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Magic The Gathering - Axys Adventures (Revamp-Now accepting)

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Points: 30323
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Fri May 18, 2012 9:25 am
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Caesar says...

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We are still accepting characters and planeswalker. PM me if you're interested.

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Disclaimer: the five wheel color scheme was originally created by Wizards of the Coast, as the planeswalker concept. Everything else was designed by me.

The Multiverse. A diverse and unimaginably vast area, divided into smaller ‘planes’, territories, some interlinked, most uniquely different. The universe is regulated by a primal magical force known as mana. All planes – the creatures, the nature, the magic – thrive and depend on mana to survive. It can be harnessed, it can be exploited, but most coexist peacefully alongside it, some not even questioning its purpose and existence.
You are a planeswalker—a powerful wizard who fights other planeswalkers for glory, knowledge, and conquest, with the ability to jump from plane – territory – to plane. You possess a vast arsenal of spells, creatures and artifacts at your disposal to aid you in this conquest, and with each new creature you encounter, spell you learn, and land you travel to, your arsenal expands.

Mana can be ‘gathered’ by mages and planeswalkers in certain ways:

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• Gathering power from the land itself. Most mages in magic picture a certain spot from their memory, like mountains or an island or beach (...etc) and accumulate the magic in their mind. From there they can shape it into spells. However, one must be careful not to overload the mana gathered this way, lest it burns the mage to ashes.
• Powerful artifacts can supply power to fuel spells, though they must already be stored with said energy beforehand. Most artifacts are found in nature, created by gods or whatever superpowered deity in question, though some extremely talented wizards, artificers, can spend enormous amounts of energy to create an artifact.

There are five principal ‘colors’, or types, of mana:

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• White, the color of order, healing, justice, and light but also authoritarianism, subjugation and beaurocracy. It's produced by plains in nature.
• Blue, the color of knowledge, reason, and trickery, as well as air and water. It's produced by islands in nature.
• Black, the color of death, darkness, despair, selfishness, and amorality, but also individuality and ambition. It's produced by swamps in nature.
• Red, the color of chaos, destruction, war, and fury, as well as lightning and fire. It's produced by mountains in nature.
• Green, the color of life, nature, growth, instinct, and interdependence. It's produced by forests in nature.
Each of the five colors of magic has two ally colors and two enemy colors, therefore mages of those color – or colors, for mages can master multiple or even all five – get along better or worse with those colors.

In depth mana profile:

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White mana comes from sprawling plains, sunlit savannahs, and windswept meadows. In Magic, white is the color of law, order, and structure. White magic heals and protects and is often a force for justice and honor. When a white mage fights, legions of troops thunder across the battlefield with their banners held high. Enemy hordes are routed outside the gates of a castle. When white unleashes its wrath, the battlefield is cleansed of all life.
Order, protection, light, law: These are white magic's values.
White mages achieve balance through strategy and organization. For white mages, society is more important than the individual. They build strong defenses, rally the troops, and protect their allies. White magic heals injured soldiers so they can answer the call of battle again and again. White mages amass enormous armies, but sometimes a single, awesome champion is necessary to teach the enemy a lesson. At their best, white mages are self-sacrificing and moral. At their worst, they are uncreative and even authoritarian.
Examples of white spells include cleansing and healing magic, blinding light, and devastating waves of purifying energy.
White-aligned creatures are orderly, defensive, and cooperative. They gather fast and strike first. White mages can summon majestic angels to devastate the unworthy. Legions of soldiers and knights form effective armies under a white mage's command. The soldiers might be small individually, but together they are overwhelming.
White is allied with green and blue. White mana and green mana share values of holism, order, and community. White and blue mana share values of thoughtfulness, structure, and progress.
White mana opposes red mana through the conflicts of order vs. chaos, defense vs. offense, and strategy vs. spontaneity. White mana opposes black mana through the conflicts of light vs. darkness, purity vs. corruption, and the needs of the many vs. the needs of the individual.

