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Young Writers Society

Abduction in My Mind

by frogforest

I can’t see you

I can’t see you

I can’t hear you

I can’t hear you

I can’t find you

I can’t find you


I’m standing right here, it promised


Hundreds of lies cover seeing eyes

Blurred vision

Unsteady rhythms


I’m within your grasp, it reassured


Thousands of screaming voices seal hearing ears

Commands whisper

Eardrums blister


I’m close, so very close, it warned


Millions of decisions confuse thinking minds

Optionless dread

Brain cells shred


Reach out your hand

Give me your hand




I see you

I see you

I hear you

I hear you

I found you

I found you


Yes, yes you have


Twisted pathways

Neglected personas

Crystallized tears

Navigated me here


Stay for some time, now won’t you


Locked doors

Bound permanently

Says I have made a grave mistake


Once you


You may not



Corruption sings the final anthem

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Fri Mar 19, 2021 11:19 pm
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IMK wrote a review...

So this is amazing. I really enjoyed it, and the writing style. But I've seen so many negative comments on posts today, so instead of making people happy, I'm going to confuse them.

1. Food Vs Drink
In the English language, you can drink a drink but you don't food a food.

- me and apparently quite a few other people on the internet

2. Living Room
Can you die in a living room? Has anyone ever died in a living room? It would be the most ironic death to have. If somebody dies in a living room, is it still a living room?

3. Multi universe Theory
If the multi-universe theory is true, is there a universe where it isn't?

4. Fly
If a fly losses its wings is it now a walk?

5. Lightning McQueen

Would Lightning McQueen get car insurance or life insurance?

6. Pinocchio
What would happen if Pinocchio said his nose was going to grow?

7. Rainday
If it rains on a Sunday does that mean that it's now Rainday?

8. Bedroom

When you buy a bigger bed you have more bed room but less bedroom.

9. Blind Dreams
Can a blind person see their dreams?

10. Cinderella
If her outfit was supposed to disappear at midnight, why did her shoe not go away too? Also if Cinderella's shoes fit perfectly to her feet, why did one fall off in the first place?

11. Moonwalking
If you moonwalk on the moon, are you just walking?

12. Cookies & Bacon
Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?

13. Deaf Thoughts
If someone is born deaf, what language do they think in? Do they think in written words and pictures? Do they think in sign language?

14. Seaweed

If you were to smoke weed at sea, does that make it seaweed?

15. OMG
Would Jesus Christ say "oh my God" or "oh my dad"?

16. Race
If you were in a race by your self, would you finish in first or last?

17. Driving
Why do we drive on parkways and park in driveways?

18. Sweater
If you sweat in a sweater, does that make you the sweater?

19. Mars
When Mars becomes colonized, will anyone born there be considered a Martian?

20. Fetch

What if the dog brings the toy, ball, or stick back to you just because they think you enjoy throwing it and want to make you happy?

- me

21. Tomato
If tomatoes are really a fruit, is ketchup a jelly/jam?

22. Water
If humans are mostly water, does that mean that Earth is mostly human?

23. I'm Sorry
I'm sorry and I apologize have the exact same meaning unless you are at a funeral.

24. Building
Why is a building called a building if it's already built?

25. Apple Houses
If Apple were to make houses, would the houses have Windows?

26. God

Assuming the bible and Christianity are real, God created us but who created God? Did he create himself and if so how? Did somebody else create him and if so, does that mean that there really is more than one God but he's too egotistical to acknowledge this since he wants all attention on himself? And who would have made the God that made God? Did the big bang perhaps make God instead? If the big bang made God, is that a good enough thought/explanation to how the world was created, that would make both scientists and religious people happy and thus bringing upon peace between the two very different ways of thinking?

Also what if God stays in Heaven and doesn't interact with us as much anymore because he actually fears what he has created?

- Me and quite a few other people on the internet

27. Age-Old Question
If it was possible to eat all of yourself would you become twice as big or would you disappear?

- Pretty much everyone

28. "Dora The Explorer"

If Dora is an explorer, why does she only visit mapped areas?

