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Off the Edge of the Rainbow / Chapter 2

by Twit


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Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:22 pm
Cpt. Smurf wrote a review...

I thought this was very good, as was Chapter 1. It kept my attention, a great feat, as I am not particularly good at concentrating on reading the entries in these forums (no offense to anyone, it's just the wonders of the internet tempt me. I have very little self-control). In fact, with a little editing, more-so in the first chapter, this would be publishable material. I don't have time to read Chapter 3 right now, but I look forward to it for next time I log on.


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Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:03 pm
Crysi wrote a review...

If this is the flashback you were referring to after you posted Chapter 1, I'd like to congratulate you on fitting this in very nicely. Your chapters are short, so I can't tell if it's too early for something like this or not, but whatever the case, it's very well-written. Her Da reminds me of my friend's Pa. They both laugh and love and act. Very cool.

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Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:47 pm
Twit says...

Yeah, a long flashback, and "hostels" means like the Youth Hostels, cos they're cheap and some are a bit seedy...the one I stayed in once was, anyway. I'm real glad you liked it! :D Thanks for commenting! :D


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Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:03 am
sokool15 wrote a review...

I really liked this! It was entertaining, interesting, and very well-written.
One thing, and one thing only: 'hostels.' Is that really a word or did you mean; "hotels?" Forgive my ignorance.
Otherwise, continue by all means.
Oh, one more thing: why is the whole thing in italics? Is it a very long flashback? An entire chapter of flashback italics seems a bit much. Anyway, keep posting!
Yours always, 8)

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:07 pm
Twit says...

Confusing? Oops, sorry...thank you for commenting!


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Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:59 am
gymnast_789 wrote a review...

Here are some suggestions:

Hearing the voice behind my closed eyelids, it is all I am aware of, as I lie in a limbo world between sleeping and awakening.

I don't think that you need 'it' here.

"...Then she thought that that did not sound quite polite, so she scratched out 'isn't mouse' and wrote: 'I hope it will be fine' “

Replace the second 'that' in this sentence with 'it'.

we could turn somersaults before we could read.

ha ha...sounds like me. Sorry but I had to say that.

Smelled the tantalising smells coming from Pizza Hut


but sometimes Da would take Kester and I out of London on a holiday.

Change 'Kester and I' to 'Kester and me'.

Interesting. You have really good descriptions in this, but I thought that it was a little confusing at some points...but I don't know I'm really tired right now. I'll come and take a look at it again when I'm not so tired. Otherwise thought it was good with only a few mistakes...good job! Keep it up!

Look, a good poem is a poem that exists. Any poem you write is better than the poem you don't.
— WeepingWisteria