Islands provide blue mana—the magic of the deep sea and the endless sky. Blue magic is about deceit, logic, and illusion. To a blue mage, information and knowledge are paramount. Blue mages want to know everything, and they'll go to any lengths to do so. When a blue mage fights, tidal waves crash against rocky cliffs, the wind whips out of stormy skies, and an enemy's spells fail as their creatures vanish into thin air.
Knowledge, manipulation, wind, and wave: These are the blue mage's tools.
Blue magic is reactive, calculated, and methodical. Its strength lies in patience and intelligence. Blue mages work behind the scenes, scheming and stealing secrets. They control their environments completely before making a move. Blue spells and abilities focus on prediction and illusion. Blue is also the color of technology and artifice. At their best, blue mages are inventive and progressive. At their worst, they are manipulative and treacherous.
Examples of blue spells include crashing waves, whirlpools of Æther, and even manipulations of time itself.
Blue-aligned creatures try to deceive their opponents or trick them into using magic in a way they didn't intend. Blue-aligned creatures often confuse, disguise themselves, or steal things from their enemies. Blue mages call wizards and weird beasts of the air and oceans to serve them. They summon crafty sphinxes, ferocious drakes, and elusive sprites. Titanic leviathans surface from the depths of the ocean to do their bidding.
Blue is allied with white and black. Blue and white mana share values of thoughtfulness, structure, and progress. Blue and black mana share values of secrecy, manipulation, and desire for omniscience.
Blue mana opposes red mana through the conflicts of water vs. fire, logic vs. emotion, and thought vs. action. Blue mana opposes green mana through the conflicts of the artificial vs. the natural, illusion vs. reality, and stultification vs. growth.

Black mana comes from dank swamps, where things fester and rot. Shadowy wastelands, haunted catacombs, and fetid bogs are all prime sources of black mana. Black is the color of death, fear, and amorality—these are the twisted values of the darkness. Black magic is powerful and easy to wield, but it comes with a high price. Black mages are self-centered and self-serving. They will do anything to get power—no matter what the cost.
Death, ambition, and darkness are the stock and trade of black mages.
Black mana offers a host of gruesome spells. Black magic can unearth the dead from their graves and make them walk again. It can spread a pestilence across the landscape and drain the life from all who live there. Black spells can curse victims in horrible and enduring ways. They can warp the mind, poison the land, and kill creatures instantly. But the price is high and the risks are many. At their best, black mages are ambitious and unashamed. At their worst, they are enslaving and devouring.
Examples of black spells are tendrils of corrupting shadow, command over the undead, and projection of crippling nightmares into the minds of enemies.
Undead skeletons and ghouls, unspeakable horrors, and diabolical demons are native to places of black mana, and they're as self-serving and treacherous as the mages who control them. Black magic isn't limited to these abominations, though—death-cultists and secret societies of assassins carry out black mages' nefarious plans under cover of darkness. Black mages control the most horrifying of creatures, but always at a price.
Black is allied with red and blue. Black and blue mana share the values of secrecy, manipulation, and desire for omniscience. Black and red mana share the values of individualism, instant gratification, and self-interest.
Black mana opposes white mana through the conflicts of darkness vs. light, corruption vs. purity, and the needs of the individual vs. the needs of the many. Black mana opposes green mana through the conflicts of death vs. life, decay vs. growth, and greed vs. abundance.

Red mana flows from rugged mountain ranges, rocky crags, and the fiery heart of volcanoes. Red magic is about fury and passion. When a red mage fights, lightning arcs across the blood-red sky, lava erupts from the earth, and flash fires consume the land. Red mages can channel their wild emotions to raze a city or to harness flames into deadly weapons.
Freedom, fire, and impulse are the lifeblood of every red mage.
Red mages have no patience for talk or subtlety. They act quickly and recklessly. With red mana, a mage controls the power of fire and earth. Red mages scorch their enemies with fireballs or call down electricity from the sky. They can rattle the foundations of civilizations and destroy the land itself. At their best, red mages are dynamic, passionate, and unbound. At their worst, they are shortsighted, temperamental, and destructive.
Examples of red spells include rains of meteors, searing bolts of lightning, and huge gouts of flame.
Red-aligned creatures are warlike, frenzied, and dangerous. Red mages summon mighty dragons to dominate the skies. They send hordes of bloodthirsty barbarians or rampaging goblins to lay waste to their enemies. They also channel mystical energy and summon fire elementals of merciless power and destruction. Red creatures rage across the landscape cutting down anything that stands in their way.
Red is allied with black and green. Red mana and black mana share the values of individualism, instant gratification, and self-interest. Red and green mana share the values of action, base urges, and connection to the earth.
Red mana opposes white mana through the conflicts of chaos vs. order, offense vs. defense, and opportunity vs. strategy. Red mana opposes blue mana through the conflicts of fire vs. water, emotion vs. logic, and action vs. thought.

