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The League of Life [Ch. IV, Nine]

by TheRebel2007

Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve seen y’all together, ?

“Yeah, it's been a while. Are all of us present, padre?”

Except for Hatred, yes. Nine and Six will come after they have learnt the Drive. It would take, knowing Nine - in summa, ten minutes. So, let's get to business! Eight, status report - It's not like I need to know, it's for the rest of them.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Ahem - The local Virgo Supercluster has had thirty-one attacks from the Sauriae Gigantiae in the last month, with unprecedented Field Control levels that have never been matched in history by any individual- ahem, *looks at me* with a single exception.”

I chuckled. The representative from Andromeda, Grey Slime - yes, that's her legit name - stood up and said:

Ksoworhhsbdhpyjwishgd - Ahem, sorry, I forgot to switch over the language. In Andromeda alone, we have had five attacks in the last month. Over nine hundred of our Field Users have perished fighting them, only a dozen Field Wielders are left in our galaxy.”

The representative from Canis Major, Frocock - not to be confused with Frodo, the representative from Dwingeloo (I love that name) - stood up and said, “President Zero, over thirty trillion of our citizens have perished, and barely thirty percent of our Field Wielders are alive...” He was about to say something more when Eight interrupted him:

“Over forty-four percent of the sentient population of the Laniakea supercluster have perished since the attacks started. The Council would like to request the President to give us further information about these Giant Reptiles or Sauriae Gigantiae.”

Padre, haven't enough people died already? Even if we just count the number of people who have died this month, it's over quadrillions!”

“Isn't it about time you've told us where these higher-dimensional monsters come from? And what are they after?”

“Yes, President, what do they want?”

Alright, let me get comfy on my chair first and let me have some pizza. Ah, thank you myself, the best chef in existence! It's delectable! Free pizza for y'all as well, it’s on your tables! Anyway -


Oh, Frustration. Hello! You don’t need to throw a stone at me to get my attention, I have a name, you know.

“Come on, get out with it!”

“Yeah, padre.”

“Please, President Salai, tell us.”

Eyuejwhhdgisi” “Tell us!” “We must know!” “Where do they come from?” “Why are they here?” “Gsyrisvsjppakwhrvbkp” “What are you hiding from us?!” “When am I gonna get laid…?” “EW, why now?!” “What the hell, Frocock?” [in unison, followed by total pandemonium not rendered by the diary]

I was kinda irritated, so I sewed their mouths - literally.

Dudes, chill. They are all after me. I once filled a dystopian five-dimensional universe with farts just for fun. It resulted in a communist revolution that overthrew the upper class. Now the commies are really pissed with all the fart around, and no matter what they try to do they can’t remove it quoniam I had fixed the farts’ positions in spacetime. So they are really pissed off and want to kill me. And yes, Frocock of Canis Major, you can get laid tomorrow with that bartender at the Gal Galaxy Bar if you just ask her out.

*Sounds of Field Users painfully unsewing their lips*

I really want to describe their facial expressions in excruciating detail. Eight looks like he's about to vomit everything he has ever had. Two is chuckling in disappointment, thinking, “I expected exactly this from him - he never does anything ordinary, does he?” Five is having the time of his life with his wide-mouthed silent laugh and even Three is smiling weely. Frocock's mind is bubbly bumbling in the plane of “FINALLY, I WILL GET LAID. WOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!”. And Ms. Grey Slime is just dumbfounded. But Seven really wants to kill me - she is about to have a total meltdown.


Hey, calm down, Seven-

Damn, she's frustrated. Her face looks like the visual depiction of the gustation of a hot Cheeto, dipped in mint-flavoured butterscotch ice cream diluted in ethanol. One might think that's a very specific reference, but trust me, I have tried it.

“Why do WE have to deal with YOUR nonsense ALL THE TIME? What gave YOU the RIGHT to mess around all the time and not face ANY consequences? WHY THE HELL-”

Dude, I can erase all of existence if I want - shut up and grow up. Like, I allowed that mad doctor to take my genes and create y’all: the Ten Agents of Earth - except me and Two, of course - only to take care of these other-dimensional Field Wielders and let me sleep peacefully; y'all have the highest raw Field Control levels in this universe after me, after all. Like, sure, I could take care of all of them but I like sleeping, so sleeping for ten hours a day-

“Sentient beings across the Laniakea Supercluster are perishing in sextillions every year and you WANT TO SLEEP?”

What? Do I not have the right to rest? I am pretty sure I wrote it in the Constitu-


Uh, what’s new in that exactly?

I love messing around with Seven, she looks so cute when she's angry. And I also love it when Two tries to calm her down - and fails spectacularly. This is going to be hilarious, optime!

“Seven, you know what he's like - we can't really argue with him-”

“Oh shut up, you babbling bag of bubbling empathy! Why does he have no morals at all?! Like, why?!”

I do, actually.

“Oh yeah, what kind of morality lets people suffer and die just ‘coz you wanna sleep?”

Like, I adhere to a code of rules that I never even think of breaking. I think that counts as a definition of morali-

“Oh yeah, what are those ‘rules’?”

I never break any promises I had ever made to my Leo. Like, I never lie, I never kill people unless I have to protect my loved ones, I don't steal, nor do I drink and dance on the rooftop of the Duke's palace-

*Snicker XD*

“The last one was very specific, padre. Sorry, Seven, I couldn't stop chuckling after imagining the scene.”

