It's become stylish to criticize churches, but what you have here is different. It's honest and real, and I'm frankly amazed. It broke my heart, actually, especially the lines: "And I'm searching for a day/Where I can step in and just say I need help".
In many things, I've seen that people never change. There are always the people who embrace vain religiosity and who believe that God is all about getting money out of people, and who pretend to give Him glory so they'll be admired by people (when they don't really love Him at all). This poem made me think back to the days of Christ, when rich people would come and showily put large amounts of money into the offering boxes in the temple, but the small gifts of the poor were looked down upon. But Jesus said about the widow who put in two small copper coins, "She has given more than any of them", because she gave out of love, with a sincere heart.
You seem to be making a similar point in this poem. This church you refer to has made it so that they can see who gives more and who gives less, because it's become all about money and no longer about a sincere heart for Christ.
It breaks my heart because it's a terrible witness. The church is supposed to represent Christ, yet what sort of picture are they presenting of Him to the world here? "Christ loves you more if you give us more money, and less if you give us less." It's not the Gospel. The Gospel is that Christ gives us love that we don't deserve, and there is nothing we can do to merit His grace. The church needs to show that same kind of simple love to anyone who shows up. People are seeking truth and thirsting for Jesus, but if the church--the representation of Christ on earth--treats them wrongly, how can they find what they're looking for?
Ech, sorry, I started off on a rant, I think. I don't think you were trying to say ALL that in your song, but it made me think of those things. This is a beautiful, impactful, and challenging work of art, and I really like it.
Points: 59
Reviews: 125