The teeming forests overflow with green mana, the pulse of nature. Green magic is about growth, life, and brute force. When a green mage fights, massive creatures crash through the undergrowth, animals enlarge to gargantuan size, and wounds close before blood spills onto the ground.
Strength, ferocity, and life: These are the values that sustain the green mage.
Green mages understand that the world obeys the law of the jungle—everything is either predator or prey. Green mages do what they can to accelerate and protect nature: jungles expand, artifacts crumble, and creatures regenerate themselves. For green mages, even the plants become lethal weapons. At their best, green mages are instinctual and adaptive. At their worst, they are savage, unthinking, and predatory.
Examples of green spells include wild, lush growth, sudden predatory hunger, and the might of an entire stampede.
Green mages summon a huge variety of creatures, from forest-dwelling animals to territorial elves and awe-inspiring behemoths. Some green creatures are living wellsprings of mana; others overrun their foes in a mighty rush of ferocious power. From towering nature elementals to carnivorous wurms, green creatures are the biggest and mightiest around.
Green is allied with white and red mana. Green mana and white mana share the values of holism, order, and community. Green and red mana share values of action, base urges, and connection to the earth.
Green mana opposes blue mana through the conflicts of the natural vs. the artificial, reality vs. illusion, and growth vs. stultification. Green mana opposes black mana through the conflicts of life vs. death, growth vs. decay, and greed vs. abundance.

The Principle of Summoning

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Creatures can be summoned in one of two ways:

Bending: A planeswalker exerts his or her will over a lower-minded creature nearby to control them for a time. This requires little to no mana expenditure, but is a technique lost to many planeswalkers after the Great Mending, and is somewhat faulty, as a strong-minded creature can break out of the planeswalker's control.

Pulling: A planeswalker literally pulls a creature from the aether, creating a very 3D, living illusion of the summoned creature, which can be dismissed after a time. This, however, requires incredible amounts of aether, the more the bigger and smarter the creature.

…However, there is a disturbance in the flow of mana now. Ten planeswalkers, two of every color, are sucked into a mana vortex and into the realm of Axys. It is a diverse realm, with many wonders and dangers. Your goal is to find a way to return back to your home realm… or make conquests in this one.
The realm in ringed to the north and south by mountain ranges. To the south, they’re known as the Sunflare mountains, and populated by beasts such as orcs, goblins, golems, and, of course, dragons. Red mana is abundant in that region, and many fire mages have set up societies there. To the north they’re known as the Frostpeak Rim, snowy and cold, inhabited by frost giants, sage owls, and more dragons. Viking-like human populations inhabit them.