“Alright, ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Did your smartass boyfriend not tell you to protect people from overpowered psychopaths? Like, what did Leonardo da Vinci do except harbouring the worst psychopath I have ever known and draw naked men and eyebrowless women-”

There. Is. A. Limit. Karen.

“Okay, this is not good. Father, calm down-”

You. Never.

“Oh no, I am sorry. Please-”

Insult. My.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to -”

Leonardo. Da. Vinci.

“Mr. President, I beg your pardon, I am so sorry. I didn’t know what I was rambling-”

Alright, you know what? A hundred 5D aliens are coming here to exterminate this plane of existence. I would have trapped them in a universe of vodka if I weren’t pissed off- now I am just gonna go and sit in their universe and watch y'all get slaughtered. Ave atque vale.


“Yay, Roku-chan, we did it - Wait, what’s going on?”

Not much, Nine - just a hundred overpowered 5D Field Wielders who want to destroy the three-dimensional plane of existence are about to arrive en masse.


Don’t worry, you won’t die, there are no such possible future timelines where you die.

“What on atheist God’s green Earth are you talking about?!”


“What the hell is happening, Salai!?”

They have come. All the best. It’s time for your evolution, Nine. I will be watching you, see ya.


It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Let me prepare my seat for an epic anime showdown - the world is at stake, the heroes are at a great disadvantage, and the villains are rampaging en masse. There’s the IMAX screen, the Dolby interdimensional audio receptor, and my very own LeoX69 interdimensional projector! Sure, I could use VR, but I like this more - it’s the perfect spot between escaping from reality and imitating it. Ah - this, a soft couch, some pizza, chips, and a glass of water - what more does one need in life?

Now, you might ask me: isn't it immoral to watch millions get obliterated by monsters who are actually searching for you? Yes, it is. You might again ask: So, why are you doing this? Why are you letting them die?

To that, I'd say, no one's given me the responsibility to look after people, I am not a god or anything like that. Sure, I can erase all the bad stuff happening throughout the entirety of existence, from every universe, in the blink of an eye, and have everyone live happy little lives in their happy little utopias. But - what’s the fun in that?

Now you might say: But Salai, you have seen everything that has ever happened, that is happening, and that could ever happen in every finite universe and timeline - So why are you doing this? To that, I'd tell you that - this timeline is special. Why exactly? - You might ask with your wrinkled, puzzled face. Hehe, this novel's not named Nine for no reason.

Anyway, let the fun begin! 

In the red corner, we have a hundred 5D Field Wielders bigger than the Earth!

In the blue corner, we have the best Field Wielders of the Laniakea Supercluster: the League of Life!

Let the fight begin!

The opening move by the 5D Wielders: Kick the moon into the planet! Wait a minute… Boxing commentary doesn’t really go well with this, does it? Etenim, let me switch to a third-person fantasy narrative, that’d be better. Ahem, ahem.

The moon flung out of its trajectory, with its surface calcinating due to the tremendous force exerted upon it. The large surface of the satellite was illuminated by bright light, brighter than the shine ever imparted upon it by Helios. However, the Sun is still brighter and the moon is over three-hundred-eighty-thousand kilometres away, so it went unnoticed.

What was noticed, however, was the towering umbra of the giant, out-of-the-world being that eclipsed the sun.

Day became darker than night at the League of Life Headquarters as his hands wrapped themselves around the Blue Bead. He was about to ignite the atmosphere and burn the entire world when…

Legions of Field Wielders soared up into the sky with streaks of light streaming through their tracks. Jets of plasma beams went ablast towards the space giant at tremendous velocities, but he wasn’t even scratched. The greatest Field Wielders of Andromeda, Canis Major, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pegasus, The Magellanic Cloud, Dwingeloo (that’s my favourite galaxy name ever) and tens of thousands of other galaxies from the Laniakea supercluster - swarmed around the gargantuan gargoyle with a grotesque gorilla-like visage, veneered with a colour vaguely resembling vomit.

Hundreds of thousands of laser and plasma beams flung across the aether as the giant 5D monster was attacked - with no effect but irritation. He smacked many of them out of the Earth’s orbit. While others were catapulted back at Earth at a thousand times the speed of sound - and one of them was Frocock.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” shrieked Frocock as he flapped his hands like a pigeon to halt his uncontrolled descent into the planet. He frantically tried to fuse the Field to his fidgety flaps to flatten his falling curve but he failed fantastically,

“Ah, it's over, ain't it?” He thought, “I am gonna die a virgin, aren't I?”

(I am loving this narrator job, it's just perfect! I really like flexing my vocabulary and sense of humour, optime! Wait, let me refill my popcorn bucket - Oof, why are these sentinels on the lookout for me attacking me when I am enjoying a live-action movie? It’s annoying, y’all! Shut up and turn into my lifetime supply of Coca-Cola and let me enjoy the show for God’s sake!)

Frocock was about to impact the Yucatan peninsula at a thousand Mach speed and cause another mass extinction event when a cushion of Kindness saved him from certain death.

Frocock cried, “Oh, thank you, Agent Two! Thank you SO MUCH!!!”

Mi ‘spiace, signore,” said Kindness himself, “I was busy evacuating the people from this System to Proxima Centauri with the other Agents. Take care of the injured, I will go into the fray now.”

Thus said he as he leapt at the gargantuan monster at Brobdingnagian speed, creating a crater from where he jumped - jettisoning Frocock into the Atlantic. Two said, “Sorry again!” to Frocock by telepathy while Frocock shrieked, "WHY AM I ALWAYS USED FOR COMIC EFFECT?"

