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you thought you disappeared when all you had was smoke, but you never stopped burning

by FireEyes

i never got the chance to ask if we could wait for each other,

but i’ve already committed myself to slowly watch the world burn

as i wait for you.

fire is nothing but enduring.

my patience is the flame on top of an endless wick.

after all, lighters and candles

are how we domesticated fire.

all i have is smoke and ash from what we once were

but couldn’t continue to be.

i’ll be fine while waiting, but it’d be nice to

engulf you in the blaze of my arms and see your face again.

i’m saving my heart for you to look at

like how i stare at the bonfire

(it’s pretty, warm, and just the right amount of destructive.

everything i love about you).

i’ll let you be mine if we’re allowed to be each other’s.


neither of us will just get over it.

we aren’t kindling that burns hot and fast,

our flames aren’t extinguished that easily.

maybe we are a slow burn, but we aren’t defined

to what “maybe”s we attach to ourselves.

you have potential to be my forest fire

and no potential, however small, is wasted.

i didn’t put my whole heart into your hands

for you to take home and light aflame,

but i wish i did.

i wish we flickered into existence sooner,

but we would have been put out sooner, too.

instead my love reaches into the past

and makes a place for you to roast.


it doesn’t hurt because i was burned,

it hurts because someone had to put out the light.

i mistook all the sparks i had in childhood for flames,

but i finally found out what it meant to burn with you.

i thought i was so different writing about auburn eyes

because i wouldn’t dare to be cliche.

but i realized your eyes aren’t the ocean’s floor,

they are the tip of a two-thousand degree torch.


for as long as i had carbon monoxide poisoning,

i never forgot my hallucinations.

your shine in my memory is becoming a dull glow, though.

i try to find some semblance that you burn in the present,

but everything is eventually brought to smoke by the past.

yet, matter is neither created nor destroyed;

i can never completely forget you.

it’s hard to forget someone who left a singed branding mark on my life.

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9 Reviews

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Reviews: 9

Tue Aug 06, 2024 3:46 pm
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DavieB wrote a review...

Hello FireEyes,

This is D.B., and I loved reading this creative poem!

While reading this I immediately thought of twin flames as almost star-crossed lovers.

Your use of fire to express feelings and a relationship between two souls was beautifully written. Fire expresses so many attributes like passion, comfort, and pain, and this poem vividly captures its nature. I would have never thought it could give so much life to a work, but you have proved me wrong in the best ways!

FireEyes wrote: i’m saving my heart for you to look at

like how i stare at the bonfire

This line struck me. So easily, I could picture myself at camp gazing into the fire for hours. It fascinates me and takes all of my attention. Crossing that with a person looking at another soul like that is just *chefs kiss*. The imagery and idea of these parallels combine to create a whole picture---an all consuming feeling---in just two lines. I dare say, that's impressive.

In your second stanza, the contrast between the slow-burning flame and saying that this person could be your forest fire draw out the potential of that relationship. Just as you described in other parts of your poem, fires can be tame, but they can also be blazing and "engulfing" (loved your usage of that word btw). To compare that to a relationship that "could be" is so fitting.

Your writing is so tasteful and inspiring; every line of fire captivated me. Picturing and feeling every feeling that you put into this piece, I hope you and this star-crossed flame end up happy wherever the future leads you both.

Thank you for writing,
And keep doing so.
Your work is inspiring,
I wanted you to know.

- D.B.

FireEyes says...

I'm so glad you enjoyed! Thank you for the review, it means a lot <3

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Fri Aug 02, 2024 8:28 am
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WeepingWisteria wrote a review...

Hello, FireEyes!

Wist here to review this lovely poem here. The emotions you express are so powerful. Your poem beautifully captures the complex emotions and experiences of a burning, enduring love. The imagery of fire and flames throughout the poem creates a powerful and evocative portrayal of longing, patience, and the lingering impact of past relationships. The metaphor of fire as a manifestation of love and the pain of loss is masterfully expressed, drawing in the audience with its raw sincerity and emotional depth. The recurring theme of fire as a symbol of both destruction and warmth is thought-provoking and adds layers of meaning to the poem. With that said, let's touch on a couple of lines!

after all, lighters and candles
are how we domesticated fire.

These lines here are incredibly fascinating to me. It's such a fascinating way to examine fire as a creature that had to be tamed. I suppose it's true, though. Just a fun line to read!

i’m saving my heart for you to look at
like how i stare at the bonfire
(it’s pretty, warm, and just the right amount of destructive.
everything i love about you).

These lines are so sweet. I hope this person will be able to look at your heart soon. It ties in the subject nicely into your fire metaphor while also making the feelings between speaker and subject feel warm.

Overall, your poem is relatable, has great emotional depth, and carries a beautiful metaphor. Overall, well done! Thanks for publishing; I enjoyed reading.

Happy Writing!

FireEyes says...

Thank you, Wist! This is my first poem since Napo, so your encouragement and kind words mean a lot <3
Thanks again!

WeepingWisteria says...

Of course!!

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