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Being A Bookworm

by Eldritch

Being A Bookworm

Books- great friends of human-kind. They are the true companions of  man and play the role of awesome surroundings. We all, more or less, love reading. Some of us love seeing it arranged on the shelves of libraries, some of us prefer to buy famous, costly books just to make our collection rich enough. And the third one who are most fantastic, wonderful and above all real book lovers- it would not be wrong to call them book worms.

A bookworm generally reads loads of books and it actually makes them happy and keeps them refreshed. Not all of us appreciate bookworms that much, for they are pretty weird. Not weird, just not like the other people in the world. As they read a lot books, they know about lot things. They know human nature. They love to observe people. If you are a specific genre lover, like, you only love to read sci-fi series or ghost books or detective ones then knowingly or unknowingly you will start believing that you’re those cool fictitious characters and your role models will be those characters.

Now, parents. They are always on the opposite direction from us, aren’t they? Even though you are doing right, they will blindly believe that you are doing it pretty wrong. Well, I’m not against parents nor I’m criticizing them. But what I’m saying is correct and proven in hundreds of psychological theories. It’s very natural to have clashes with parents at the time of teenage. So, let’s not count that.

What I’m trying to say all these time is, being a bookie is not good thing but a VERY good thing! As much book you will read, as much true man you will become. Napoleon said once,

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”

Books will not make you perfect, they will rather make you good. They will not help you to get good grades at exams but they will show you the right way. They will not help you to gain power but they will make you courageous enough to stand for what is right.

Books will help you to “know thyself”. So, let’s all read books. Trust me, this is cooler than social networking sites. It is more interesting to know what twist is coming at the next page than to check notifications on Facebook.

And now, they- who call themselves readers and roam around with some very high-thought books, just to get the surprising looks from friends, I don’t know what to say for them. Again, those people  who love showing attitudes and whenever they talk they love to recite lines of poems and stories from the books they have read, just to get clap and pats on their back, I don’t know what to say for them either. Maybe they should ask themselves, why they read book? For them or for others?

So, my dears, why don’t you grab a book right now and start with it? Why don’t you become Miss Marple, Mr. Holmes, Feluda or Topshe? Those very feelings, I’m asking you, does it ever gets old?

NOTE: Feluda and Topshe are characters from Bengali literature. Of  a detective series named "Feluda" written by Satyajit Ray.

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Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:18 am
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willachilles wrote a review...

I got a message of this because I'm following you, and Eros, who wrote a review on this piece. #perksoffollowingpeople

Hey, Will here.

I liked this piece. Okay, that might be an underestimate. I loved this piece. It really made me feel like...I have a place in the world as a bookworm. It made me feel great to love reading and writing books. This review will be like any other of my reviews. So let's start with the good bits, shall we?

They are true companion of a man...

This was a nice line to add into the introduction. It makes you think - they old saying said dogs were a man's best friend but if you think, books are. They've taught us so much, and spread so much knowledge.

Some of us love seeing it arranged on the shelves of libraries...

I could relate to this. A lot. In primary school, I was the library monitor (not a computer screen, no), whose job was to arrange the books. Now, other monitors (again, not computer screens) would just place the books on the shelves. Me - nope. You see, I have OCD. It had to be arranged alphabetically. I used to spend my lunchtimes just organising books. #mylife

So, my dears, why don’t you grab a book right now and start with it? Why don’t you become Miss Marple, Mr. Holmes, Feluda or Topshe? These very feeling, I’m asking you, does it ever gets old?

A brilliant(!) ending. Absolutely brilliant.


Now onto the other bit of the review, which is basically a heap of grammatical mistakes which I fix up for you, and other things which I think should be added or deleted :)

Books- great friends of human. They are true companion of a man and play role of awesome surroundings. We all, more or less, love reading books. Some of us love...

Let's start with the introduction. Now, don't get me wrong - I loved it. But, a little rephrasing wouldn't hurt.

Your first sentence is 'Books- great friends of human.' What if we move that around, so it would look something like this:

They are the true companions of a man, and play the role of awesome surroundings. Books - great friends of humankind. We all, more of less, love reading...

I just think it will create much more of an introduction, rather than BAM! that's what we're talking about today.

A bookworm person generally reads loads of books and it actually makes him happy and keeps him refreshed.

A bookworm person generally reads loads of books, and it actually makes him them happy and keeps him them refreshed.

Never refer to someone as 'him' or 'her' - you never know what could spark up from that!

Not all of us appreciate bookworms that much. For they are pretty weird.

How about we merge this into one sentence?

Not all of us appreciate bookworms that much, for they are pretty weird.

Not weird, just not like other thousands non readers.

Double negative = doesn't make sense = confusing.