Out of nowhere came a flash that sent shockwaves throughout the galaxy and pummeled the leviathan giant - like a Gamma Ray Burst. Staggered, the giant Filius Saurii was displaced by twenty lightseconds from the Earth by the blast before he could control his ambit of velocity. He tried to -

(What the hell, man? Let me watch this epic showdown, dudes! I don’t care about your smelly fart problems! I mean, sure, I did it for fun and I didn’t really care about the consequences - but that doesn’t mean you have to interrupt me when I am narrating and breaking the fourth wall! You know what, let me just stop time in this universe, then I can watch what’s going on over there without interruption. So where was I? Oh yeah.)

The giant tried to use Alcubierre Drive to go back to his target, but he was interrupted by a strange barrier - the peculiar barrier of his own psyche.

“You are just a child, aren’t you?” - A voice reverberated across his animus - a stern, but kind voice.

“What is happening!? Who are you? Why can’t I move?!” - The giant’s subconscious squealed in dreadful trepidation.

“Why are you doing this?” - The ever-so-stern voice replied.

“I - I don’t know,” the giant child stuttered, “I don’t have anything else to do… I have no skill at anything but destruction. But who are you to - ?”

“Why do you destroy?”

It was as if a strange leash of honesty bounded his hypnotic self, forcing him to answer truthfully even without his volition. After every stutter, the same phrase “Why do you destroy?” repeated in his subconscious psyche.

“I -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“I - who are y -?”

“Why do you destroy?”

“I - I don’t know - I can’t do anything else -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“I follow whatever the High Command tells me to - I just want to live -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“They praise me when I do, they praise me when I destroy - ”

“Why do you destroy?”

“They praise me, I like the praise - I - I like being praised - I -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“Stop - I - STOP - I want to be - STOPPPP, I BEG YOU - I want to be loved…”

The voice stopped as the giant child broke into tears and wailed, “I - I just want to be loved! They - They killed my mom when I was born, to raise me as a war machine in the fight against the communists... When the communists took over, they used me for the same thing, even more ruthlessly... I - I am sorry - I don’t like this, but I - I am weak - I do not want to die - They’ll kill me if I don’t follow them - I - I - I… I want to live… I want to love… I want to be free… Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh… Help me… Someone… Please…”

“It’s alright,” replied the Kind Voice, “You don’t have to fight anymore. We will protect you,” and the leviathan child felt a motherly embrace and an endearing pat on his head for the first time in his life.

But that was short-lived.

The Candle of Kindness was blown away by a blast and was knocked down. The giant came out of the telepathic hypnosis. Dozens of 5D monsters were informed of the Field Wielders’ presence by the shockwave and located them. The Moon was coming closer and closer to the Earth, with its orbit rapidly receding. The greatest trump card of Field Wielders was out drifting unconscious in a vacuum outside the Earth’s sphere of influence. What happens next? Find out in the next chapter by the protagonist of Nine himself!

Damn, I sound like a cringe anime narrator now.

Next Chapter: Death and Destruction

Hey there, I have made some portraits of my characters. They are not too good, because I started drawing in the first week of February (I didn't like drawing before that) - but I tried my best!

Here's our Protagonist, our dear Nine-kun!

Here's our overpowered (and my most favourite) side character, Salai a.k.a. Zero!

Here's our mysterious, but oft-referenced, Agent One!

Here's our beloved, kind, and empathetic Agent Two!

Here's our sad, depressed, and gloomy Agent Four!

Here's our happy, ever-joyous, gleeful twin of Gloom, Agent Five!

Here's our protagonist's bestie, the ever-so-cute and angry, Agent Six-chan!

Here's our most frustrated (and my least favourite) Agent, Seven!

I will draw Three and Eight soon enough - they will definitely be in the next chapter's bottom!

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Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:50 am
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OrabellaAvenue wrote a review...

Hello again, TheRebel2007!! (Is there anything you'd like to be called besides Rebel?) I'm finally here to review this lovely work with my bunny friends, and wow, sure glad I did because we certainly have a lot!

First off, the whole thing is full of comedy and I was just smiling at my computer in my room, and if anyone had come in they may have been confused as to why I was giggling to myself. XD I love your drawings at the end there - definitely better than when I started drawing. I think my favorite is Four from your pictures, but they all are very nice, and I can't wait when I get to the next chapter to see Three and Eight as well!

Anyway, on to the actual review!

Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve seen y’all together, sì?

“Yeah, it's been a while. Are all of us present, padre?”

Except for Hatred, yes. Nine and Six will come after they have learnt the Drive. It would take, knowing Nine - in summa, ten minutes. So, let's get to business! Eight, status report - It's not like I need to know, it's for the rest of them.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Ahem - The local Virgo Supercluster has had thirty-one attacks from the Sauriae Gigantiae in the last month, with unprecedented Field Control levels that have never been matched in history by any individual- ahem, *looks at me* with a single exception.”

I chuckled. The representative from Andromeda, Grey Slime - yes, that's her legit name - stood up and said:

“Ksoworhhsbdhpyjwishgd - Ahem, sorry, I forgot to switch over the language. In Andromeda alone, we have had five attacks in the last month. Over nine hundred of our Field Users have perished fighting them, only a dozen Field Wielders are left in our galaxy.”