In depth mountain profiles –

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Sunflare Mountains: not as tall as their northern counterparts, the Sunflare Mountains enjoy more genteel, rocky slopes, running all the way down to the ocean, the vegetation along the lines of tall grasses and olive trees, and the Mediterranean climate is compensated by cool ocean breezes. Many rich noblemen have beach homes along the mountains because of this. Rocky canyons dot the mountains, hidden caves lead to tantalizing secrets for those bold enough.
Dwarves mine the underground, rarely venturing above, constantly struggling with the goblins that pilfer their gems and donate them to the mighty dragons they worship in exchange for protection. One such dragon inhabits the tallest peak, Vulcan Summit. The dragon remains dormant, but the goblins steadily do their best to awaken the beast and wreak havoc upon the land.
Wurms burrow their way even deeper under the surface, devouring those that fall into their pit traps. Stone Golems patrol the ridges of the mountains, many ownerless and wild.
Despite these dangers, many pleasant towns, constructed of wood but mainly stone, line the crests and hills of the mountains, and intrepid explorers can find the very best hiking gear sold here. Mages usually are the town chiefs or advisors, and harness the powerful mana present to keep the villages safe, but most red mages born here venture out in the world, returning once they are old and wise to lead future generations. Many highly talented mages have been birthed by these mountains, and spells unique to this area are zealously guarded secrets.
Frostpeak Rim: Impossibly tall, sheer peaks rip into the air, constantly berated by snowstorms. Lightning and hail pound down on the icy ground, capable of giving way at any moment, plunging those that stand on it to the abysses below. Very few tend to venture here, scared off by the creatures – snow giants, and, the most deadly by far, the colony of dragons that inhabit the tallest peaks, known as Doomfang Crests – and the deadly climate. What little vegetation survives takes the form of mighty pine trees and tough undergrowth.
Human population is scarce, though a tribe of Vikings does make the mountains their home, the Rimlanders. Rim mages have strong connections to ice and the weather in particular, and their magic tends to be brutal, albeit short-lived.
There is no government in either of the mountains, each tribal chief is supreme ruler of that one village, and so it has been.

To the east, thick forests dominate the landscape, forming another impassable barrier. Elves and other forest creatures populate the massive oak and sequoia trees, forming an art-loving, shelter society, away from most of the cares and troubles of the outside world. However, one malady plagues the elves: a powerful demon, Vicaria, once claimed the land as his. A great war was fought, and Vicaria was trapped and imprisoned deep into an area of the forest, but traces of his influence still remain. The area where he, statuesque, is confined, has turned into a deadly marsh where none dare venture. Liches and wraiths populate the area, feeding of those stupid enough to fall into the marshe’s sticky clutches. And communing with Vicaira is another, more shadowy force… demons steadily gain their power.
Most mages in the forest are elves, and as such their magic extends to communicating with animals and powerful healing abilities. However, long-lived human druids also call the forest their home, and spend their lives in a contemplative state. Many powerful spell-scrolls can be found, bought, or traded for in the elven cities, though they guard their secrets zealously.

In-depth forest profile –

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All elven cities – for the forests are mainly inhabited by them – are built on the trees, which are still granted life by the most skilled elven mages. Elves are mostly vegetarian, and spend their lives laughing, singing and composing art. However, they are also skilled athletes and warriors, craftsmen of the strongest weapons and powerful artificers. Their capital, Galvania, is located at the very center of the forest, bordered by a massive lake, the Syl, which then becomes the largest river in the nation, cutting all the way to the ocean opposite in a diagonal course. A powerful and highly coveted talisman is held in Galvania’s royal palace – a hundred story tall sequoia tree – a gift given by the dragons and humans after the War in which all sides fought at the beginning of time: the Gauntlets of the Sage. With these artifacts, any dragon must obey, and the devastating magic within is a prize to any human mage. Therefore many harbor resentment towards the elves, and wish to possess the artifact. After many long centuries, the dragons forget the reason why they gifted the elves with the talismans, humans grow greedy.
Elven cities, save Galvania, have around a couple of hundred inhabitants. Elves value the rights of freedom and liberty of speech, and as such theirs is a democracy, each person allowed to vote.

Pockets of swamps dot the landscape, in concealed areas of the forest, or a surprising decay in mountainous landscapes. This bleak area is usually because of a battle where a strong curse was cast, or where a terrible entity is imprisoned. Black is not a powerful element in the mainland. The main dark creatures are zombies, wraiths, and the undead in general, but they tend to have short lives, courtesy of the many hunters.
Some human lords, however, secretly learn the dark arts, biding their time, a part of a larger, darker conspiracy.

Most of the landscape in Axys is dominated by plains, tall grasses, and corn fields, broken by occasional patches of cultivated areas or towns. Here the humans make their home, a diverse population, all orderly, most prosperous. It’s been ages since the shadow of war loomed above the human lands, but that might just change. Rumors are spreading of a certain lord Makdaw, power-hungry and ruthless, aiming to expand his Province into a unified kingdom.
For indeed, the land of the humans is divided into Provinces, the largest being Imperia, where the royal family resides. The rest is split into other Provinces, each lord owing their allegiance to the King, Duncan. The political system is a feudal one, and not always the people’s rights are respected. This causes a certain amount of malcontent amongst certain activists.

