosophical meanings but you put it in a more modern and fast paced tone. An interesting new angle!
Just a few nitpicks:
Your punctuation is a bit weird in some places, like eclipses followed by exclamations or two dots instead of one. This does express the passion that this poem is all about but it does make it look a bit messy. Not important this one just my thoughts.
Am here, ready to rock you, world!
Shouldn't "Am" be "I'm"?
Overall, I really like how you wrote this poem. Very unique way of putting what you think across!
-Remember the Frozen Reviewers.
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