The representative from Canis Major, Frocock - not to be confused with Frodo, the representative from Dwingeloo (I love that name) - stood up and said, “President Zero, over thirty trillion of our citizens have perished, and barely thirty percent of our Field Wielders are alive...” He was about to say something more when Eight interrupted him:

“Over forty-four percent of the sentient population of the Laniakea supercluster have perished since the attacks started. The Council would like to request the President to give us further information about these Giant Reptiles or Sauriae Gigantiae.”

“Padre, haven't enough people died already? Even if we just count the number of people who have died this month, it's over quadrillions!”

“Isn't it about time you've told us where these higher-dimensional monsters come from? And what are they after?”

“Yes, President, what do they want?”

Okay, already so many things to say in the very first bit: first of all, a guess. You mentioned once that there's another character even worse than Zero, and he literally let's trillions of things die for fun. Is the worse character One, Hatred? (You don't have to confirm or deny; I'm sure the answer will come later in the story) In that case, poor Two!! Two probably horrible parents, while he's the kind and empathetic one, that must be hard.
Anyway, I really like when Eight basically side-eyes Zero when saying he was the exception, and Zero just chuckling. Also, love that the representative from Andromeda is Grey Slime, and I love her keyboard smash language. It's all so funny, especially with all the fun names, like Dwingeloo, too.
And all this commentary and character actions make for a great background to the subject of the conversation, which is all the incredible amount of deaths. Which is followed by Zero's response to all this:

Alright, let me get comfy on my chair first and let me have some pizza. Ah, thank you myself, the best chef in existence! It's delectable! Free pizza for y'all as well, it’s on your tables! Anyway -


Oh, Frustration. Hello! You don’t need to throw a stone at me to get my attention, I have a name, you know.

“Come on, get out with it!”

“Yeah, padre.”

“Please, President Salai, tell us.”

“Eyuejwhhdgisi” “Tell us!” “We must know!” “Where do they come from?” “Why are they here?” “Gsyrisvsjppakwhrvbkp” “What are you hiding from us?!” “When am I gonna get laid…?” “EW, why now?!” “What the hell, Frocock?” [in unison, followed by total pandemonium not rendered by the diary]

I was kinda irritated, so I sewed their mouths - literally.

Dudes, chill. They are all after me. I once filled a dystopian five-dimensional universe with farts just for fun. It resulted in a communist revolution that overthrew the upper class. Now the commies are really pissed with all the fart around, and no matter what they try to do they can’t remove it quoniam I had fixed the farts’ positions in spacetime. So they are really pissed off and want to kill me. And yes, Frocock of Canis Major, you can get laid tomorrow with that bartender at the Gal Galaxy Bar if you just ask her out.

*Sounds of Field Users painfully unsewing their lips*

I really want to describe their facial expressions in excruciating detail. Eight looks like he's about to vomit everything he has ever had. Two is chuckling in disappointment, thinking, “I expected exactly this from him - he never does anything ordinary, does he?” Five is having the time of his life with his wide-mouthed silent laugh and even Three is smiling weely. Frocock's mind is bubbly bumbling in the plane of “FINALLY, I WILL GET LAID. WOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!”. And Ms. Grey Slime is just dumbfounded. But Seven really wants to kill me - she is about to have a total meltdown.


Hey, calm down, Seven-

Damn, she's frustrated. Her face looks like the visual depiction of the gustation of a hot Cheeto, dipped in mint-flavoured butterscotch ice cream diluted in ethanol. One might think that's a very specific reference, but trust me, I have tried it.

“Why do WE have to deal with YOUR nonsense ALL THE TIME? What gave YOU the RIGHT to mess around all the time and not face ANY consequences? WHY THE HELL-”

He's just so chill about all this happening - honestly I think all he cares about is the entertainment he gets from everyone getting frustrated and the general chaos that ensues. Especially the pizza bit, and the disturbing sewing mouths shut. (And the unsewing. *shivers*) Also, Zero seems like he's pretty much behind everything evil, disturbing, or just generally wrong. I'm convinced now that his emotion is chaos, or something of the like, and it seems like he enjoys people's suffering. Seven is a lot like Six in that they both are angry in some way, although it seems Six is generally kinder and feels regret for getting angry. Who knows, though? Maybe Seven isn't all she appears to be.

Dude, I can erase all of existence if I want - shut up and grow up. Like, I allowed that mad doctor to take my genes and create y’all: the Ten Agents of Earth - except me and Two, of course - only to take care of these other-dimensional Field Wielders and let me sleep peacefully; y'all have the highest raw Field Control levels in this universe after me, after all. Like, sure, I could take care of all of them but I like sleeping, so sleeping for ten hours a day-

“Sentient beings across the Laniakea Supercluster are perishing in sextillions every year and you WANT TO SLEEP?”

What? Do I not have the right to rest? I am pretty sure I wrote it in the Constitu-


Uh, what’s new in that exactly?

I love messing around with Seven, she looks so cute when she's angry. And I also love it when Two tries to calm her down - and fails spectacularly. This is going to be hilarious, optime!

“Seven, you know what he's like - we can't really argue with him-”

“Oh shut up, you babbling bag of bubbling empathy! Why does he have no morals at all?! Like, why?!”

I do, actually.

“Oh yeah, what kind of morality lets people suffer and die just ‘coz you wanna sleep?”

Like, I adhere to a code of rules that I never even think of breaking. I think that counts as a definition of morali-

“Oh yeah, what are those ‘rules’?”