In depth plain profile –

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Most humans live off of their farms, the main produce being wheat and vegetables, though there are plenty of cattle areas. The houses are mainly wood with shingled roofs, though the richer provinces are luxurious, and the building materials more sturdy. The largest Provinces are centers of knowledge, with many a spell and artifact housed in the temples and castles. The main god worshiped is Evys, omnipotent and benevolent, the supreme source of white mana. However, the Church of Evys is regarded as corrupt and secretive, though they hold supreme power over most of what goes on.
Many skilled human warriors join the many Guilds that thrive in the land and venture out on quests to retrieve artifacts, or hire themselves out as mercenaries.
Many white mages act as judges or in positions of the law, but most are members of the Evys Church.

Though blue is not found in the mainland, save for some creatures in rivers and the birds of the air, the ocean teem with creatures such as mermaids, leviathans, and naiads. Around a day away by boat lie the Emeral Isles, a series of islands, interconnected by bridges and constructions. No roads are present, but waterways are diligently constructed, and the cities loom in towering spires. Blue is the only mana source, along with a few pockets of black, under the form of cultists and the feared Assassin’s Guild of the Isles. The strongest blue mages thrive in the realm of politics there.

In depth Isle profile –

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The islands are of varying size, small and rocky, vegetation along the lines of algae and more beach-like trees and bushes. It’s constantly misty there, courtesy of the landscape, and drizzles and squalls are common.
Black rock is the primary construction materials, and the Isles pay good money for wood, as their gondolas and boats are constructed out of it.
The political system is what keeps the Isles in such delicate balance: there are many different political parties, many different sects and Guilds, all vying for power. Anyone can rise to prominence, but only the truly powerful can stay on top of this deadly game. This is why many preeminent politicians and mages – usually they’re both – hire assassins to ‘take care’ of their strongest adversaries and keep a spy network always updated.
Currently, the strongest political families are the Nighteyes and the Gemini. Most side with either of the two, but both have radically different views. The Gemini are those for a more democratic approach, whilst the Nighteyes are ruthless and manifest more oppressive views. They are all atheist, and some choose to consort with demons, making most dubious individuals to trust.

A brief summary of the various Guilds

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Guild of Mercenaries and Warriors: the first and foremost of all guilds, they reside in the capital of the Imperia region, Imperia. You can regonize the building by the huge drape with their symbol, a bloody sword crossed over a bag of gold, in gold silk hanging over the impressive double-doors and the stark, stone building itself, free of any decoration. They're mages, warriors, former criminals, anything. The Guild isn't picky about whom they induct, and the mercenaries aren't picky about whom they serve, so long as they have money. But, in dealings with them, beware. They'd much rather slit your throat and steal what you have than risk your neck, though there are exceptions. The Guild has been involved in many a scandal, first and foremost the fact that the Guildmaster is, in fact, Dimitri Norton, the most notorious serial killer in Axys, though he repented ten years before when the SB beings and founded the Guild of Mercenaries. King Duncan acts as direct supervisor, but the mercenaries get what they want most of the time. A planeswalker, Marisa, known as 'Fury's Vengeance', is one of the top members.
Guild of Allied Mages: They're just that: a coalition of mages, from necromancers to illusionists, who formed an order so that the wizards can earn a living. However, almost half the wizards in Axys haven't joined, as they usually work alone, out of arrogance or paranoia, some forming small groups of three at most. The building is erected where the river Syl forms a lake, on top of an elaborate system of elegant fluted columns. Indeed, the whole building, made of white marble, is like a gothic cathedral, projecting upwards. The Guildmaster is a wise and venerable sage, Aristotle.
http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnai ... mbnail.jpg (a pic)
The Guild of Assassins: shady, darkness-loving, the assassins have their headquarters in the capital of the Emerald Islands, Vass, and are one of the highest grossing organizations in Axys. They accept anyone, much like the Guild of Mercenaries and Warriors, but the training they undergo is much darker and death-oriented. They do, however, have a code of honor, if somewhat perverted, which the Mercenaries don't. The Guildmaster also happens to be head of the Nighteye family, Lord Barses. His daughter, Vanessa, is also a highly efficient assassin.
https://d44ytnim3cfy5.cloudfront.net/as ... 1297618277 (pic)

Oh, and these aren't all the Guilds, just the three major ones. Other smaller Guilds are: the Guild of Alchemists and Mercenaries, the Guild of Travelers, Mapmakers, and Explorers, and so on.