Not weird, just not like the other thousands non-readers people in the world.

That one was a hard one, as it was confusing what you were talking about.

If you are any specific book lover, like- only love to read sci-fi series or ghost one or detective one then knowingly or unknowingly you will start believing that you’re those cool fictitious characters and your role models will be “Them”.

Let me just, grammaticize this. (Grammaticize? Is that even a word?) #ohtheirony

If you are any a specific book genre lover, like-, you only love to read sci-fi series or ghost one books or detective ones, then knowingly or unknowingly you will start believing that you’re those cool fictitious characters, and your role models will be “Them” those characters.

Phew. Okay, remember this: all the changes I make in this review are for you to use. You can choose if you want them, or if you don't. I'm not going to force you to use them.

Now, parents. They are always on the opposite direction from us, aren’t they? Even though you are doing right, they will blindly believe that you are doing it pretty wrong. Well, I’m not against parents nor I’m criticizing them. But what I’m saying is correct and proven in hundreds of psychological theories. It’s very natural to have clashes with parents at the time of teenage. So, let’s not count that.

Uhh...I'm sort of confused with this paragraph. What was this added for, sorry? I thought we were talking about bookworms, and then suddenly this paragraph about parents, and clashes with them when you're a teenager. I'm confused. Sorry, if you could just reply to this and explain the point of this paragraph - that would be more than lovely!

What I’m trying to say all these time is...

So these are all points, huh? So...what points have we had?

  1. A bookwork is happy and gets refreshed after reading books.
  2. They know about a lot of things.
  3. They start believing that the characters are real (I'm not sure if this is a good thing on the reader's part or the author's part).
  4. Parents...(?)

Okay, cool. We have 3 points to work with (excluding the parent one).

Beware. Past this red line and between the next red line is a very harsh section. Don't tell me I didn't tell you.

...being a bookie is not good thing but a VERY good thing!

Why? Why is being a bookie a good thing again?

Was it the 3 points we listed down earlier? No, its not. Why would I want to become a bookie? Why? To 'know about a lot of things'? No. That's a result.

Okay, I'm sorry. I should've asked you this before. What is the purpose of this text? It's like a mix of things: blog post, describing bookworms, exposition.

If you stick to one of those things - you could make it work. It's fuzzy right now. What are you trying to do?

So, my dears, why don’t you grab a book right now and start with it?

By your ending sentence, it seems like its an exposition of some sort. So I'm going to stick with that - you're persuading people to read more books.

So, why don't we make it clearer? Make it stand out - I want people to read more books. It's that easy. And then, you can say, why? Why do I want people to read books?

Now, you might say, "Because it makes you know about a lot of things." No. That's not why. That's the result. It's like saying, I do my job to make money. That's not why you do your job (if it is, then...change your job). The real reason why you want people to read books is because you want more people to be educated.

You can write stuff like, "This world is in dire need of education. 1 billion adults are illiterate and I am on a mission to change that. To change the status-quo. How? I believe that books are an amazing way to learn. People who read books learn. Human nature. They love to observe people..."

Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I took it too far with the whole MLK 'I have a dream' thing. But you get what I mean? 'Start with Why.' Listen to this:

Now, if you state why in the first half of your text, you can then say:

As much book you will read, as much true man you will become.

The more books you read, the more of a man you will become.


Books will help you to “know thyself”. So, let’s all read books.

AHA! It's coming out! Finally. 'Let's all read books.' I knew that was what you were talking about. Yes!

Trust me, this is cool enough than social networking sites.

Trust me, this is cooler enough than social networking sites.

Again, who loves showing attitudes and...

Again, And those people, who loves showing attititudes and...

...get clap and pats on their back, I don’t know what to say for them either.

...get clap and pats on their back,. I don’t know what to say for them either.

Maybe they should ask themselves that, why they read books? For them or for others?

Maybe they should ask themselves that, why they read books? - for them or for others?

These very feeling...

These very feelings...

WOOOOOOOOOOOO! What an ending to a brilliant piece!

Now, okay, I'm sorry. I know, I was harsh. And I'm sorry for that. But hopefully you still liked this review (a very long review indeed) and maybe even give it a like...? Nah just joking.

Keep writing - you have a brilliant style and if you just proofread it after you write it, I wouldn't have a half long review as this one.


Eldritch says...

Thank you, this is helpful, more than just a bit helpful. Not harsh, no.

I admit I didn't proofread this one but now wait! That made you write such a wonderful review which is pretty huge in size. And you earned a lot of points for that, haven't you!?
Thank heavens I didn't revise!
I know I'm pathetic. Never mind.

That paragraph with issues with parents. I know that one was unnecessary and I admitted that too
So, let%u2019s not count that.

Anyway, bye!