I never break any promises I had ever made to my Leo. Like, I never lie, I never kill people unless I have to protect my loved ones, I don't steal, nor do I drink and dance on the rooftop of the Duke's palace-

*Snicker XD*

“The last one was very specific, padre. Sorry, Seven, I couldn't stop chuckling after imagining the scene.”

Ooh, here we get some new information! All the agents of Earth are made from Zero's genes, in one way or another. I don't think we knew that before (or if we did I'm sorry I have a horrible memory XD) And yeah I'm convinced Zero only cares for chaos and doing whatever he wants. I doubt he sleeps a lot only because he wants to; I bet part of it is for annoying people when they need him, and he's just resting. It's interesting though, that he has some "morals," if any of those truly count. (And if he's not lying.) Also, I like that Two calls Zero padre! First of all, it's cute, and shows more about their relationship, or at least what Two thinks it is, and it also helps the reader understand when Two is talking, at least when Zero is around. Very smart!

“Alright, ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Did your smartass boyfriend not tell you to protect people from overpowered psychopaths? Like, what did Leonardo da Vinci do except harbouring the worst psychopath I have ever known and draw naked men and eyebrowless women-”

There. Is. A. Limit. Karen.

“Okay, this is not good. Father, calm down-”

You. Never.

“Oh no, I am sorry. Please-”

Insult. My.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to -”

Leonardo. Da. Vinci.

“Mr. President, I beg your pardon, I am so sorry. I didn’t know what I was rambling-”

Alright, you know what? A hundred 5D aliens are coming here to exterminate this plane of existence. I would have trapped them in a universe of vodka if I weren’t pissed off- now I am just gonna go and sit in their universe and watch y'all get slaughtered. Ave atque vale.

Okay, let me see if I am understanding this right: Zero and Leonardo da Vinci used to be friends or something, and Seven is insulting him. Zero gets angry, speaking in one letter words, and Seven immediately realizes his mistake, while Two is trying to calm everything down. (And fails miserably. XD Nice connection of that thought to this section!) Please correct me if I'm wrong. ^^ I also think the idea of 5D aliens is cool - mostly people are focused on 3D, and occasionally 2D or 4D, but I don't think I've seen anyone go higher! And you know, why not?


“Yay, Roku-chan, we did it - Wait, what’s going on?”

Not much, Nine - just a hundred overpowered 5D Field Wielders who want to destroy the three-dimensional plane of existence are about to arrive en masse.


Don’t worry, you won’t die, there are no such possible future timelines where you die.

“What on atheist God’s green Earth are you talking about?!”


“What the hell is happening, Salai!?”

They have come. All the best. It’s time for your evolution, Nine. I will be watching you, see ya.


If I understand this right, Zero leaves because of Seven, bumps into Nine, and possibly also Six because they were together? and sums up everything that happened in casual the-world-is-ending way, which is perfect for Zero's character! What I love about Salai is that he's consistent - in his chaotic little way. And even though he's really, well, evil, I like his character a lot as well! Definitely one of my favorites, although I'd like to wait to learn about more characters before I tell you which is my fav of all favs. :D

It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Let me prepare my seat for an epic anime showdown - the world is at stake, the heroes are at a great disadvantage, and the villains are rampaging en masse. There’s the IMAX screen, the Dolby interdimensional audio receptor, and my very own LeoX69 interdimensional projector! Sure, I could use VR, but I like this more - it’s the perfect spot between escaping from reality and imitating it. Ah - this, a soft couch, some pizza, chips, and a glass of water - what more does one need in life?

Now, you might ask me: isn't it immoral to watch millions get obliterated by monsters who are actually searching for you? Yes, it is. You might again ask: So, why are you doing this? Why are you letting them die?

To that, I'd say, no one's given me the responsibility to look after people, I am not a god or anything like that. Sure, I can erase all the bad stuff happening throughout the entirety of existence, from every universe, in the blink of an eye, and have everyone live happy little lives in their happy little utopias. But - what’s the fun in that?

Now you might say: But Salai, you have seen everything that has ever happened, that is happening, and that could ever happen in every finite universe and timeline - So why are you doing this? To that, I'd tell you that - this timeline is special. Why exactly? - You might ask with your wrinkled, puzzled face. Hehe, this novel's not named Nine for no reason.

I like the imagery of this - Zero just getting comfy to watch all of his chaos and destruction unfold, and then breaking the fourth wall a bit and talking to the reader. And ooh, special timeline? I wonder what makes it special? (Also, does different timelines mean multiple Zeros? Or is there only just the one in the entire existence?) And back to his immoral ways; it's so interesting to me that he's so cruel basically just for the sake of it, and that he is aware of how cruel he is. Makes me wonder if he'll ever change throughout the course of the story, or if he'll always remain the same.

Anyway, let the fun begin!

In the red corner, we have a hundred 5D Field Wielders bigger than the Earth!

In the blue corner, we have the best Field Wielders of the Laniakea Supercluster: the League of Life!

Let the fight begin!

The opening move by the 5D Wielders: Kick the moon into the planet! Wait a minute… Boxing commentary doesn’t really go well with this, does it? Etenim, let me switch to a third-person fantasy narrative, that’d be better. Ahem, ahem.

The moon flung out of its trajectory, with its surface calcinating due to the tremendous force exerted upon it. The large surface of the satellite was illuminated by bright light, brighter than the shine ever imparted upon it by Helios. However, the Sun is still brighter and the moon is over three-hundred-eighty-thousand kilometres away, so it went unnoticed.

