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A Strange Thing Called Popularity

by frogforest

Freshman year

New school

New me

I was not who I was one year ago 

I tried to convince myself


A strange thing called


Means nothing to me



I made friends

What words could possibly

Do justice to

Their laughs?

Their smiles?

Their understanding?

Their jokes?

Their acceptance?

Their pain?

The answer, no words


When I’m with them

Simple proximity 

I am far from the grasps of judgemental eyes

When I’m with them

I don’t regret my actions

When I’m with them

Happiness is achieved

When I’m with them

I am a free bird

Soaring through infinite blue skies

Chasing down my dreams

I see it all so vividly

At last


But then



And rumors

Circle the air

About me


Don’t talk to them

They’re making you look bad

They’re weird

They say


Trust us

You’re new

We’ve known them our

Whole lives

They say


Can’t you see?

They make you act strange

They say


What they didn’t know


That was how I acted

When I was comfortable

When I was happy

When I was free


I never told them that

Because I was under the influence


A strange thing called




I ignored them, my friends

Never responded to texts

No conversations

In the hallways

Avoided eye contact

Spread rumors from their secrets


Swapped them for

A strange thing called



The looks on their beautiful faces




Worst of all


When I left them


Ripped my heart

Through my rib cage

Beating and bloody

Pulsing and alive

Thrown across the room

And stomped



By a thousand agonized punches


All for

A strange thing called



Not a day slipped by

That I did not think of

My true friends

My real friends


Every night

Before I was pulled into the

World of unconsciousness

I would

Force myself








Every person I had hurt

Every person I had backtalked

Every person I had drowned

Just so I could remain afloat on

A strange thing called



But I watched

From the eyes of another

As I did nothing

Because I was


By the idea


A strange thing called



A year has passed since then

Sophomore year

And I still relive

Those moments

Every night

Every night

Every night


Every day

I am tortured

By “friends” I don't




Every day

I am living a peculiar


Of which 

Does not belong to me


Every day

I lose a little bit more

Of who I am


I hate I hate I hate


I think every night

And ten times a day


All for

A strange thing called




I spend my days

Trying to repair

Cover my tracks from the past

But the damage has been done

But my voice has been lost

But my chance has been revoked





All because of

A strange thing called


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20 Reviews

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Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:01 am
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Nightingale06 wrote a review...

That was a very touching poem. I was very relatable too. I just completed my 9th grade and, even though it was completely online, I can relate a bit. At times I have felt like what I am is not normal, I am very weird and no one wants to be friends with me. But my friends accepted me for who I am, I feel free with them. Teenage is when you feel like being popular and impressing everyone, but I have been told I will soon learn how to cope with it. You have given a valuable lesson to every teenager through this poem. It tells you how you can lose everything just by wanting to become popular. You can use yourself too. I loved how you used repetition to put emphasis in certain important parts. I think all teenagers should read this poem and understand the value of true friends..

frogforest says...

thank you!!

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Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:41 am
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Kalsie2179 wrote a review...

In 9th grade, I was just a regular girl with a lot of friends, and then when I came back to school the next year I had fewer friends and then I made new friends but my popularity changed. it was like I was a different person. I wasn't the same anymore. I even struggled with fitting in during class. then I started acting out and just getting into trouble all the time. you need to put yourself in a good friend group and also be open-minded to changes. another thing that comes along is relationships whether they be intimate or no they are very hard to deal with. I struggled with a lot of things after I broke up with my first boyfriend.

frogforest says...

Yeah, i definitely understand that, friendships change a lot throughout life, especially in high school

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13 Reviews

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Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:59 pm
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Myre wrote a review...

This is my on Young Writer's Society at 7 pm because I can't think of anything else to do... but anyway

This is a beautiful poem - it covers everything that's real about popularity and its effect on people. The "a strange thing called popularity" bit that you repeat punches hard every time.

It's STRANGE (pun intended) how great this poem is - usually, I don't like rhymed lines in poems, but in this one, whenever it showed up I sat at the edge of my seat and waited for another one. This poem seemed like a story - and obviously, it is a story, but it seemed like I was reading a 500 - page novel in one sitting. XD

The first time I've read a 500 page novel in one sitting *ahem* School for Good and Evil *ahem*...

The only thing I would change AT ALL would be the order. Instead of introducing the poem with those first two stanzas, make the third stanza the first one and just add a line to the beginning such as "I used to have friends". Those 1st and second stanzas could be moved more toward the middle, or maybe even toward the end if that's more your style. :)

Thank you for gracing us all with this beautiful poem. I enjoyed reading it and writing a review. Hopefully, this was helpful!

Have a good day, night, morning, evening, whatever it is for you when you read this!



frogforest says...

Aw, thank you!!! (love the pun) I think that switching the order of the first few stanzas might be a good idea, and I'll definitely mess around with it later.
Also - I started reading the school for good and evil a while ago, but I never finished the series :( , but I did read a book called Tell Me Three Things (by Julie Buxbaum) and was high off of it for like a week after

Myre says...

Lol, I get the feeling. Thanks for sharing with me, I'm glad the stanza switch is something you're open to switching. :) Also, Tell Me Three Things has been recommended to me before - I should read it!

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48 Reviews

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Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:56 pm
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sunlightwarriorxo wrote a review...

This is a great poem - you definitely show how popularity isn't always as fantastic as people think it is - which in fact links to my own YA contemporary quartet that I'm working on ("Reflections" - check out my excerpts for The Other Side if you get a chance). I love your language and imagery, you feel as though that you're right there next to your character who's experincing what popularity really is - how it can make someone become superficial so well done, you should be proud of this. Honestly, I have no suggestions for improvement, its a fantastically crafted poem that you should share around as much as you can. You definitely show a vast amount of potential as a writer so please keep writing! :)

frogforest says...

Thank you so much!!!!

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110 Reviews

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Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:53 pm
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illy7896 wrote a review...

This is so heart-warming, the repetition was effective and beautiful and the theme of the poem is so true. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people push others down. If this is your real experience, I just want to say that it's never too late to be yourself or to apologise.
I loved the lines 'beating and bloody, pulsing and alive' because it's been written with such clarity and to reference it to this situation makes it seem like everything that made you the person you are, made you alive and breathing, was ripped away from you. It's open to interpretation to what this would then mean for you.

I enjoyed reading this poem, it's so effective. I hope everything turns out okay for you :)

frogforest says...

Thank you! I hope everything turns out ok, and I talk to them again.

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Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:58 am
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ForeverYoung299 wrote a review...

It is such a beautiful poetry! The way you described popularity is awesome. And your repetition of those three lines is also awesome.

Overall, it's a thought provoking, realistic, literary poetry work. Whatever, I hope I was able to provide a good review. Your work is really beautifully crafted- it shows the effect of popularity in our everyday lives.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to read such a beautiful work.

frogforest says...

Thank you so much!! I was hesitant to write the poem, but maybe it payed of.

ForeverYoung299 says...

welcome. please review my works. I like to receive feedback.

frogforest says...


I regret everything.
— Ron Swanson