29. Answers
If you replace the w with a t in what, where, when, you have an answer.

frogforest says...

My response to all this glory:
1. There's something wrong with the English language
2. I always wondered why living rooms were called 'living' rooms
3. This almost feels like a paradox, or it actually is one
4. I feel bad for the fly :(
5. When I first read this one, I thought it just said 'Lightning McQueen' and I was like, ah yes, the great confusion of the universe
6. I don't know why I found this one funny
7. Rainday should be a day of the week, doesn't it just seem more acceptable to have 8 days in a week?
8. I feel like I've heard this one before...
9. I always wondered this, and I think a blind person answered the question, but I would assume the experience is different for everyone
11. MJ would know...
12. I've never eaten bacon before, is it actually baked?
13. I actually watched a video on this, I think it's more like abstract strings of ideas, although some people who know ASL think in a faster version of it
14. yes.
16. A mix of both, instead of first or last, it's just "fist" or "larst"
17. Wait literally, why are driveways called driveways :/
18. I hate it when sweaters get attitudes and make me the sweater
19.WAIT- this could actually be a thing
20. Seriously I think that this is really how it is.
21. Ew, in all cases, ketchup should never be authorized as a jelly/jam
22. The oceans are just human innards...
24.I have no answer
26. BAHAHA maybe God is terrified of what we've done down here on earth
27. My answer: you would stay exactly the same (i know i know, a boring answer)
29. This one is really creeping me out. :/ people need to stop coming up with stuff like this (for my protection)

IMK says...

the point of 25 is that windows is also an operating system

frogforest says...

lol, i know, i was just speculating :)

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Reviews: 103

Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:24 pm
waywardxwanderer says...

wow. w o w . this is genuinely incredible. you are SO talented and I want to write a review and I have nothing to critique so I'm probably just going to compliment you.

"Hundreds of lies cover seeing eyes..." This line is so beautiful???? The imagery is why do i have to suffer on this planet my friend had a slug explode on her the other tortured a slg to death we will all die worship binkey the only thing worth while

frogforest says...

Thank you!

waywardxwanderer says...

Yeah!! It's really beautiful :,,) and halfway through my review my friend took over my computer, that's the slug thing. I'm the friend who had a slug explode on me

frogforest says...

omg ok, I was super confused for a while

waywardxwanderer says...

yeah lmao fdsfkjd sorry about that

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110 Reviews

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Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:19 am
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illy7896 wrote a review...

This was really profound and the way you have illustrated the sensation of being lost and alone in a busy world ( that's my interpretation) is fantastic. My favourite bit was:

Twisted pathways

Neglected personas

Crystallized tears

Navigated me here

because it's just so metaphorical and deep! 'Neglected personas' is really influential as it suggests that literal people and thoughts are abandoned. And then, 'crystalised tears' gives the impression that this pain and sorrow is something beautiful, precious, preserved. I love this poem. As the last reviewer said, 'corruption sings the final anthem' just really ties the whole thing together. Additionally, the contrast between good and bad, positive and negative, relief and desperation is emotional. Accompanied by this twist at the end, it gives the feeling that the narrator has been lured into the voices trap. You can feel the hush as you are obedient to its calls. Thes silence after the screams. I can't think of any critique but this was an awesome poem!

frogforest says...

Thank you so much! This means a lot!

illy7896 says...

no problem

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46 Reviews

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Reviews: 46

Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:30 am
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EsmerayaRose wrote a review...

I want to start and say WoW............

Ok, I finally found the right words.
Wait there are no right words for this but wow.
I really like this poem. My favorite line is "Corruption sing the final anthem" I feel like I can connect to it but then I don't know if I will return. Your title is what really caught my eyes because I like to read things like this and this is really interesting. because being at the end ties the whole poem together in an affirmative way. And I enjoyed the style of this poem, good work.

frogforest says...

Thank you so much!!!

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