What was noticed, however, was the towering umbra of the giant, out-of-the-world being that eclipsed the sun.

Day became darker than night at the League of Life Headquarters as his hands wrapped themselves around the Blue Bead. He was about to ignite the atmosphere and burn the entire world when…

Legions of Field Wielders soared up into the sky with streaks of light streaming through their tracks. Jets of plasma beams went ablast towards the space giant at tremendous velocities, but he wasn’t even scratched. The greatest Field Wielders of Andromeda, Canis Major, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pegasus, The Magellanic Cloud, Dwingeloo (that’s my favourite galaxy name ever) and tens of thousands of other galaxies from the Laniakea supercluster - swarmed around the gargantuan gargoyle with a grotesque gorilla-like visage, veneered with a colour vaguely resembling vomit.

Yes! The name Dwingeloo is awesome. For a bit I thought you made it up, but I looked it up, and wow it really is real. I agree, definitely my favorite galaxy name. And again, the descriptions in this section are good. I like how Zero started out like it was a boxing match, and then switched to "third-person fantasy narrative." And again, the humor in this story is amazing, and I like the space fantasy sci-fi vibe we get from this section, too.

Hundreds of thousands of laser and plasma beams flung across the aether as the giant 5D monster was attacked - with no effect but irritation. He smacked many of them out of the Earth’s orbit. While others were catapulted back at Earth at a thousand times the speed of sound - and one of them was Frocock.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” shrieked Frocock as he flapped his hands like a pigeon to halt his uncontrolled descent into the planet. He frantically tried to fuse the Field to his fidgety flaps to flatten his falling curve but he failed fantastically,

“Ah, it's over, ain't it?” He thought, “I am gonna die a virgin, aren't I?”

(I am loving this narrator job, it's just perfect! I really like flexing my vocabulary and sense of humour, optime! Wait, let me refill my popcorn bucket - Oof, why are these sentinels on the lookout for me attacking me when I am enjoying a live-action movie? It’s annoying, y’all! Shut up and turn into my lifetime supply of Coca-Cola and let me enjoy the show for God’s sake!)

Frocock was about to impact the Yucatan peninsula at a thousand Mach speed and cause another mass extinction event when a cushion of Kindness saved him from certain death.

Frocock cried, “Oh, thank you, Agent Two! Thank you SO MUCH!!!”

“Mi ‘spiace, signore,” said Kindness himself, “I was busy evacuating the people from this System to Proxima Centauri with the other Agents. Take care of the injured, I will go into the fray now.”

Thus said he as he leapt at the gargantuan monster at Brobdingnagian speed, creating a crater from where he jumped - jettisoning Frocock into the Atlantic. Two said, “Sorry again!” to Frocock by telepathy while Frocock shrieked, "WHY AM I ALWAYS USED FOR COMIC EFFECT?"

I really love Frocock in this part, and I'm sorry to say it's very strongly because of comic effect. (Sorry pal!) Also, I like Zero's mini-intermission in the middle to say he likes being narrator. Couldn't have picked a better moment to put that in there. It's both heroic and sad that Two basically is trying to do everything from saving earth from the 5D alien invaders. It'd be nice if his dad could help him, but oh well.

Out of nowhere came a flash that sent shockwaves throughout the galaxy and pummeled the leviathan giant - like a Gamma Ray Burst. Staggered, the giant Filius Saurii was displaced by twenty lightseconds from the Earth by the blast before he could control his ambit of velocity. He tried to -

(What the hell, man? Let me watch this epic showdown, dudes! I don’t care about your smelly fart problems! I mean, sure, I did it for fun and I didn’t really care about the consequences - but that doesn’t mean you have to interrupt me when I am narrating and breaking the fourth wall! You know what, let me just stop time in this universe, then I can watch what’s going on over there without interruption. So where was I? Oh yeah.)

The giant tried to use Alcubierre Drive to go back to his target, but he was interrupted by a strange barrier - the peculiar barrier of his own psyche.

“You are just a child, aren’t you?” - A voice reverberated across his animus - a stern, but kind voice.

“What is happening!? Who are you? Why can’t I move?!” - The giant’s subconscious squealed in dreadful trepidation.

“Why are you doing this?” - The ever-so-stern voice replied.

“I - I don’t know,” the giant child stuttered, “I don’t have anything else to do… I have no skill at anything but destruction. But who are you to - ?”

“Why do you destroy?”

It was as if a strange leash of honesty bounded his hypnotic self, forcing him to answer truthfully even without his volition. After every stutter, the same phrase “Why do you destroy?” repeated in his subconscious psyche.

“I -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“I - who are y -?”

“Why do you destroy?”

“I - I don’t know - I can’t do anything else -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“I follow whatever the High Command tells me to - I just want to live -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“They praise me when I do, they praise me when I destroy - ”

“Why do you destroy?”

“They praise me, I like the praise - I - I like being praised - I -”

“Why do you destroy?”

“Stop - I - STOP - I want to be - STOPPPP, I BEG YOU - I want to be loved…”

Gamma ray burst! Yes, perfect perfect description for that. (Please forgive me, I'm a huge astronomy nerd. Don't let me get talking or I'll be talking for hours. XD) I'm guessing the "kind voice" is Kindness? Two? So basically he just does all the work of saving the Earth while fixing the problem his dad won't do anything about something he literally made. I also like the repetition of "Why do you destroy?" It's both eerie and interesting when Two does this, although it almost seems out of character for him. The continued, hard, repetition makes it seem somewhat angry and demanding; but then again, they're probably something more to all of the characters than meets the eye.

