Hai :3
This poem is so rich!! It’s such a tender way of talking about love and identity, especially with the diamond imagery and how we’re shaped by our experiences and the people in our lives ~~ I never see gemological imagery!! I'm kinda sad now that I've realized how uncommon it is. It's perfect for love poetry!!
I can totally see what you were doing with the repetition of “isn’t it beautiful?” and it really drives home the sense of wonder throughout the poem!! Like it makes the reader stop and feel the beauty of it all. It's like walking through a memory.
you have different yous
depending on who’s chiseled you out
the most.
This !!!!
There’s something so heartbreaking but also sweet about that image, like how we’re shaped and made more beautiful by love, even when when it's an old one. It's sososo well written!! I often find myself reminiscing on the past and relationships I've been in, and it's always been a negative thing ~~ This changes my perspective. I guess it's neither good or bad, just a side effect of being human...!
I feel like you could dig into that more? Like, you’re touching on something so powerful there, but I want to see more of it. I guess the whole poem is about that idea, but it feels like yr barely grasping it. I think it's due to the abstract imagery outweighing the genuine emotions (assuming the gems are metaphorical).
Aaahhh I feel like I’m rambling, but seriously, thank you for sharing this!! ^_^
- Payton
Points: 9618
Reviews: 76