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Currently Spazzing

by racket

I am currently running laps around the inside of my garage. I keep stopping to breathe, laugh, shake my head, and then continue while my face attempts to break itself in half with a (would you call it a . . . grin.

It appears I have stopped running. I am now panting . . . also jumping up and down. A bit of flailing is now occurring, and the maniacal giggles are finally coming to a slow. Fanning . . . fanning myself. Ah, okay. Gosh darn, goodness’ sake’s! Okay, yes, okay. Hmm . . . Okay, yes. I am good, I am fine, it is over, it is done.

I will not read it again.

Of course, I am now jogging up the steps and through the door. There it is . . . how can it lie there so innocently, when it has instilled such emotion inside of me? It, - no, they - should not be allowed to do this to innocent human beings. Oooh, but what would I do with my sad self if not for them? What would I wait for, think about, talk about every waking moment? Who would I imagine, dream futures for without them? What a sad, pitiful life that would be.

I am picking it up, opening it, thumbing through the beautiful, no-longer-mysterious pages. Oh, the smell of page pressed upon page! Aaaaaaand . . . there. There it is. Such a page. Such a passage.

I am scanning. I am rereading. No. I do not believe it. Yes! YES! Aaaah . . . my life . . . what am I going to do with myself? My thoughts? Stupidity; pure, simple stupidity is what I am made of . . .

I am running. Yes, yes I am. I need to get out of here. I have left it behind, lying innocently (why the innocence? Can it not do itself some justice?) on the couch. Through the door, through another door. Now I’m punching the buttons, pressing in the code. Leaping onto the black seat, kicking up the metal rod, pushing and pulling my feet. Back and forth. Up and down. Out, out down the driveway, across the sidewalk, the street. Out to the sunshine, no shade for me! I will live today.

The straps of my helmet are swinging gently against my neck. I should secure them, but there is much, much too much be thinking about, doing.

Ooooh, where will I go with my thoughts? Up the hill? Yes! To the glade, the forest, the trees, the pixies, the trolls, the magic, the heavens, the moon to look down at our tiny world? Yes, I do believe so. After all, I am such a tiny part of it, shouldn’t I explore, feel like I am at least a tiny bit connected to my surroundings?

Oh, my thoughts. Spinning, whirling like the wheels beneath me. How . . . no . . . I cannot believe it . . . they wouldn’t . . . she wouldn’t . . . it can’t be . . . I . . . no . . . they . . . we . . . stupidity, pure and simple stupidity.

But the future! What happens in the future? What will I do with myself? Or more importantly, what will they do with themselves? I must know!

No. I must not, will not. I . . . it is fake. Unreal. A fantasy, unrealistic. Not possible. Fiction.

Nothing said, done, was real. These people do not exist. Neither do these emotions.

It appears to be that I have turned around. I have left the moon, the stars, the trolls, the pixies, the woods, the glades, the hill. I am in suburbia. Look, there is my home. Look, here is my garage. I am now in it. Look, the code has been pressed and pushed in, the door rolled down. I am up the steps, inside the house. There it is. Or, there it was. It is now sitting upon its brethren in a pile upstairs in my room. I have a new one now, fresh from the pile beside the old. I will read, fantasize, reread, love, reread again, think, and discard.

But for now, it is new. And when they are new, books never get old.

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13 Reviews

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Reviews: 13

Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:39 pm
selenadawn55 wrote a review...

This an awesome way to describe reading a book over again and feeling the same sensation or finding new things to love more about it. I know this is in first person and it's really hard to write in first person but I think you did pretty well. I understand on the parts when you say " aaahhh.... mmmmm...... yea" that you are excited but separate them so it wont look bunched up so we can understand it. Overall it was a good story. keep writing.

racket says...

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

selenadawn55 says...

Your more than welcome. (:

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172 Reviews

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Reviews: 172

Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:36 pm
RagingLive wrote a review...

Hia there, racket! I saw something of yours in the green room and I decided to check it out! Needless to say, I was impressed! You seemed to capture a lot of the highs that come from reading a new - or and old favorite - book.
I do, however, have a few little nitpicks, but even those are slim pickings!!

and then continue while my face attempts to break itself in half with a (would you call it a…) grin.

The use of parentheses here seems a bit unprofessional but maybe since it's realistic it is supposed to be that way? I'm not sure as I don't normally have that much experience with realistic fiction of this kind, but I do have a suggestion:
"and then continue while my face attempts to break itself in half with - would you call it a grin?"
This makes it sound more professional and makes it easier to read.

I am now panting. And now I am jumping up and down.

This is a bit broken up but maybe you could mold them into one sentence with a hyphen. That way you can keep some of the dramatics.

Fanning… fanning myself.

Maybe we could redo the ellipses here so that it's a bit more proper. Remember that ellipses are a sequence of three dots with a space before the sequence and a space after. You'll also want to place a space between each of the periods.
"Fanning . . . fanning myself."

Ah, ok, gosh darn, goodness’ sake’s, ok, yes, ok, hmmmm…. ok, yes, I am good, I am fine, it is over, it is done.