The voice stopped as the giant child broke into tears and wailed, “I - I just want to be loved! They - They killed my mom when I was born, to raise me as a war machine in the fight against the communists... When the communists took over, they used me for the same thing, even more ruthlessly... I - I am sorry - I don’t like this, but I - I am weak - I do not want to die - They’ll kill me if I don’t follow them - I - I - I… I want to live… I want to love… I want to be free… Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh… Help me… Someone… Please…”

“It’s alright,” replied the Kind Voice, “You don’t have to fight anymore. We will protect you,” and the leviathan child felt a motherly embrace and an endearing pat on his head for the first time in his life.

But that was short-lived.

The Candle of Kindness was blown away by a blast and was knocked down. The giant came out of the telepathic hypnosis. Dozens of 5D monsters were informed of the Field Wielders’ presence by the shockwave and located them. The Moon was coming closer and closer to the Earth, with its orbit rapidly receding. The greatest trump card of Field Wielders was out drifting unconscious in a vacuum outside the Earth’s sphere of influence. What happens next? Find out in the next chapter by the protagonist of Nine himself!

Damn, I sound like a cringe anime narrator now.

Ahhh! This is so sad!! (And all of Zero's fault) Two was just barely able to fix everything, and then everything fell into pieces again. Also, love the metaphor of Two being a candle! Accurate, cool, and interesting. What more could you want? And now with everything falling apart, I can't wait to see what happens next! Sure, Zero, I'll follow you and Nine to the next chapter. :D

When you requested a review, you asked for the uniqueness of your plot so far. I'd say it's very unique! It's not often that you have characters like this, especially ones that aren't directly antagonists fighting against protagonists in some of the more... morally questionable characters. The idea of using numbers or letters or symbols for names isn't a new idea, and groups of the general nature of the Ten Agents of Earth have been done before. Looking at Nine, he was just trying to find his own thing of what he was, which you can see in many other forms in stories and plots. And fighting giant monsters or aliens from space isn't new either. But that's where the similarities end! The way you have mixed all these aspects together, with more, is done in a very different and unique way. You never really know what to expect, and the somewhat strange (in a good way) characters create a very unique plot. Obviously not the most unique plot in the entire world, as that's impossible, but nothing like anything I've read.

I know I've suggested rating bumps before, but I feel like this whole series should be rated at least 12+ or M because of minor language, violence, and references to mature topics. It really isn't E for everyone, and it also is nice to give a heads up to readers who may be a little more sensitive to these kinds of things, especially younger readers. (Do keep in mind, there are many users under the age of 12 on the site, more than you might expect.) Because of this, I truly and strongly believe it needs a rating bump. I hope that makes sense?
If you have any questions or concerns about rating or why I'm suggesting this, please don't hesitate to contact me!

As always, please let me know anything that was or was not helpful! (If you want, of course) Reviews are meant to help, and if I'm not helping, please let me know so I can stop! Or if something is extremely helpful, then let me know about that as well so I can continue and won't accidentally stop!

Thank you again for your kindness and patience! This took me a little over two hours to review in total (don't ask why it took that long...), so that's been part of the reason these have been coming so slow! Have a wonderful day/night, and keep writing!

TheRebel2007 says...

Thank you so for your review, Orabella! And yes, you can call me Jit if you want, it's my discord username. :p

Also, you got all of the assumptions right, like who's talking to who etc. And yes, some of the next chapters have a bit of a rating bump, as I realised it myself. And yeah, if it took 2 hours for you to review this, buckle up - because the next chapter is the longest chapter yet in the novel. Again, thank you very much for your review, it is highly appreciated and I am grateful to you for it! :p

TheRebel2007 says...

Oh, and yes, talking about bad people - I'd say, personally, I'd put Zero as a chaotic neutral character, Two as lawful good (same for Nine), Six is chaotic good, whereas, spoiler alert: One is just evil. It'll take a while to know why exactly One is just evil, but I assure you, the wait is worth it.

TheRebel2007 says...

And, oh yeah, Salai and Leonardo da Vinci weren't just *friends*, they were much more than that, like Achilles and Patroclus - and there's historical evidence to support this.

OrabellaAvenue says...

Jit, I like it! I can't wait to find out who is evil... I'll just have to read on! Also, I didn't know that about Achilles and Patroclus; interesting! Thanks for your kind replies :D

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127 Reviews

Points: 17088
Reviews: 127

Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:29 am
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LuminescentTatertot wrote a review...

Hello! I am so sorry for the extreme delay of this review. Time flies when you have to do a review for someone lol. I hope this review is still helpful though, and that you keep writing!

So you have requested a Strawberry Boba with Taro, Mango, Honeydew, and Cheezo. I am going to split this up in the review like so. But let's get to the review, shall we?

#BF40FF ">Taro Milk Tea

I chuckled. The representative from Andromeda, Grey Slime - yes, that's her legit name - stood up and said:

“Ksoworhhsbdhpyjwishgd - Ahem, sorry, I forgot to switch over the language. In Andromeda alone, we have had five attacks in the last month. Over nine hundred of our Field Users have perished fighting them, only a dozen Field Wielders are left in our galaxy.”

