hey! you might be my favorite artist ever now. this poem is genuinely beautiful. really amazingly well done
where do i start? the poetic symbolism? the message that love is enduring? the message that someone will love you no matter what? if you can't tell, i love this poem.
let's start at the beginning. i think the narrator is meant to be a tree, but the tree's thoughts are pretty easily applied to a human too. the tree/human narrator fell in love when he was at his best, and reliable and solid. even as his leaves/happiness began to fade, as he became less solid and weaker, his partner still stuck with him, collecting his leaves/happiness and keeping them near.
but then tragedy strikes. the cold winter hits, and december instills fear into our tree/human. the poem becomes exquisite after this winter interlude. truly becomes magnificent. the questions asked in the stanza starting with "would you still sit under me" are truly amazing. i've never related to anything more.
our tree/human becomes scared that their partner will leave after the narrator loses all his attractiveness and strength, after all the leaves/happiness are gone. but thankfully, their partner is something special. even though it's freezing, and the tree/human is completely vulnerable, the partner doesn't care. they make the constant choice to keep loving the tree/human, and our narrator is surprised that he even questioned it.
i know you will love me out of season.
this is the most perfect line to end this poem. our narrator's fears are all extinguished, and he lives happy with his partner.
overall, amazing amazing poem. keep it up, really!

with much love, ash
Points: 56
Reviews: 16