I know that this is supposed to be kind of dizzyfying but maybe we could split this up a bit so that it's easier to read with a lot of dramatics but not hard to follow.
"Ah, ok. Gosh darn, goodness' sake's! Ok . . . yes, ok. Hmm . . . Ok, yes. I am good. I am fine, it is over, it is done."
Maybe that's a bit too choppy for you, but if you do leave it the way it is, limit the m's in 'hmm' to two, like so.

It, they should not be allowed to do this to innocent human beings.

"It - no, they - should not be allowed to do this to innocent human beings!"
This flows better and kind of draws out the frantic excitement.

Yes! YES!

Here maybe put the second 'yes' in italics. It might read easier but I totally understand if you leave it the way that it is.

But the future! What happens in the future? What will I do with myself? Or more importantly, what will they do with themselves? I must know!

How did you know this was what I always did at the ending of a book?!?

I liked you descriptions and the interesting narrative POV. I hope I can see more of your writing in the future!!

Keep writing and keep on smiling!!

racket says...

Thanks! This is really helpful. And yeah, that is almost always my reaction at the end of a book. XD Thanks again!

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325 Reviews

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Reviews: 325

Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:51 pm
tigeraye wrote a review...

This is a curiously interesting narrative. I think writing a first person narrative in the present tense is really hard to pull off. But you did it well. The narrator's persona of being a bit crazed and out there helps keep it entertaining, but you back it up with a strong emotional undertone that makes this a really powerful piece. It takes strong writing abilities to blend drama and comedy like this and not have it come out trying to be one or the other, but you pulled it off. Well done until RagingLive gets here and rags you on about all the ellipses ._.

racket says...

XD Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

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472 Reviews

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Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:10 am
Lightsong wrote a review...

Hey, I'm here to review this interesting piece! ;)

First, the suggestions;

Spoiler! :
I keep stopping to breathe, laugh, shake my head, and then continue while my face attempts to break itself in half with a (would you call it a…) grin.

Eh? I don't understand the words in the bracket, so I don't know the purpose of them. I can see them removed while the idea of this sentence is still maintained.

I am now panting. And now I am jumping up and down.

Okay, the "I am now" is redundant, might want to rephrase that. Also, remove the "up and down" because the "jump" has already explained that part. Suggestion;

I am panting now before I jump over and over again.

There. Short and concise.

It, they should not be allowed to do this to innocent human beings

You can either add another comma after "they" or put hyphens on both sides of "they".

I need to get out of here. I have left it behind, lying innocently (why the innocence? Cannot it not do itself some justice?) on the couch.

Hmm, the words in the brackets are confusing. You can either choose "Can't it do itself..." or "can it do itself..." to make it comprehensible, depending on the message you intended.

No. I must not, will not. I… it is fake. Unreal. A fantasy, unrealistic. Not possible. Fiction.

Nothing said, done, was real. These people do not exist. Neither do these emotions.

I think this one can be merged into one paragraph.

After all, I am such a tiny part of it, shouldn’t I explore, feel like I am at least a tiny bit connected to my surroundings?

Too many fragments. Break this sentence! Suggestion;

After all, I am such a tiny part of it. Shouldn’t I explore - feel like I am at least a tiny bit connected to my surroundings?

For the plot;

Wow, such intense emotion the protagonist is having there! This piece has a comedic sense to it with how you manipulate the word structures to suit with their reactions, movements and actions. It is well done, but I hope they can tell what's in the book that makes them laugh so hard! It's an intriguing puzzle that if left answered, could give a huge impact on readers! I think you've missed that opportunity, although in this version it is up to reader's interpretation of its content since I think that's not the focus here.

Other than that, there are times when you use commas too much, and fragments become too many to be comprehensible. These can be improved in a short period though since they aren't many and are minor. Keep up the good job! :D

racket says...

Thanks! I tried to have it reflect my weird fragmented thoughts after I read a really good book. Like when you keep stopping yourself from thinking about it because it's over and you don't want to hurt yourself anymore over that ending...
XD Thanks for the review! I'll try to fix the things you mentioned.

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Points: 324
Reviews: 4

Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:00 am
masterofqwerty wrote a review...

This is the best thing I've ever read. I've felt this feeling over and over and over. It's very true. Also, the point of view is very interesting. It's not quite first person, but it's narrating itself. Kind of like Morgan Freeman narrating his own birth.

The good

The entire concept I loved. Everyone here understands that kind of experience. ESCPECIALLY if it's a cliffhanger ending.

Yet again, I loved the point of view. It's like 1 1/2 person point of view. Unique

Usually if a story is hastily written, it takes away from the quality. Not in this one. With this one, the hastily written quality adds to the feeling of finishing a book. Yet again, unique

The ending of this story is another thing I loved. It's a resolution ending.

The Bad

There are three dots in an ellipses. Just a little error that I found in a few of your uses.

I realized the ellipses error only because I couldn't find anything else in a story like this. Good job!

racket says...

Thanks! And you're right... I often add too many dots in an ellipses. Thanks for the review!

masterofqwerty says...


What's the point of being a grown-up if you can't be a bit childish sometimes?
— 4th Doctor