The representative from Canis Major, Frocock - not to be confused with Frodo, the representative from Dwingeloo (I love that name) - stood up and said, “President Zero, over thirty trillion of our citizens have perished, and barely thirty percent of our Field Wielders are alive...” He was about to say something more when Eight interrupted him:

Haha it's funny how Grey Slime just spoke gibberish and then was like, "whoops forgot the language changer." The names for the characters are really funny, honestly, like Grey Slime is such a random name and I, too love the name Dwingeloo. One thing though - it would be great if you described the physical appearance of the characters, since I am wondering if the person called Grey Slime is actually a grey slime? Just a suggestion though.

Alright, let me get comfy on my chair first and let me have some pizza. Ah, thank you myself, the best chef in existence! It's delectable! Free pizza for y'all as well, it’s on your tables! Anyway -


Oh, Frustration. Hello! You don’t need to throw a stone at me to get my attention, I have a name, you know.

This is also really funny. Zero is so laid-back and everyone else is just super annoyed in the meantime and the whole sequence of them being annoyed is really funny.

I love messing around with Seven, she looks so cute when she's angry. And I also love it when Two tries to calm her down - and fails spectacularly. This is going to be hilarious, optime!

“Seven, you know what he's like - we can't really argue with him-”

“Oh shut up, you babbling bag of bubbling empathy! Why does he have no morals at all?! Like, why?!”

I do, actually.

I can imagine this being a very chaotic room with a bunch of people arguing at once at each other and you created the chaos very well in this chapter.

To that, I'd say, no one's given me the responsibility to look after people, I am not a god or anything like that. Sure, I can erase all the bad stuff happening throughout the entirety of existence, from every universe, in the blink of an eye, and have everyone live happy little lives in their happy little utopias. But - what’s the fun in that?

Now you might say: But Salai, you have seen everything that has ever happened, that is happening, and that could ever happen in every finite universe and timeline - So why are you doing this? To that, I'd tell you that - this timeline is special. Why exactly? - You might ask with your wrinkled, puzzled face. Hehe, this novel's not named Nine for no reason.

I am now questioning if Zero actually deserves all this power, because it is a LOT. I didn't even realize it until now. It is good that you are telling the reader how much power Zero has. I think this is good character development on your part, so good job on that. Also, I think it was a little confusing when you said, "this novel's not named Nine for no reason" because it took me a second to figure it out because there were a bunch of double negatives and I think you could have just said, "this novel is named Nine for a reason". But I like the foreshadowing!

The moon flung out of its trajectory, with its surface calcinating due to the tremendous force exerted upon it. The large surface of the satellite was illuminated by bright light, brighter than the shine ever imparted upon it by Helios. However, the Sun is still brighter and the moon is over three-hundred-eighty-thousand kilometres away, so it went unnoticed.

What was noticed, however, was the towering umbra of the giant, out-of-the-world being that eclipsed the sun.

Wow, this is a very sudden change in writing style but I like it! We have a sort of different perspective, and how Zero is not that careless and lazy. I love the visual detail in this paragraph, it was a nice refresher and way to visualize the scene. Well done!

The voice stopped as the giant child broke into tears and wailed, “I - I just want to be loved! They - They killed my mom when I was born, to raise me as a war machine in the fight against the communists... When the communists took over, they used me for the same thing, even more ruthlessly... I - I am sorry - I don’t like this, but I - I am weak - I do not want to die - They’ll kill me if I don’t follow them - I - I - I… I want to live… I want to love… I want to be free… Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh… Help me… Someone… Please…”

That ended very sadly. This is a very emotional paragraph, and I think you conveyed the emotion really well here. It was sort of a shock after most of the chapter was funny, but that's okay because I guess at some point we needed a break from the comedy. I like it though.

#FFFF40 ">Mango Milk Tea

I think the pacing at the beginning of the story was kind of slow, as it seemed like the arguments they were having were going nowhere and not really adding to the story except showing that Zero is sort of negligent in a funny way and everyone is just annoyed. Which, of course, is not bad, as you made it very funny, but I think it took up a big chunk of the chapter. And then the pacing changed when they were being attacked. I think the speed of the plot then was okay, but seemed just a teensy bit fast, but I think it's fine how it is.

#BFFF80 ">Honeydew Milk Tea

There was a lot of character development about Zero in this chapter! We knew a little about him in previous chapters, but this chapter added a lot. He is such a funny and interesting character, and thinks things through but also doesn't. He has so much power but doesn't really use it for good causes but mostly for chaos and fun. I didn't see a lot of character development for other characters, except for Frocock who desperately wants to get laid who we see a lot of in this chapter. I think maybe there could be a little more character development for the other characters though, because even though this chapter is in the perspective of Zero, it would be nice to learn new things about the other characters.



Overall, this was a pretty hilarious chapter with all the chaos that Zero caused. Could be a little quicker in pacing but had some great visual description. Keep writing, I hope you continue writing your story!

Keep writing!

TheRebel2007 says...

Thank you for the review, Ant! It's alright to be late about reviews, after all, it's you who is supposed to decide when to review and what to. Well, if you want more information about other characters, the next chapter - written in Nine's perspective - will be awesome because, well, Nine cares more about people than Zero. And there's gonna be more characters and even more drama in the next chapter. You can read it if you want to: Death and Destruction [Ch. V, Nine]

Anyway, thanks again! :p

Poetry comes alive to me through recitation.
— Natalie Merchant