The Character Profiles

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Code: Select all
[b]Race[/b](can be elf, can be vampire, can be dwarf, can be pretty much anything. Though please hit up magic the gathering wikia and read up about the and from which plane they come from if you opt to be something else other than human):
[b]Appearance[/b](Pic & Description, please a full body one, anime is fine, if you don't find it immediately that's okay, though please be descriptive):
[b]Personality[/b](make the individuals believable):
[b]History[/b] (if you're a MTG fan, then something brief on what other plane they inhabited. If you're not, have them suffer memory loss, maybe remember something important in their past):
[b]Color[/b](pick one, though they can have tendencies towards another):
[b]Particular skills[/b](depending on their color, of course):
[b]Other[/b](pretty much anything, make it believable):

Oh, and btw, even though it may seem obvious, your characters don't need to stay the same fixed person throught the whole SB. They, like people do, change and adapt, and there are many opportunities for that. Says who you might not become a Guildmaster, of even create your own, for example? Or become famous for one reason or another? Of course, that doesn't mean your characters have to change. This is just a reminder.

Available Spots

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White Planeswalker M: EloquentDragon
White Planeswalker F: Betheny
Red Planeswalker M:
Red Planeswalker F: noninjaspresent
Green Planeswalker M: xxmusicaxx
Green Planeswalker F: DragonGirl11
Black Planeswalker M: AnnieBauthor
Black Planeswalker F: PixieStix
Blue Planeswalker M: That would be me
Blue Planeswaker F: barefootrunner

A female elf is claimed by: thestorygirl

If you're interested in how to play:

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The Rules

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    -No Godmodding
    -No graphic sex scenes
    -Listen to me at all times when it comes to cards, planeswalker, and powers as well.
    -No killing off other characters without permission
    -350 word minimum

Link to DT
Last edited by Caesar on Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:35 am, edited 28 times in total.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Fri May 18, 2012 10:02 am
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noninjaes says...

Name: Venitre (Ve [pronounced "vay"] for short) Tamora

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Long, straight black hair that reaches to the middle of her back, a smooth white complexion, and deep jade eyes as cold as the stone itself. Ve is 183cm tall with a slim and lean hourglass frame. She is also muscular (but not too muscular). Ve has a tendency towards wearing black leather, particularly black leather boots with black jeans. She is also rarely seen without a pair of shades hiding her eyes. These shades are usually accompanied by a sexy but sardonic smile.
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I did my best to find a full body pic. This was as close as I could get.

Personality: Ve is a rather sexy and flirty yet sarcastic and sardonic person. She loves toying with peoples' minds and is often seen as a Planeswalker who should've been black. She usually keeps her emotions locked up inside, so very few people truly know what she's like. This leaves many people with a misguided idea about who she really is, but she's fine with that and enjoys the bad-girl image that she is portrayed as.

History: Venitre has spent all of her life in Borgardan of the Burning Isles in Dominaria. There, she has spent many of her days training to be a powerful Planeswalker in hopes of finally proving to her father that she is worthy to carry on the family name and become the heir to the Tamora's family fortune. But of course, her world is turned upside when she is sucked into the mana vortex, leaving her wondering if she'll ever see her home again.

Color: Mainly red, but also dipping into black at times.

