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Young Writers Society

Red Horizons

by Griffinkeeper

Written by Iona Pacepa, this book is an eye opener.

Iona Pacepa is the former head of Romanian Intelligence when Romania was a communist government. After his defection to the US, he exposed the communist Romania for what it really was in his book "Red Horizons". When he defected, President Nicolae Ceasueau suffered a nervous breakdown and Romanian Intelligence collapsed. When his book was aired in parts over Free Radio Europe, the Romanian citizens had a spontaneous uprising with the Romanian Military against communism.

There are several interesting parts to this book.

1. The plush living of the Nicolae and Elena Ceasueau.

2. The various murders and espionage techniques that were implented by Romanian Intelligence.

3. The dealings of communist Romania with foreign powers, including Libya, Palestine, the then USSR, the USA, and others.

4. The exportation and stealing of western technology into Romania.

5. Influence activities that were run by Romania on US soil.

This is an interesting and complicated read, but one which will shock you.

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There's a Brazilian things you could write about. You just gotta pick Juan.
— Hattable