P.S. Did I thank you? Well, Thank You! God bless you!

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Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:59 am
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Eros wrote a review...

Hello MadedoOtter!!

Here comes Eros to write a review on your beautiful essay on Bookworms!

I loved the essay. It is based on a very unique topic--Bookworms. All that you say is very true. Books really help us to know ourself. They are man's best friends. Everything that you have said here is totally correct.

I loved the part

"Books will help you to “know thyself”. So, let’s all read books. Trust me, this is cool enough than social networking sites. It is more interesting to know what twist is coming at the next page than to check notifications on Facebook. "

One mistake:

"Feluda and Topshe are characters from Bengali literature. Of a detective series named "Feluda" written by Satyajit Ray. "

I think that full stop shouldnt be there and "O" in "Of" should be small.

Thats all. Rest everything is great and your style of writing is really unique and easy-to-understand. Thats the major thing I love about your pice of writing.
Continue writing because we all love to read them.

willachilles says...

I like your review style. It's cool. *grabs inspiration off her*

Eros says...

Thank you willa!

Eldritch says...

Thank you Eros for reviewing my dumb essays!!

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Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:37 pm
disheartedallure22 wrote a review...

Hello! Here to give a great review on review day!
So I really like this topic and what you've said. I think you can make it better than it already is by fixing a few things. So, my English teacher taught me that when addressing multiple people who could be either gender should not be combined into "him" it's to short. A bookworm could be a man or woman so when writing, I think it's important to stay aware of gender pronouns. You could fix this by replacing "him" with "him or her" and that would be just fine. Overall, I really liked this essay because it points out people who aren't really bookworm by faking it and the real bookworms. It's actually a great idea and good job! Happy writing!

Stay Awesome!

Eldritch says...

Thanks for the suggestions and thank you for reviewing it, I'll give a correction to it, later, i guess, I'm not in the right mood. Again thanks! :)

disheartedallure22 says...

You're welcome! :)

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Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:45 pm
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Irrlichtchen wrote a review...

I really like the topic of your essay/ article. And I think your approach of categorizing the readers is really well working here. Needless to say I completely agree with you, that we should all read books, lots of them.

The pretentious readers who either just talk as if they've read a "high-literature" book or just read it to seem intelligent and stuff, aren't "real" readers, as they do it, as you have stated so correctly, not for themselves but for other people and for recognition.

I am not sure, if you had some grammatical mistakes in your essay (as I am not so good with grammar sometimes myself), but I noted a few sentences whcih sounded weird for me .. Correct me if I am wrong please
for example: "As they read a lot books, they know about lot things." shouldn't it be: "Since (or "because") they read a lot (or "lots") of books, they know about lots of things."

And I don't really understand this sentence: "As much book you will read, as much true man you will become." .. DDo you want to say, that if someone reads a lot, he will become better (a better man?) or what do you want to say here?

I loved your conclusion: "So, my dears, why don’t you grab a book right now and start with it? Why don’t you become Miss Marple, Mr. Holmes, Feluda or Topshe? These very feeling, I’m asking you, does it ever gets old?" That is a great way to end your article! Especially with the hint that a real bookworm becomes one with the characters (at least I do it, if I am really into the book)

Great Work!

Eldritch says...

I'm not so good in Grammar, I perhaps needed to use "since" or "because". And, I really get confused between "lot" and "lots".
Yes, I meant kind of like that. Like, reading plenty of books can sometimes change you to a wiser person, at least I believe that.

And, thank you very much, it has been a helpful review.

Irrlichtchen says...

I agree with you on that. I think reading makes us wiser, because we can experience all the different situations through a character and see the outcome/consequences of their actions. Books are where life is explained ^^ :)

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Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:12 am
Ishan212 wrote a review...

Hi I am Ishan and I am here to review your essay. So here we go;
Your essay was about an unique topic 'Bookworms'. They are people who keep on reading books all the time and show no interest in any other thing. They can survive on their own. I mean that they do not need a friend,or someone to talk with or to play with. They can spend all their time reading books and acquiring knowledge.

But life is more than a bunch of pages. If we really want to become Mr Holmes or Topshe, we'll have to step out of an imaginary world. Just tell me what is more interesting-
Reading what Mr Holmes would do next or having fun with friends?
I also totally agree with you on the topic 'Reading books is better than chatting on Facebook.'

Books are like a tool in our hands. If we use them to acquire knowledge and then use it for a better cause, we are making good out of them, but if we are just reading them and are not using their knowledge anywhere we are just mishandling them. Yes we all should read books and use the knowledge given by them for a noble cause.
Anyway nice article.
Keep Writing!!!

Eldritch says...

"Reading what Mr Holmes would do", for sure! no doubts! :/

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