Particular skills: Even though she is skilled in most works of red mana, she prefers lightning above all. Though, if her sparks are dampened by other forces, she enjoys getting up close and personal with daggers of fire. She also secretly practices a dark skill infused with both red and black mana - at it's weakest, implanting suggestions in someone's mind, helping to sway their thoughts, or at it's strongest, forcing someone to act against their will (even though all their thoughts will have them thinking this is what they wanted to do). Venitre has never tried the stronger forms of this magic. Even with the practice she has done, stronger minds are totally immune to her suggestions. Though, using her mind control abilities makes her extremely susceptible to mind attacks for a duration after casting the spell.

Other: Catering to her like of getting down and dirty in a fight, Ve has had hand-to-hand training. This makes her an even more formidable opponent. Her greatest weakness is her lust for power. She always has a dagger strapped to her thigh, hidden by her pants. She is up for love and may even try to use a little black mana on you if she likes you enough.
Last edited by noninjaes on Fri May 25, 2012 1:25 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Fri May 18, 2012 10:06 am
Caesar says...

Done. If you're a fan or know about it, remember that what plane you come from affects your appearance and powers.
This goes for everybody. What I can do is provide you guys with a list of planes based on details you all give me. Contact BogWraith about that as well.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Fri May 18, 2012 1:15 pm
PixieStix says...

Awesome. :) As requested, I will join.

I'll take a chick with the black power. :D
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Fri May 18, 2012 2:31 pm
PixieStix says...

Here: (Still in construction)

Name: Jacey West

Age: Around seventeen.

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire ( Originally from the mountains: Born, Raised and taught/fought there.)


http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/ ... usions.png

http://thetorchonline.com/wp-content/up ... 85-500.jpg

http://s2.favim.com/orig/32/beautiful-b ... 253386.jpg

Jacey has long brown, almost black hair with pale skin. Her eyes are naturally blue but when she gets angry or sad her eyes turn bright red. Her lips are naturally stained red from blood. Has a few freckles across her nose, full on lips, and deep eyes. She has curves, her body is very lean. She stands at 5'4" and usually wears boots with a black leather jacket and a low cut tank top with shorts. Don't let her appearance fool you, she's deadly and she knows it.

Personality(make the individuals believable): Jacey is dark and rude. She likes everything her way, never getting otherwise. She's mentally strong and reckless. Once messed with, she is very snotty and has the biggest attidude. She's stubborn and ignorant, wanting power more then anything. She's a great ally to have. She's bloodthirsty and sly, cunning. She uses boys as her prey, liking how bitter it is. She's rich and cocky, liking to be the center of attention.

History: Jacey was turned when she was sixteen. Newborn and ready for anything, she trained hard, wanting to find her way. Jacey was turned in the mountains, her birthplace. After being turned, Jacey doesn't remember anything of her childhood.

Color:: Black

Particular skills:Jacey is good at nightmares and bringing the dead back to life to her advantage.

Other: Up for love. Carries around two daggers that can take away life from another being. For example: Sucking the life or energy out of a human.
Last edited by PixieStix on Fri May 18, 2012 8:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Fri May 18, 2012 2:53 pm
Caesar says...

Name: Zane Thanos
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human.
http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/67 ... _super.jpg
He wears the customary dark blue robe of his brand of sorcerers, though his is rather more simple than most. Bands of lighter blue silk run from parts of his robe and are usually wrapped around his body. He wears thick dark blue gloves set with a Blue Mox stone (an artifact stored with blue mana) to increase his powers, although they only host a limited amount of energy, and Zane prefers not to recharge them often. Under the robe he wears comfortable dark blue pants with large pockets and leather boots. He has an angular face, rather pale, with deep blue eyes which flash indigo when he's casting magic, which he can do most subtly. He has a wave of midnight blue hair, sticking out in spikes under his hood, lined with purple at the edges. He has a lithe frame, not too muscular, and is thinner than normal. Then again, the body of a blue mage is never his strength.
Personality: Like all blue mages, he values knowledge, and actively pursues it to the best of his abilities. Once something piques his interest, he won't let it go, like a dog going after the marrow in a beast. Curiosity is his main flaw. However, Zane would much prefer his material well-being to his spiritual, and, in fact, pursues pleasure just as much as he does knowledge. He has a suave, calm manner, and is always soft-spoken and elegant in his demeanor. His face is about as inscrutable as his mind, usually his customary knowing smile is stamped on it.
History: Hailing from a rich and powerful family, Zane was a high-ranking member of the Dimir Guild in Ravnica, but got sucked into the portal that brought him here to Axys when experimenting.
Color: Blue, tending to Black
Particular skills: He's a lullmage. For those of you unfamiliar to MTG, it means he can pretty much do everything from illusions to mind control. Of course, he's powerful, but has much to learn, especially when it comes to mind control. For now, he can but encourage certain thought processes or dissuade others. But he's much better at illusions.
Other: at a belt on his waist, he has innumerable herbal ingredients, all designed to persuade and suggest, as well as a poisoned knife. Zane's ambiton is to learn time magic. He dislikes loud noises and those reckless, particularly Red mana users.
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Fri May 18, 2012 4:36 pm
Caesar says...

Alas, that is reserved. But if thebookworm drops out, it's all yours
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Fri May 18, 2012 5:09 pm
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Payne says...

Name: Aedan Richter

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Tall (6’ 3”), with a lean build. His hair is auburn, cut to just above shoulder-length; it shines flame-red in the sunlight. His eyes are a shade of pale blue that some people find unnerving. His facial structure is fairly strong, with well-defined cheekbones and a straight nose.
He typically wears a comfortable traveling tunic and trousers, which allow him to move freely in combat. Around his neck, he wears a small cloth bag on a loose chain; it holds a chip of stone taken from the mountains of his childhood, and a lock of golden hair tied with cord.
Spoiler! :
Unfortunately, it's hard to find a picture of Faramir smiling...or looking anything other than morbid. I'll look for something better later.

Personality: In hostile situations, Aedan has a tendency to go silent. He will quickly grow tired of words, preferring to use his formidable powers to solve issues. His temper is quick to kindle, and once angry he becomes a fire-wielding berserker who won’t stop until he is either incapacitated or has had his revenge. Generally, though, he’s easy-going and enjoys light conversation. He doesn’t always catch social cues, and so can be regarded as insensitive. Also, his lack of patience makes it hard to have a lengthy conversation.
On occasion, he becomes flirtatious and will try to insistently charm a woman who catches his eye.

History: Though it is known that he comes from the mountains, Aedan refuses to talk about his past, only occasionally hinting at some dark memory.

Color: Red

Particular skills: He is of course skilled in his manipulation of fire, but his control over lightning is erratic at best. When practicing, he can direct streams of electricity with moderate accuracy, but when in states of emotional flux he loses control and becomes a danger to himself and others. Aside from his powers, he is also a skilled melee fighter; his weapon of choice is a heavy oaken staff, which he has had since he was a child.
He often summons a large red dragon to aid him in battle, though she is sometimes ill-tempered and unwilling to help him.

Other: He does like to drink a bit.
Last edited by Payne on Fri May 25, 2012 5:36 am, edited 7 times in total.
I aim to misbehave.

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Fri May 18, 2012 6:46 pm
Betheny says...

Many thanks for thinking of me in this, I'll be reverving a female White plainswalker please :) I'll PM as soon as possible.
"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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Fri May 18, 2012 6:48 pm
Caesar says...

Good, thanks Beth.
Also, people please check the DT on regular basis. It will be constantly expanded.
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Fri May 18, 2012 7:16 pm
DragonGirl11 says...

Thanks for the invite! A friend of mine recently got me into the game, so I know a bit but not a lot about the Multiverse. Green female, if you please, Double I.

"You could look at the raindrops on your window, or you could look through the window and see the rainbow."
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Fri May 18, 2012 7:42 pm
thestorygirl says...

I call a black male! And is it possible that I can create a character from Axys, I was thinking a female elf. One that plays some sort of role in their adventures. I'd imagine if she had a personality or power orientation it be a mix of blue and red idealisms.
Last edited by thestorygirl on Fri May 18, 2012 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Fri May 18, 2012 7:43 pm
Caesar says...

Fine... but it's either the male or the elf.
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Fri May 18, 2012 7:44 pm
thestorygirl says...

I like the elf better.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Fri May 18, 2012 7:45 pm
Caesar says...

Elf it is, then
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